Sunday, July 31, 2016

Learn how to apply wing chun as an effective form of self defense

One of the ongoing things we’re trying at the dojo is broadening our student base. Lots of students get a little upset at punches flying at them, and the like, so we’re evaluating some of the softer styles for an introductory class. I’m looking at turning Wing Chun forms into the basis for a practical martial arts style, and helping with the instructions with it.

First, I learned Wing Chun as a “recuperative” style – I needed some time off to let my feet heal from doing stupid things with a wooden sparring dummy and inadequate footwear. My Dad had taken to Wing Chun for joint ailments as he’s gotten older, and had showed me some of the basics, and I asked permission of his teacher, Greg Pool, if I could record his opening lecture for his introductory class. This is what I got.

“Wing Chun is a balanced style, and I’m planning on doing the following forms with it: The open stance, which is fairly high, keeps the elbows close to the body, and keeps the balance over the knees, is a good one for getting pupils into, particularly if they don’t have a lot of martial arts training. The initial lessons will focus on relaxation techniques, and fluid movements. Wing Chun is a style that emphasizes relaxed motions – extra muscle tension slows down the speed of reactions, and builds up fatigue. While we’re going to focus on Wing Chun as, in some ways, an animated relaxation technique, this will be giving you the baseline for learning other martial arts, going to whatever styles you prefer.”

“The basic stance will have your feet at slightly less than shoulder width part, with your knees bent at about a 20 degree angle, and your toes pointed in. From this stance, breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth, and try to relax – you’ll feel a sense of dynamic tension in your hamstrings and quadriceps when you’re done.”

“For motions, we’ll start with the circular blocks from the left side going to the right. Again, redirection and smooth flow is the key to this. Watch what I do…breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth.”

Now, my experiences with Wing Chun are that it’s more like the Northern Chinese styles I’m familiar with – it’s a whole body style, emphasizing economy of motion and blocks. It’s got a lot of good footwork in its basic forms, and it’s used a lot in martial arts movies, most notably those starring Jet Li.

One of the oddities of the Wing Chun forms is that it really de-emphasizes kicks and throws and power moves. This is ultimately because it’s meant to be a defensive style first. Breaking the lines of the basic form for more power gives your opponent defensive opportunities. However, just because it’s a softer style, don’t think it’s a snap. Like all of the opening martial arts forms, it’ll leave you with a healthy sweat before you’re done, and your knees and hips will absolutely feel it.

The upper body workout focuses on delivering power through the sternum to the shoulder – you try to keep your arms relaxed before throwing a block or a strike, because relaxed muscles respond faster, and get more speed. Trying to power through a block or a punch is almost always slower.

Because the Wing Chun stance is higher than I’m used to, it takes some adjustment for me, not to sink too low. Fortunately, for most beginning students, a higher stance is more familiar to them from every day life. Very few people walk around in the Tiger Crouch when going to the super market, while Wing Chun isn't too far off from a standard "walking posture".

Las vegas how to ensure your vacation is full of adventure and kicks

Las Vegas was for a long time the adults playground. Las Vegas was and is the gambling and drinking capitol of the world, and it was just about as Wild West as you could get in the twentieth century. But in the last 20 years Las Vegas has changed into a large amusement park for the whole family. There is such a wide variety of things to do inside and outside of Las Vegas apart from gambling, that it would be a shame to pass up the opportunity to see some of the beautiful sites around the area.

1) Think location. A hotel that is located directly on the strip will end up being much higher in price than a hotel just off the strip. Really, glamour is nice, but saving a couple of extra hundred dollars in the long run will allow you the opportunity to do some great things that had not been originally accounted for.

2) Outside of Las Vegas are some very nice deserts and mountains. Easy to get to and very close, it is nice to take a break from the gambling and partying to get out and visit a bit of nature. Finding a hotel that is close to the Strip but also close to all the nature reserves is a big bonus when you are not having a good time at the casino tables.

3) Las Vegas is huge, and continues to grow, so trying to visit an amusement park on the outskirts from the Strip, may tend to be a bit difficult, so try to aim to be a little farther from all the traffic if you are not just gambling and are doing other fun things.

4) When searching for a place to stay in Las Vegas, you will find that in just about any direction there will be hotels in which to stay, offering a drive of less than 10 minutes to the Strip plus there is free parking at most casinos on the Strip for when you are going to gamble.

5) Think Entertainment! Check out the available shows during the time you are in Vegas. If you are lucky, you might get to see some of the greatest entertainers such as Jay Leno, Edwin Murphy, Sting, Bon Jovi, Celine Dion, Jeniffer Lopez, Shakira, Madonna and many many more for just a few dollars. Sometimes, you might get a ticket dirt-cheap if you only look around and ask. Since Vegas is relatively small, its worth your while to check out not just the shows that your hotel (however grand it is!) is planning for its customers, but also to check out those offered by the rest of the hotels in Las Vegas.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when traveling to Las Vegas. If you are traveling with the family, you will want to remember that Las Vegas and Nevada offer excellent hotels and casinos as well as some of the most undisturbed wildlife and nature reserves and fantastic camping in the area.

If you wish to find out more about the casinos in Las Vegas or the entertainment and different adventures you could take part in, go to gambling-portal. com for detailed reviews, explanations and hot tips.

Hiatal hernia signs and symptoms

When the upper part of the stomach pokes through the esophageal hiatus, because of a weakness in its muscles, hiatal hernia occurs. The esophageal hiatus is the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus enters the abdominal cavity.

At the esophagus' end there is the lower esophageal sphincter which has the role of a valve - it only allows food to travel one-way. There is also a second valve, which is the esophageal hiatus. The two valves are synchronized so that food from the stomach does not return back where it came from.

If the muscles get weak and the abdominal pressure increases, eventually the hiatus will stretch so much that the upper part of the stomach will pass through it thus causing the hiatal hernia.

In the early phases hiatal hernia does not present any symptoms so mostly it is discovered when you visit your doctor for a routine check. But as the illness advances symptoms are starting to appear. Among these there is heartburn, epigastric pain and rarely some infections

Paraesophageal hernia may cause some incarcerations or more acute epigastric pain, because of a strangulation. This type of hernia is rare but it is dangerous, life threatening maybe. Sometimes complications like stomach strangulation appear but in most cases this does not happen.

The most common hiatal hernias are the sliding hernias. These are not that dangerous, one of their bad symptoms is reflux esophagitis, which was noticed in any people that suffer from hiatal hernia. Some of them were also affected by Barrett's esophagus because of the hernia. Barrett's esophagus may present dysphagia or reflux symptoms.

Unfortunately hiatal hernia has parsyntoms that are multifactorial, like esophagitis and peptic ulcer. In extreme cases a carchinoma appears in the hernia or chest infections.

Doctors advise people who are suffering from hiatal hernia to try to lose some weight and not to wear tight clothes.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The hazards of online shoe shopping

The internet revolution has brought many wonderful methods of saving both time and money right into our homes. We can now purchase just about anything on the internet. We assume that purchases made on the internet are pretty much the same as purchasing in the store, and that if there’s a problem we can simply return it.

This can be a fallacy that lands us in a world of frustration, resentment, and bitter disappointment when dealing with customer service individuals. If you’ve decided to shop online for a pair of shoes, proceed with caution. First, make sure that you are dealing with a chain store and a reputable company, preferably one with a brick and mortar location near you so that if you can’t get anywhere with customer service you have the option of making a nuisance out of yourself at the local chain branch.

A person’s foot is not chronically the same size all the time. Age, activity factors, health issues, and weather can all have an affect on the size of a person’s foot. Ordering shoes online can be difficult as shoes tend to be cut uniquely and a size 8 is not always a size 8.

Double check your order before submitting and keep a close eye on the credit card statement. Double charges are not unusual. If you are dealing with a Mom and Pop store, you will be lucky to see any of your money back. Reputable chains have more sophisticated software and can often check their billing on the spot to verify and correct your claim.

It can be very difficult to prove, but sometimes the wrong shoes or shoes without laces or even just the one shoe arrives right on time. Calling to correct the situation can be taxing, long, and arduous. It is my personal belief that there are people working in the distribution warehouse that think sending out these funny orders is their idea of third shift entertainment.

Online ordering can be a pleasant experience most of the time. However, when a mistake is made it can be very difficult to get it cleared up. Whether the mistake is theirs or yours doesn’t really seem to be relevant, it is equally as difficult to clear up mistakes. After several tries and lost precious hours, it is time to head down to the local chain with your receipt and order in hand.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Guide to terrorism and world markets

What worse could have happened to the US economy then the 9th September 2001? Some perverted religious fanatics demolished the embodiment of the world trade. Terrorism is a threat to all the nations of the world. The human loss due to these activities cannot be condemned with words. The ruthlessness of the terror traders has an impact on each and every segment of life. The extent of these activities is extending by the day and the generally silent Europe too is feeling the cramps.

The world markets face the wrath of the terrorist activities in their faces. There is an overall loss to the business in many ways. The people suddenly fear traveling through air. The airline companies themselves are more apprehensive about continuing with their normal work. Apart from the loss in passengers, the security too has to be made very tight and the loss has to be born by the companies.

As a matter of fact, all sectors are put to a stand still due to these terror strikes. The direct effect of these is seen in the sudden drop in the markets. The stock prices do drop down and the trading comes to a stand still, however the business seldom stops and the markets show their cushioning effect by regaining the vigor. But at times the loss of even trading day can be fatal to a country’s economy.

Such attacks also incur a direct burden on the defense budget. It goes without saying that the governments do take desperate measures to minimize the losses and cover the country against the future threats. The new areas of defense research open up and thus fresh jobs are created. This brighter side of the attacks is over-shadowed by the loss of lives and panic that is created with in the country. The government, under such circumstances, looses the track of their priorities and the developmental works are sidelined. This causes damage to civic society.

The worst hit by terrorist activities is the third world countries. The terrorists make these vulnerable counties their bases and from here carry out the destructive activities. Their influence in such countries shows and threatens the developed world of their power and dominance. Thus such countries make an appropriate guinea pig. If a terrorists strike a big country or a city, the whole world knows about it. The tragedy with these countries is that their miseries are not broadcasted because of their non connectivity with the rest of the world. They are thus the breeding grounds of terrorism and worst hit areas by this destructive activity.

A joint effort by all the countries of the world, taking along the third world countries, is required to curb the growing tentacles of terrorism. Many big nations have joined hands against terrorism after major attacks in the world. They also need to include the most vulnerable victims of terrorism, the developing countries. Support to them, both economic and military, should be provided to them by the capable nations. Bodies like UN must pass resolutions and work upon them to uproot the cannibalistic practice of terrorism. Unless we don’t join our hands it would be very difficult to face these destructive forces and our economies will be victims of their activities.

Why should you use grading in the garden

Not all houses have perfect surroundings that will be easy to transform into outdoor recreation and entertainment areas with good lawns and gardens. It is frequently necessary to undertake some construction projects to obtain the quality and type of outdoor area you want. One of the basic construction problems for any landscaping task is grading the soil. Generally, grading means building a slope into the garden area. Sloping ensures that there is proper drainage, and it can make the house look better while allowing for easier maintenance.

Whether you want to have a garden, a lawn, or a terrace, you must do your grading first. The best time to grade is when a home is being constructed, since it is relatively simple to add a few inches between the entrance level and the ground level at this point. Just a few inches can ease the creation of a grade away from the house to improve its appearance and make for a drier basement, if you have one.

It is difficult to measure a grade by eye. Even professionals cannot do this. You should use a piece of twine as a guide. Pull the twine tight between two sticks imbedded in the ground. Once you’ve completed the rough work for leveling, use a long board as a straight edge on the ground to make sure you’ve been accurate. Rough grading is the first step in landscape construction. The extent of the grading depends on the condition of the ground and ground levels desired. You must also pay attention if there are extreme slopes and try to keep as closely as possible to natural contours. This reduces the expense of grading in a big way.

Begin grading by stripping and separating topsoil from the areas where the level is to be altered. Even if you are grading for a stone or concrete terrace, you should save the topsoil. You can spread the topsoil in areas where it is thin, or you can use it a flower garden and save yourself some money. Once you have stripped the topsoil, subsoil can be graded to the desired contours, leaving space for adding the topsoil that has been removed. You should also plan to have a slope for every one-hundred feet of lawn. The same measurement can be applied to a stone terrace to prevent pools of water to develop during periods of rain.

When you level an area for a terrace, you don’t need to insert subsoil drainage. Just save the topsoil. For nearly all terraces, it is good practice to tamp the soil down and even to put a layer of gravel cinder or crushed rock as a base for the terrace. Terraces typically require a level area, but the grade that slopes away from the house should be maintained.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Retire to asia - and why

In reading this article you may realize that the best part of your life could be in Asia, and the best time is now.

The theme of most retirement articles is the best place to retire in the USA. However, according to the AARP about 80 percent of Americans do not plan to move when they retire. Work a lifetime, and with the door open to have a fresh start in retirement, one just stays in the same town, the same house, the same routine. There must be a better quality of life in retirement, and there is! Nowadays, more retirees are not only moving from their house to another city or state, but are moving out of the United States.

Over recent years I have had an increasing number of friends write to me about my life in Asia. The motives behind the questions have varied from political discontentment to financial. Many of the concerns are related to the high cost of living, including heating and A/C bills, taxes, grocery bills, the cost of gasoline, medical bills, dental bills, home repair bills, and list goes on. There is no doubt about it, the cost of living in the USA goes higher each day. Many of those who write to me are not really enjoying their Golden Years but are just getting by. If you are in the stage of retirement planning or are now retired that should concern you, as each day is precious and we should be enjoying life to its fullest. The best is yet to come.

Travel with me down a different road of thought. I have lived in retirement for the past 7 years in Asia, in the beach resort city of Pattaya, Thailand. Being a tourist destination, you immediately picture an area with a beautiful bay view, fine restaurants, and entertainment galore. It is more than just that. It is so easy to get around the city using public transportation that my car sits in the driveway. We have modern shopping centers, movie complexes, health spa's, fitness centers, golf courses, and even an IT center with 5 floors of computers, mobile phones, and electronics. Pattaya has not one, but two International Standard hospitals. Health care is affordable. Being a tourist city, the Thai staff in most stores and restaurants speak English, German, Russian, and other languages. Language is not a problem, but learning a little basic Thai is both fun and useful. A Hollywood movie with English sound track, shown in a high tech theater costs around $2.50. The air-conditioned city bus is 50 cents, private buses around 25 cents. A Thai food-bar meal runs around 75 cents. We have clubs that meet weekly where the foreign community can get together. They have Open Forums where newcomers to the community can ask questions. The glimpse just given is representative of life for foreigners in most Asian countries. A stress free, quality lifestyle on your retirement pension.

Why Asia? Because Asia is the most exciting, the most user friendly continent on earth. Luxury living for pennies - not just "getting by" on your retirement pension. The United States and Europe are becoming almost impossibly expensive to live and retire in. Learn more about the Asian countries, which ones to consider for retirement, and why. If funds permit, plan a holiday visit to some of the countries of interest. Alternatively, the Internet is a great source of information. Also, one can join an Internet blog or group and gain information and tips from persons already living overseas. As I said in my opening, the best part of your life could be in Asia, and the best time is now.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chives allium schoenoprasum

Known as common garden chives, Allium schoenoprasum, can be grown indoors and out. Chives are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and calcium. They are grown for the flavour of their leaves, which is reminiscent of onion, although much milder. Both the stems and light purple flowers are used in cooking and the snipped leaves are an addition to many dishes. Chives lose their flavour with long cooking so it is best to add them to dishes at the last minute. For chopping stems, a pair of scissors is the best tool.

Chives can be frozen or dried. They are less flavourful when dried rather that frozen, so they are best used when fresh and snipped, or snipped and frozen. In both cases sort them carefully, removing any yellowing leaves and shoots, and keep only the plump green ones. It is possible to place chives in non-iodized salt, keep them there for several weeks, remove the leaves, and then bottle the ‘chive salt’ for use in flavouring.

Chives are a perennial in the garden and grow approximately 12 inches (30 cm) tall. They are extremely easy to grow, are drought tolerant, rarely suffer from disease or pest problems, and don’t require fertilizer. Cultivation requirements for growing chives: full sun, will tolerate light shade; grow best in well-drained, organic, fertile soil; keep soil moist – use mulch, and water during periods of drought. Chives tend to get overcrowded so dig and divide every three to four years.

Chives are easily grown from seed or can be brought indoors at the end of the growing season. If you are bringing chives indoors, divide a clump, and pot up in good houseplant soil. Leave your chive plant outdoors for a month or so after the first frost to provide a short period of dormancy. Bring them indoors and provide the requirements needed for them to start growing again. To harvest, snip leaves 2 inches (5cm) from the base of the plant. Cut flower stalks off at the soil line once they have finished blooming. This prevents the plant form forming seed and keeps it more productive.

Chives require at least five to eight hours of sunlight a day. Grow them on a southern or eastern exposure to the light. If you are growing them on a windowsill, turn regularly to ensure every side receives light. If you are unable to provide this amount of light, they also grow well under fluorescent lights. Hang lights 6 inches above the plants and leave lights on for 14 hours per day.

In the garden, plant chives with carrots. They are good companion plantings for tomatoes and fruit trees. Chives or garlic planted between rows of peas or lettuce control pashas and are reported to control the incidence of aphids when planted between roses. In the kitchen, use chives in omelets, scrambled eggs, casseroles, rice, dips, gravies, butter, meat, and seafood. Chives can be added to soft cheese, salads, sandwiches, sour cream, vinegar, and bake potatoes. Chive blossoms can be used for garnishing and are particularly attractive in salads. Chive stems can be used for tying up little bundles of vegetables for appetizers.

Great audi parts

In the last few years, Audi vehicles have become more and more popular. It is thought that Audi might even surpass Mercedes and be behind BMW. Here is a look at the best selling Audi accessories. You can be up to date and in style with the following accessories.

1. Custom Tail Lights. Altezza [or Euro] these lights are still popular. The parts look the best on older model Audis including the 90 and the 200.

2. Car Covers. Ask any owner of a classic Audi how they maintain their car's appearance and they will tell you: wash, wax, and cover. Washing and waxing alone are not enough. Keeping your car's paint protected can only be fulfilled by covering it with a custom fitted car cover.

3. Hood Protector: You can protect your grille and give your vehicle a special look with a custom fitted car cover. You can certainly choose one that is durable and designed for the exact Audi model you have.

4. Wheel Protectors. They can keep your tires looking great and keep your wheels looking shiny.

5. Performance Chips. A performance chip can help your engine run smoother and more efficiently without taking away from fuel economy.

6. Performance Exhaust. Many brands like Borla have come up with replacement exhaust systems that can help your car produce more power, have greater torque, and it could also increase your fuel economy. You also get a one million mile warranty.

So as you can see, Audi has really made a name for itself with its award wining Quattro and long leader in handling. If you own an Audi it is certain that it will give you many years of joyful driving. You can change your Audi the way you want with quality performance and replacement parts sold through online wholesalers. So make your new Audi unique as you are.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What are the advantages of watching satellite tv on your home pc

Computer hardware, software, and the vast infrastructure that constitutes our global communications network have made it not only possible but actually rather simple to enjoy the full benefits of satellite television from your home PC.

Is this legal?.... and is it free? Yes. Though that is a qualified yes depending on the specific television shows or movies you desire to watch. There are a range of methods to receive television content on your PC, including a high speed Internet connection, a satellite feed, a cable, or some combination of these methods. Before jumping in head first and setting satellite tv up on your PC, look at the true advantages of watching TV on your PC.

At present there are a lot of deeply ingrained cultural assumptions about what computers and televisions are for. Even though it is true that PC's are becoming more and more popular as an entertainment tool, playing computer games, surfing the web, chatting online etc..... they are still more closely associated with the workplace, and the idea of work in general. By contrast, the TV is associated with the domestic realm, and to some would even be considered the most relaxing space and activity to undergo in the home. Using a computer is generally an active experience, however watching TV is passive.... stretching out and laying on the couch....... or snuggling up in bed and catching a movie.

This much is clearer if you take a step back and look at the body positioning of someone using a computer compared to that of a person watching TV. In front of a computer, we are leaning toward it (often more than good posture would allow) and inputting directly onto an attached keyboard and mouse. In front of a TV, we are detached, sitting in our favorite recliner or couch, and inputting via a remote. Also, using the computer is thought of a solitary affair, while TV viewing is a family affair, or at least a more social one.

All this is changing of course, with television growing more and more interactive as it becomes digital (and, the opposite is true, with computers becoming more and more social with high speed connections bringing people together through real time text, audio, and video transactions).

So how has the viewing quality of satellite tv developed? Over recent years, home PC technology has seen a major re-development, making using a computer on a daily basis a much more enjoyable, flexible and efficient experience. As a result computers have become more and more a part of our everyday life, and now a more logical way to watch TV. The majority of households have converted from the old box monitors and monotone speakers to widescreen lcd and high quality surround sound speaker and sub packages. For more information on correctly upgrading the picture and audio quality from your PC, or simply connecting your computer with your existing television and stereo setup, read our information on home theater for your pc.

In saying this, convergence looks to be the magic word in terms of telecommunications media at work and play. And, if you don't mind blurring this distinction, convergence would be one of the most obvious benefits of setting up and receiving satellite TV on your household PC.

Convergence is not just about using the same device for business and pleasure, it's about doing an array of different tasks at the same time or from the same place. If you choose, you can simply let yourself become sidetracked and surf the new while watching a slowmoving sporting event, or during the adbreaks of your favorite television series. You may remember to pay a forgotten bill while you are watching the nightly business news. You might even want to look up a few reviews of a movie that's about to start but you haven't decided whether or not to sit through it. You would also be able to easily access and play media on your TV (audio or video) that is stored on your computer. In general, convergence creates a network between your own personalized communication devices - phone, computer, television - that effectively enables them to "talk" to each other.

It's the simple tasks you can achieve that make watching television on your PC a desirable option. You would accomplish all of the above multi-tasking by minimizing the TV content in a smaller window on your computer, while freeing up the rest of space for your other tasks. Of course, an adept multi-tasker may choose to watch one (or several) TV channels on multiple windows, while surfing the net, cooking dinner, and playing harmonica all at the same time.

Other benefits to watching TV on your computer arise from the ability to receive television shows that would be otherwise un-accessible for various reasons.

For example, with a high speed Internet connection and a media player (freely available software such as QuickTime or Windows Media Player), you can access some television content that may not otherwise be available to you in your location. The ability to watch remote content is then another benefit of watching TV on your PC. Such content might be foreign language programming that actually originates in a different country.

In addition, the television shows you enjoy and decide to watch online are not necessarily remote in a spatial sense; they can be "temporally" remote. For instance, you may be able to access a sports event that you would ordinarily receive much later in time through digital feeds that you can stream via the Internet.

Another common issue that watching TV on the computer solves is the ability to access shows that appeal to a smaller viewing market. Your computer opens up channels for content that falls outside what would be deemed mainstream or designed for the mass market. In this sense, it is a simple task to download TV that is said to be "narrowcast" - as opposed to broadcast - and designed to reach a multiplicity of smaller targeted audiences, rather than one massive homogenized one. Staunch advocates of narrowcasting believe that there is really no such thing as a mass audience anyway. Examples of niche marketing would include anything from religious sermons delivered in non-mainstream religions to cooking shows for, say, gluten-free vegans.

Before throwing out your old television set and coming over to the PC side, make sure you are actually going to use your PC TV technology, research your options, and find the most suitable satellite tv software for your needs.

Coober pedy - the opal capital of australia

Coober Pedy is without a doubt one of the most unique outback destinations in Australia. Set in a stark arid landscape often compared to Mars, this outback mining town where many people live underground is the source of most of the world's precious opal production.

Coober Pedy is located about 850 kilometres north of Adelaide in remote outback Australia. The name Coober Pedy comes from a local indigenous language, Kupa meaning 'white man' and Piti meaning 'hole', and translates as 'white fellas hole in the ground', reflecting the fact that Coober Pedy is the Opal Capital of Australia and the world. It also reflects the fact many residents live in homes excavated underground due to the extreme climatic conditions of the area.

Opal mining commenced in Coober Pedy in 1915 and continues today. In that time the outback town has evolved in to one of the most unique places in Australia and perhaps the world. A cosmopolitan town of 3,500 inhabitants from over 45 different nationalities, it is today a relaxed and friendly town characterised by cultural tolerance, diversity and acceptance.

Apart from opal production, Coober Pedy is known for its unique style of underground living. Visitors can find a range of underground accommodation in addition to above ground accommodation for those who prefer it. There are many often luxurious underground homes to explore in addition to underground shops, museums, art galleries and mines.

Coober Pedy enjoys a typical semi-desert climate. Between April and October the weather is pleasant, with mild daytime temperatures of 16 to 20 C but cold desert nights. From November to March, summer temperatures are hot and range from 35 to 45 C, and occasionally reach as high as 50 C. No wonder the locals prefer to live in the relative comfort of underground homes! Annual rainfall is unpredictable and minimal at an average of around 175 millimetres.

Opal was first found on the surface at Coober Pedy in 1915, while the New Colorado Prospecting Syndicate consisting of Jim Hutchison, his son William Hutchison, P Winch and M McKenzie were searching unsuccessfully for gold south in the area. This was on the 1st of February 1915, and the first opal claim was pegged eight days later. Originally known as the Stuart Range Opal Field (after early explorer John McDouall Stuart, the first European explorer to traverse the area in 1858), this name was changed to Coober Pedy in 1920.

Opal prices fell dramatically and production almost came to a standstill during the Great Depression of the 1930's. As has been typical of Coober Pedy's history of cyclic boom and bust periods over the decades, an Aboriginal woman named Tottie Bryant made a sensational opal find in 1946 which initiated a new rush to the Coober Pedy opal fields. Mining activity grew rapidly during the 1960s as many new European migrants arrived seeking their fortunes. Since then, opal mining has develop into a multi million dollar industry and Coober Pedy has grown into a modern outback mining town.

Opal is a type of silica similar to quartz, but it contains water within its mineral structure. Precious opal typically contains 6% to 10% water. Opal occurs in many varieties, including precious opal and potch. In precious opal, brilliant colours are created by the diffraction of white light by silica spheres and voids within the opal structure, similar to a prism effect. The colour range of a precious opal is determined by the size and spacing of the silica spheres. Smaller spheres produce blue opal only, while larger spheres produce red opal. Red opal can also display the entire spectrum of colours. Opal colour is influenced by the angle of the light falling on it, and can change or disappear as the stone is rotated. Potch opal has silica spheres which are too small and irregular to produce colour.

If you are interested in purchasing precious opal, be aware that to date attempts to establish guidelines for setting opal values have been largely unsuccessful. This is because of the infinite variation in colour pattern found in opals. The most important factors determining the price of opal are the background colour (black opal being more valuable than clear or crystal opal, which in turn is more valuable than white or milky opal), the dominant fire colour (red-fire opal being more valuable than a green opal, which in turn is more valuable than blue opal), and the colour pattern (harlequin opal with patches of colour is more valuable than pinfire opal with speckled colour). Be aware also that there is a significant difference between the value of uncut opal and that of a cut and polished stone.

Online homeowner loans -technology for convenience

Any new technology has in its background certain difficulties that it aims to counter. When online homeowner loans were launched for the first time, they too had a difficulty to do away with. The difficulty was for the borrowers who had to come to the loan providers’ office, sometimes from miles far off, leaving their own work, for completing homeowner loan formalities. Anyone who is employed will know how difficult it is to get a leave. And even when the leave is sanctioned, there is double the normal work pending the next day.

The introduction of internet technology will indeed come as a welcome relief for people already stressed with debts. Visiting loan provider has become old fashioned now. The new age borrower can easily accommodate the loan search and loan application in his hectic work schedule through the use of internet. Instead of meeting loan provider in person, the borrower uses internet to determine the credentials of the loan provider and the homeowner loans that he is being offered. The time that one spends on commuting to and fro to one lender can help borrower to search hundreds of loan providers in the UK. At the same time, the borrower can also apply for homeowner loan quotes from a select group of loan providers.

The current fashion demands of the borrower to be computer savvy. He need not have a formal degree in computers, but a working knowledge of computers will be necessary. The use of ones computer skills will not involve more than being conversant with the search engines. Search engine is a database of several websites. An individual who is in need of online homeowner loans will simply type the relevant keyword on the search engine home page. The results from the search engine are really amazing. Hundreds and thousands of loan providers in the UK come out before the borrower.

However, there is a major drawback that online homeowner loan search is associated with. How do you know which loan provider is good? Above all, which loan provider is genuine and which is fake? Do you face a similar problem when you utilise a manual search for loans? Generally not. The size of office that the lender maintains and the way the lender’s representatives deal with you may be sufficient reasons to opt for that particular loan provider. This is however absent in a web based loan search. There is a huge pile of text before the borrower. Anyone who has an experience of undertaking web based loan search will agree to the fact that most loan websites do not write anything except the good of their company.

What is needed is searching online homeowner loans on a large scale and the ability to deal with statistics. When you search on a large scale, you learn to appreciate that certain features a loan provider was boasting of, is common. You also get to know of features that are uncommon and would interest you.

The use of statistics will help in making your search more objective. When you compare APRs using an online loan calculator, you instantly know of the loan provider/ loan providers who are offering the cheapest rates. You are also able to see through the claims of the lenders who declare that their rates are the lowest.

There are quite a few people who use repayment calculator to determine their eligibility for a particular homeowner loan. Repayment calculator is a programme wherein borrower submits the amount and the period for which he wants the online homeowner loan, and the result is the monthly repayment. If the monthly repayment, so derived, can be easily taken out from ones monthly income, then the borrower must go ahead with the idea of taking an online homeowner loan. If not, then the borrower must leave the idea altogether or go for a reduced amount of loan.

It is more convenient to apply to online homeowner loans. Online loan providers provide a link whereby borrowers can apply for the relevant product. The loan applications nowadays are a far cry from the applications earlier. They have become more simple and short now. When a borrower applies through the online application form, they are instantly received by the lenders representatives. An online homeowner loan is thus faster in approval.

There are quite a few borrowers who are on the final stages of the loan and haven’t ever met the loan provider once. We do not consider this a good approach towards loans since they present an obligation over the borrower. Accordingly, it will be wise if the borrower met and discussed with the loan providers for a few times during the final stages of the homeowner loan; particularly during the time decisions on interest and repayment are being made.

Look no further than a-1perfection for disaster management services

If you look at A-1perfection, you will be pleased to know that the company specializes in providing total reconstruction services in case disaster strikes. A disaster can cause damage and ruin property worth millions of dollars and it becomes important to choose a professional team of experts to stop the damage from spreading and to minimize losses.

At A-1perfection you get the best advice and service from a professional team of experts from different fields who are capable of handling the whole reconstruction operation. No matter what the cause of damage is, the company will take care of everything in great detail. The company specializes in water and fire damage reconstruction as well as carpet cleaning, duct cleaning, and even a complete commercial move out.

A-1perfection has a team of carpenters, electricians, plumbers, architects, etc. to have your property up and running again. Each professional has a highly specialized job thereby making reconstruction quick. The full team can reach the site within a maximum of two hours and start its work. In case of water damage restoration, the team can quickly drain the water from the affected area and also disinfect the area. In case of fire damage restoration the team will do its best to slow down and kill the spreading fire. It will then proceed to reducing the spread of damage and make the area smoke and odor free.

A-1perfection has advanced tools and equipment to handle any type of disaster. Even in case of a bio-hazard, the company can return your unsafe home or office to normal condition in a short period of time. In case of duct cleaning, the professionals can quickly remove the debris, pollutants, and dirt from the air ducts. For move outs the company can help you decide whether to relocate, restore, or repair the contents.

Each employee at A-1perfection goes through a rigorous program of hands-on training before he is introduced to the permanent team. The natural catastrophe team is always on its toes and ready for any type of damage caused due to natural phenomena like storms, hurricanes and torrential rains. The company has tie ups with major insurance companies and can help you evaluate your loss and then claim the insurance amount.

No matter what type of damage has been cased to property, A-1perfection is always there for you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Help is now just a call away. You will be greeted by a professional who will direct you to the right department. A-1perfection will also help you with disaster preparation plan. Service is 100% guaranteed at A-1perfection.

What do you need to know about stem cells

Researches in medical science have been in development since the early existence of mankind. Since ancient times medical treatments have undergone huge advancement in the type of remedial options practiced for the cure of existing ailments in human body. The latest development in medical science is the use of stem cells for restoration of health. Stem cells in general term refers to the fertilized human embryo that has an ability to develop into any other 220 types of cells present in an adult human body. There is also another from of stem cell which is a particular cell found in every adult or even a child. This adult stem cell is supposed to be capable of generating a specific type of new cells that are required for the person suffering from any cell degeneration disease. While the later type of stem cell i. e. cells from adults hardly raise any controversial issues the former cells obtained from fertilized human embryo is a topic for hot debate among people with different mind sets.

Men have been suffering from many forms of diseases since the advent of mankind and this has been a cause of great suffering for many people who are unfortunately attacked by some incurable health hazard. The most common diseases being the Alzheimer’s disorder, the Parkinson’s disorder, cancer or the like. Even such life taking physical problems are being advocated to be possible to be cured by the stem cell theory. Hence people in the field of medical advancements strongly support the researches based on stem cell theory. Stem cell advancement has been a light of hope for people suffering from diseases that were supposed to be incurable until now. Medical scientists have done experiments to almost establish the fact that fertilized embryos of human origin can be used for successful treatment of diseases in which the present damaged cells in any person’s body were incapable of regenerating themselves.

While the possible treatment by stem cells has been good news but its origin from a fertilized human embryo has led to hot debates within people of different opinions. A fertilized embryo is often referred to as a living being and harvesting it for the purpose of medicinal use leads to an end of embryonic life. Hence it raises a question of ethics that should one life be sacrificed for saving another. Many people especially certain religious organizations and the Catholics stand very opposed to this form of medical research and have boycotted it since it’s beginning. But for those who are in favor of rearing stem cells defend saying that such researches were carried on embryos that were never meant to develop into humans. Some couples seeking fertility treatment left many fertilized embryos in the laboratories of which at max only one developed to be fit for transplanting into female body only those unused source of fertilized embryos were used for the purpose of research.

Although there are theories that at present no misuse of human fertility is done for harvesting stem cells. But less can be promised today that once using stem cells for successful treatment of degenerating cells is established there will be no case of producing embryo’s specifically for this purpose.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Car rental for under 19 s

In most countries, car hire companies only cater for drivers that are older than 21 or 23 years of age. Even in South Africa it can be quite difficult to get a company that does’nt wrinkle their noses at younger drivers.

Why on earth do we qualify for licenses once we reach the age of eighteen? I’ve asked this question numerous times over the years.

I think the fact that its so hard to rent a car if your under-21 can be compared to the same reasoning applied to car insurance. The younger you are the more you pay. And, if you are under 25 then your payments per month are particularly more than someone of lets say 30 years of age.

As far as I know, it’s because there’s a larger risk involved with younger drivers. The high accident rate obtained by some reckless under 21 drivers has caused young drivers from all over immense distress.

For tourists, students and anyone under 21, travelling can be quite an issue. A country like South Africa for instance has barely any form of decent affordable public transport. A private taxi is very highly priced, trains are dangerous and local minivan taxi’s are generally overcrowded.

Now where will you find reliable, affordable car hire?

Browsing the Internet I found very few car rental sites who considered renting cars to people under 21. Eventually I found one specific site who took under 21’s into consideration.

I could barely believe it! A car hire company who trusts someone under the age of 25? Even better - a car rental company who caters for under 21’s, under 20’s AND under 19’s!

I was quickly inspecting the website, trying to find some or other catch somewhere in the text. Nothing. They have one or two specific requirements and that’s it.

They even state that they will meet all your car rental requirements and rent you a car that’s affordable, reliable and economical. Being economical is quite important as South Africa has been hit by numerous petrol hikes in the last couple of months.

As an added bonus, you can collect and drop off your car almost anywhere in South Africa. Not only do you get unlimited kilometres and insurance, you can also cross the South African border into neighboring countries.

SO if you have a valid drivers license, a clean record and your 18 years or older, you can relax! Whenever you need a car rental in South Africa you will be able to get it. Under 19, 20 or 21’s rest assured!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Finding the best paris long term apartment rental for you

If you have ever considered spending a summer in the wonderful city of Paris, you will be glad to learn that many people get a Paris long term apartment for their stays in this magnificent city. When you stay in Paris, you will be surrounded by years of history, a wonderful culture, and beauty everywhere. If you are thinking about staying for a period of more than one month, then getting a Paris long term rental will save you considerably, and you can spend your time enjoying the moments, instead of wondering how you will pay for your housing!

If you have specific needs that you will be looking for in your Paris long term apartment, it would be best for you to make a list of these needs before you begin looking. If you know that you will require an apartment on the ground floor, or you and your friends will be needing a certain number of bedrooms, or even if you are looking for an apartment that is near a certain destination in the city, it will help you quickly eliminate those apartments that just won’t do by having the list handy when you begin talking to the landlord.

Another great tip to help you in your search for a Paris long term rental is to look online for a forum of people that live in Paris or have visited Paris. They will be able to answer most of your questions that you could ask about the city and the available apartments. You may even find someone that has an apartment for rent and they will be able to accommodate your needs for your stay. You will also find many people that will recommend the apartments that they stayed in, or possibly help you to avoid a pitfall that you had not thought of before.

Everyone can enjoy their stay in Paris, especially when they are not worried about where they will be staying at night! You will have a much better trip when you know that you have a long term apartment at your disposal, so that you can rest and relax after a long day of sight seeing!

Email fight club - avoiding spam spyware scams and cookie hunters

Email Fight Club Rules

Follow these 10 common sense suggestions to avoid email trouble.

1. Suspect Everyone: Most unsolicited email is harmless junk from someone just hoping to make a sale or generate a list. However, there are some unscrupulous players out there ( You know...the one with the rich uncle that just died in Nigeria) that are trying to scam you. Never reply to these unsolicited emails. Even "unsubscribe" will alert the senders that your email address is being used. If it looks to be of interest and they list a web site, type it into your browser to check it out.

2. "Just Say No" to Porn: Nancy Reagan was right! You know where the bad stuff comes from, so filter it out. Messaging software filtering tools will reject mail from your frequent spammers' email addresses, or with certain words ("sex", "porn", or "free meds", for example) in the subject line. It's easy to set up. Just log on to your email, click on "settings" and follow the directions. Even I could figure this one out without asking my wife for help!

3. Avoid SPAM - It's Nasty: Almost every Internet Service Provider has a spam blocker these days. If yours doesn't (you should probably switch), there are several good third party spam blocking services such as Brightmail ( brightmail. com). I have several email accounts, and for kicks I note how much email gets tossed into the spam folder every day. Typically, it averages around 2500 - 3000 per account. I run a couple of Internet businesses, so that number is quite a bit above average for a single user. I do however, thank the geeks that developed spam blocking every day.

4. Join Users Anonymous: Unless you are involved in Internet Commerce of some sort (and want as much exposure as possible), you should pull your listings from the large directory services. You probably never (knowingly) signed up in the first place, but chances are, your email address is included in some large data bases. Directories such as Bigfoot, Infospace, Switchboard, Yahoo People Search, and Who where are good about taking your listing down if you ask them to.

5. Scramble Your Eggs: Encrypt and digitally sign all your sensitive email messages. This is a bit of a pain, but you only need to get burnt once to know how important it is. If your messaging software doesn't support robust encryption, you can download PGP Freeware encryption software at web. mit. edu/network/pgp. html. Leave it up to the geeks at MIT (No offense intended Matt). Most messaging systems have industry standard encryption capability. If you are like me, you probably just never cared to notice.

6. Use Zip-Locks: Zip and Encrypt important attachments. Most modern computers come with WinZip installed. If you don't have it, you can find it at ( winzip. com). Easy to use software that will compress and password protect your attachments.

7. Don't Eat the Cookies: Cookies are trackers that remember your IP address. They are convenient for sites that you use often and don't want to go through the entire validation process. However, some evil-doers will send you email with a sort of "cookie collector" to snag your info. Problem here is you might already be a goner before you realize it's a bogus email (especially if you neglect suggestion 3). To avoid cookies sent via email, use email client software, such as Eudora Pro, that lets you shut off its automatic Web Browser rendering engine. This step is a little hard core for the average Joe, but those of you who need it know who you are.

8. Mind Your Own Business: Avoid using your browser to read email on someone else's machine. If you are a busy body and insist on snooping, ALWAYS use "Clear History" when you finish to prevent subsequent users from getting into your mailbox.

9. Never get "Personal" at work: Violation of this simple rule gets more people burned than any other act of defiance in the modern workplace. We had quite the network of great videos (You know the kind I mean) and jokes floating around the LAN on the last ship I sailed in...until one of the Server IT people showed me what they can spy on. Trust me--BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! Never send sensitive personal messages on your work machine.

10. Let Norton Cook: This is just so basic that you probably SHOULD be burned if you blow this one. Keep your anti virus software updated. I know it sucks when it is time to pay again; especially when you haven't had a problem for two years...but paying for those routine updates is probably why you haven't. If your hard drive fried today, would you pay someone 30 bucks to make it all better right this instant? Thought so--Update it!

And the # 1 Rule of Fight Club is...

...........NEVER EVER under any circumstances EVER EVER leave your email logged on and your desk unoccupied at work! If you do, you have no one to blame but yourself. A co-worker's open email account is fair game--and it's "Take no Prisoners" time!

Well, that's it. A few basic do's and don'ts that will keep you in the fight and keep you out of trouble.

Cervical radiculopathy diagnosing a pinched nerve in the neck

When a nerve is pinched in the neck’s spinal column, pain can be such a prominent symptom that more subtle, but diagnostic, aspects are overlooked.

By way of background, the spinal cord in the neck is connected to the nerves of the arms through pairs of spinal nerves. These spinal nerves, also known as roots or “radicles,” transmit incoming messages (electrical impulses) from the arms’ nerves concerning sensations of touch, pain, heat and cold on various patches of skin. Additionally, the cervical roots convey outgoing messages (also electrical impulses) through the arms’ nerves to their muscles, causing them to contract.

So when a cervical root is pinched, the pinch can cause not just pain, but--by blocking incoming and outgoing nerve impulses--it can also produce numbness of patches of skin, weakness of muscles, or both. The syndrome caused by the pinch in the neck is called cervical radiculopathy. The suffix “-pathy” means damage or impairment, so radiculopathy means damage or impairment of a radicle (root).

There are four pairs of cervical roots connecting the spinal cord to the arms’ nerves and they are named for the segment of spinal cord to which they are attached--C5, C6, C7 and C8, with the “C” designating cervical. While a pinch of any of these roots typically produces searing, deep pain in the shoulder which preoccupies the unfortunate person who has it, the shoulder pain is the least identifying or diagnostic component of the person’s symptoms.

The pain often shoots into the arm on the affected side, and certain movements of head and neck can worsen or reproduce this pain. While the arm component of the pain is less intense than that felt in the shoulder, its location is often the key to figuring out which root is pinched. Moreover, the pattern of numbness or weakness also varies according to which root is pinched. These patterns are almost identical from person to person and are as follows:

C5 impairment can send pain over the top of the shoulder in the first fourth of the arm which is also where numbness occurs, when present. When there is weakness, it involves the ability to elevate the arm sideways to the level of the shoulder or above. There are no good (rubber-hammer-type) reflexes the doctor can use to test this root.

C6 impairment can send pain as far as the thumb which is also where numbness occurs, when present. When there is weakness, it involves the ability to bend the elbow. The doctor can additionally test for C6 impairment with the biceps-reflex which involves striking a tendon in the crook of the elbow.

C7 impairment can send pain as far as the middle fingers which is also where numbness occurs, when present. When there is weakness, it involves the ability to straighten the elbow. The doctor can additionally test for C7 impairment with the triceps-reflex which involves striking a tendon on the back of the elbow.

C8 impairment can send pain as far as the little finger which is also where numbness occurs, when present. When there is weakness, it involves certain hand-movements, including the ability to join the tips of the thumb and the little finger and also to spread the fingers sideways. There are no good reflexes the doctor can use to test this root.

Having identified the typical syndromes, the next step is to understand what caused the pinch in the first place. It is typically one of two things--a herniated (“slipped”) disk or a bony spur. Younger adults are more likely to have a herniated disk and older adults are more likely to have a bony spur. Disks are soft structures sandwiched between each pair of spinal column bones (vertebral bodies). Their ordinarily tough outer membranes can weaken and allow extrusion of inner disk material--somewhat like toothpaste squeezed out of a tube--into the side-canals through which the spinal roots must pass. This traps and compresses them. Bony spurs, in contrast, are not soft at all. Instead, they are hard ridges of excess bone located on the edges of the back-bones. They are produced by arthritic degeneration. They, too, can trap and compress the spinal roots where they exit the spine.

How is cervical radiculopathy diagnosed? As described, the patient’s history and examination are often very informative and specific. When the pattern of nerve-impairment is ambiguous, tests of nerve and muscle electricity--called nerve conduction studies and electromyography--can help localize the impairment. These electrical tests can also detect impairments in the nerves of the arms which might mimic cervical radiculopathy, but require different medical management.

Until the 1980s myelograms made the best pictures of the pinches occurring in the spine. To perform a myelogram a doctor started with a lumbar puncture (also known as a spinal tap) in the patient’s lower back and injected x-ray dye into the watery space within the membrane covering the spinal cord and its roots. The patient was then tilted so that the dye ran into the corresponding space in the neck. Standard x-ray pictures showed the column of dye together with any indentations of the column caused by a herniated disk or bony spur.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was developed in the 1980s and created similar pictures but without having to do a spinal tap or dye infusion. Computed tomographic (CT) scans, developed in the 1970s, are generally the least useful of the spinal imaging techniques, except when an immediately preceding myelogram has been performed, in which case they can be strikingly helpful. Each of these these imaging tests has its strengths and weaknesses--none of them is always the best--so testing must be tailored to each case.

And how about treatment of this condition? Well, that’s a story deserving its own essay. Stay tuned.

(C) 2005 by Gary Cordingley

Friday, July 22, 2016

The four poster bed - the ultimate dream

Life would be very boring if everybody wanted the same thing, so it is just as well we all have different tastes. The function of a bed could be solved with a mattress on the floor, and in many countries in the world this would be regarded as a luxury. Any culture capable of reading this has progressed from this stage in evolution, although it would be wonderful to eradicate poverty. People want more than a plain bed frame; they want a centrepiece of the room, probably the room in the house where they spend most time, albeit asleep. For many generations, the four-poster bed has been revered as the elite bed, many believing it to be the ultimate possession. Four-poster beds with or without canopies made in wood or metal are still extremely popular, with history playing an important part in how we feel about it.

There are two fields of thought relating to the four-poster bed, that of the British, and the Americans. In the U. K. (and Europe) we consider a four-poster bed to be a bed with four posts, cornice, high headboard and roof, but in the States, I understand this would be called a four-poster canopy bed. In the U. S. a four-poster bed is exactly that, a bed with four posts, no cornice, no roof, just four posts. The tall, elongated posts stand like spires above the rest of the bed, often ending in finials. For obvious reasons, this style is frequently called a pencil bed. We have seen and made a variety of posts for these beds, either slender to give it a Shaker feel, or chunky for a country flavour. The posts can be turned round, left square, but tapering with some shaped features, or octagonal. They can have twists, flutes (dished hollows), or reeds (raised beads), or even inlayed wood down the length of the post. The list for the traditional looking posts is long enough, but if you start to get away from the past, and what’s been done before, then a whole new world can open up, it’s just a question of what the public will tolerate.

Traditional British four-poster or canopy beds had turned, reeded, fluted or twisted posts, indeed, many were made more ornate with extensive carving added to them. In years gone by, only wealthy noblemen would own such a bed and when he died one of the treasures was the four-poster bed.

It’s amazing just how many people love or always wanted a four-poster bed with a full canopy, many feeling it an ambition or dream fulfilled when they finally own one. You will hear comments like, ‘I saw one once,’ or ‘I slept in one, and I’ve always wanted one ever since.’ Many consider the four-poster to be extremely romantic, but it may all come back to fairy tails, and the days of fair maidens, white horses and shiny knights, or were they white knights. Tradition has instilled into many of us to aspire to own a four-poster bed, antique if possible. Failing that, then reproduction is a good alternative, as it is often not as costly, and when you commission a piece of furniture, you get what you want. People at furniture auctions either seem to compromise their wish or wait till next time, whereas asking a furniture maker for something you can have any size, style, wood, colour or carving that you wish.

The more bed you have, the more you can personalise it, and by the time it is complete, you would rarely find two the same. So the four-poster bed is ideal, with a choice of several wood, post and panel designs, carving, finished colour (including paint), and the variety in size and height, four posters are very individual. If you add to that the variety of fabrics, patterns and colours available from which drapes can be made, there is no end to the possibilities. It is not just the look of the bed that is important, but also the feel. The sheets are a critical factor in feeling the quality of your bed, and as you spend a third if your life there, you may as well make it comfortable, so buy good quality linen.

From heavy tapestries draped over deeply carved posts, with linenfold panels and a fully enclosed oak roof, to light silks and lacy dressing an American style pencil bed with no footboard, fine rope twists ending in a finial rather like that of a pawn or bishop in a chess set, the four-poster bed will survive for many more centuries. It is up to us to start looking into the future, moving with the times, developing new styles, dragging the bed by its’ posts into the 21st Century, to be held in esteem as the ultimate dream for another 600 years.

Avoid the trap when you consolidate debt part iii

Avoid the Trap When You Consolidate Debt


To consolidate debt is a great idea with a trap built into it. The technique described here helps everyone in debt, but if you have an ongoing credit card debt you desperately need this article.


* Part I Don't get into debt. Ways to avoid it.

* Part II The big advantages of student loan consolidation

* Part III This article


The Trap


When you consolidate your debt, will you celebrate your freedom from credit card debt by going out and buying more on your credit card? Do you really want to live your life in debt, or would you prefer to take charge of your finances?

It's too easy to consolidate debt. If it hurts to get rid of your credit card debt you'll find it easier to resist getting into debt again.

Are you getting married? If your partner likes to live in debt, and you want to become a millionaire, who is going to give way? Most divorces are caused by money arguments. Discuss it before you marry.

You should consolidate debt if you have no ongoing credit card debt. The trouble when you consolidate debt is that the whole thing loses immediacy when you have thirty years to repay.


List your debts


Make a table showing all your debts, the amount still owing and how much you pay per month. Call the last column "Damage" and calculate it by multiplying your repayments by a hundred and dividing by the amount that you owe. The larger the damage, the more harm it is doing to your finances.

Imagine you had a fictitious list like this

Mortgage , $100000 , $500 , 0.5

College loan , $50000 , $333 , 0.66

Personal loan , $10000 , $100 , 1

Car loan , $10000 , $360 , 3.6

Visa Card , $4000 , $250 , 6.25

Master Card , $2000 , $200 , 10

You should realise if you consolidate debt then nearly all your monthly payments will be interest, so your debt won't shrink much. When you pay an extra $100 your debt shrinks by that amount, and you won't keep paying interest on it either.


List your surplus


Using the methods in part 1 to earn and economise. Work out your surplus each month after all your expenses. Suppose you can spare an extra $456 each month. If there are two of you working, try to use all of one income to get out of debt, because you won't always have both incomes.

See which damage figure is highest. That is the haemorrhage you must stanch first. In this example it is your Master Card.

Add your $456 to your monthly payment (mostly interest) of $200. You will shrink your debt by more than $456 because of paying less interest. You'll have smashed that debt in about three months.

Now your self-discipline comes into play. Don't go out on an expensive celebration! After 3 months you'll be starting to build the financial discipline to make you a millionaire.

You've been paying $656 per month that is now surplus, so you add it to your visa account. That makes your repayments $906 each month. You'll get rid of your Visa debt in a little over four months.

Now you can pay princely sum of $906 + $ 360 = $1266 per month on your car loan winning free in less than eight months... quite a lot less because of shrinking interest payments.

To cut a long story short, when you start to concentrate on your mortgage you'll have $1266 + $100 + $333 = $1699 to add to your mortgage repayment of $500 per month.

When you start making repayments of $2.2K /month your twenty year mortgage will suddenly shrink to less than four years. You'll have everything paid off before your first child is ten years old.


Is it worth the effort?


You may think that the big benefit is freedom from debt. The biggest benefit is the mindset that you've developed as you escaped from debt. You are now in charge of your finances... not letting the loan parasites continue to leech you of all your money.

But it gets better. An Australian kid used the above method to get out of hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, then became a millionaire while still in his twenties. He no longer needs to work, but he has a hobby of showing people how to become millionaires.

There's just one problem. He isn't interested in helping people who can't save up $20 thousand to invest, because he says they aren't trying very hard. Now if you take your $2.2 thousand, and start saving for $20K that will take you less than ten months.

He says that mindset is everything. Now you have the right mindset and have saved up $20K...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Asset protection and fraudulent transfer

According to information provided by an estate planning and asset protection resource web site, a Fraudulent Transfer aka Fraudulent Conveyance is a transfer which a debtor makes for the purpose of defeating a creditor's collection efforts against the debtor. This typically happens when, say, a debtor attempts to "sell" everything to his wife, cousin or business partner for $5 to keep his stuff out of the hands of his creditors. If the court figures out that the transaction is a sham to defeat the creditor, the court will set aside the transaction and make the person holding the assets give them to the creditor. Basically, Fraudulent Transfer Law is this: You can't do anything which would impair the rights of your unsecured creditors, if you do then the courts will simply ignore what you have done.

There are thousands of individuals and companies that, through e:mails or via internet web sites, offer to help you protect your assets from creditors, ex spouses and or taxing authorities. Many of these individuals and businesses help you protect your assets by having you take actions that can or will put you in violation of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act. This could, in the long run, not only end up causing you to lose the assets that you were trying to protect but also cost you additional money in court costs, attorney's fees or collection costs. Additionally, if you had a family member or friend help you, he or she could end up in court or having his or her credit harmed by having a judgment entered against him or her.

Many of these asset protection schemes involve transfering assets to someone you trust, a spouse, other family member, friend or a business that you form. As far as I can determin, if the creditor can prove that the transfer was done in order to avoid creditors, then under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act the creditor has several remedies depending on the circumstances. These remedies can include causing a judgment to be entered against both you and the transferee, causing the property transfered to be attached or levied upon or causing a lein to be placed against the property. There are other remedies set by statute. The one thing that all of these remedies have in common is that you, the transferee or both of you could be held liable for the costs of obtaining and enforcing the remedy.

Note: Another thing to think about. Over the years I have been involved in numerous asset search and recovery matters where the person
that the bank account, collectibles, stocks, bonds, real estate or other assets were transfered to ended up closing out, selling or otherwise transfering or encumbering the assets, leaving the original owner with nothing. No matter how much you trust someone today you never know what the future will bring.

Other services offer to set up a revocable living trust. They state that the assets then will belong to the trust and be protected from your creditors. As any competent attorney will advise you, this theory is completely false. Since the assets placed in the trust are yours and since you control the trust then you and the trust are the same thing and a creditor can go after any assets placed in the trust. While a revocable living trust may not be a fraudulent transfer, neither is it a way to protect your assets from creditors.

I am not saying that all asset protection companies are worthless or might get you into trouble. I assume that there are some excellent and knowledgeable asset protection companies out there. I just would feel safer getting advice directly from an attorney.

The best way to find out if your assets can be protected and if protecting them is worth the cost is to seek the advice of an attorney who specializes is asset protection, debt collection, estate planning or, in certain cases, bankruptcy law. In some cases the attorney will provide a free or low cost consultation.

Note: I am not an attorney and none of the foregoing should be construed as legal advice. This article is written strictly as my opinion based on life experiences through both my personal life and my work as a private investigator dealing with attorneys in asset search and recovery matters. As in all matters of law you should always consult an attorney before taking on any legal endeavor.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Psychotherapy as bulimia treatment

In a world obsessed with thinness, it is very hard not to succumb to the temptations of easy weight loss even if these methods are not healthy at all. Bulimia is the most common unhealthy method of weight loss. Unfortunately, people, especially women, are easily drawn to this because they are conditioned to be attractive - thin is beautiful. Images of rail-thin models and actors emblazoned on billboards, television, and runway shows encourage the notion of thinness as beauty. But those afflicted with the disorder still have hope. Bulimia treatment is available as psychological therapy to guide patients to recovery and a healthy lifestyle.

Psychotherapy is the commonly prescribed treatment because experts agree that the problem is psychological. People often engage in bulimic behavior - eating and vomiting - because of low self-respect, distorted body image, insecurities, and other psychological factors like depression and stress. Therapists usually start treating bulimia by addressing the mental and psychological issues. They believe that if these negative perceptions are erased or converted, controlling bulimic impulses will be easier for the patient.

With all psychological therapy, it is required that the patient acknowledges her problem. She must accept that treatment takes time and effort - her disorder did not happen overnight, and neither will recovery. Given that, there are several bulimia treatment methods a counselor uses. Cognitive behavior analysis is the most popular of these methods. This type requires the patient to write a journal or food diary. Thoughts and daily food intake are recorded in the journal which the patient reads with her counselor. This will make the patient more aware of her eating habits and the emotion she attaches to her eating and food. The journal keeps everything in perspective, allowing the patient to see herself objectively, making it easier to address the emotional and psychological issues that trigger bulimic behavior.

A similar treatment is behavior analysis. The counselor suggests different rewards and reaction as means of fighting bulimic impulses. The treatment emphasizes the use of alternative activities and even food when the patient suffers bulimia attacks. For example, if the patient feels the onset of bulimic impulses, she can divert her attention to reading or taking walk rather than doing a fridge raid. Behavior experts suggest replacing the contents of the fridge and the pantry with healthy food like nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. This way, if the impulses become too difficult to resist, the patient won't feel compelled to purge because the food she consumed were health foods.

Joining support groups is also an effective in bulimia treatment. Having other people with the same problem encourages the patient and provides her with a support network. Enlisting the help of family members and friends is also a healthy option because the patient is assured of love and support regardless of her weight. The patient had bravely recognized the disorder as first step in her battle with bulimia. What she needs now is to come to terms with herself, her relationship with others, and loving support.

How to build your business the easy way

You need an opt-in list.

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profitting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based advertising. There's no harm in trying after asking for permission.

It's stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here's how one can benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here is a roundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all - 'action speaks louder than words'. This easily translates to the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email marketing efforts. It's a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound to hasten and facilitate the building up of one's opt-in database.

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest result should be taken noted of.

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without overspending:

1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor's email address and consent.

2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one's site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don't make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Giveaway offers or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to volunteer their contact details.

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe. This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication.

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in list?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Characteristics of enzymes

The word enzyme comes from the Greek ‘ensymo’. Here ‘en’ means ‘at’ or ‘in’ and ‘simo’ means ‘leaven’ or ‘yeast’. The enzymes are biological catalysts. These are by and large proteins. There are also some RNAs that have catalytic activity. These are referred to as RNA enzymes or ribozymes. The enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants in a reaction and lower the amount of activation energy needed. In this way they speed up the reaction. The enzymes may speed up reactions by a factor of many millions.

If it were not for the enzymes then most of the chemical reactions in biological cells would occur too slowly. The products obtained from such reaction would also have been different. In this respect the enzymes are essential for sustenance of life. Again, a malfunctioning of a single enzyme can lead to a severe disease. Such malfunctioning may stem from mutation, overproduction, underproduction or deletion of the enzyme.

Changes in pH and temperature affect the activity of enzymes to a large extent. Every enzyme works at its optimum level at a certain temperature and pH. At temperature and pH levels above and below that point the activity of the enzyme decreases.

Other molecules can affect the activity of enzymes. There are certain naturally occurring or synthetically prepared molecules that decrease or even completely abolishing enzyme activity. These are called inhibitors. There are also activators, which increase activities of enzymes.

Apart from the use of enzymes for their biological role they are also commercially used for other purposes. There are many cleaners used in the household, which use enzymes to speed up chemical reactions. Breakings down of proteins or removing starch stains in clothes are facilitated by the use of enzymes. There are more than 5,000 known enzymes. The names of the enzymes characteristically include the suffix ‘ase’ added to the name of the substrate.

The enzymes are found in all tissues and fluids of the body. The intracellular enzymes catalyze the reactions of metabolic pathways, the plasma membrane enzymes regulates catalysis within cells in response to extra cellular signals while the enzymes of the circulatory system regulate the clotting of blood.

What are the must-see attractions in orlando

Orlando, Florida is filled with attractions for vacationers of every age group; it is known for its beaches, golf courses, night life, museums, restaurants, and theme parks. Three all-time tourist favorites include Disney World, Busch Gardens, and Universal Studios, Florida.

Disney World:

The home of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck is a perennial favorite with not just kids for whom it offers a mind boggling range of things to see and do. The overwhelming extent of experiences that Disney World offers ensures that adults too have a great time. Accommodation at Walt Disney World, which has over twenty hotels, offers a choice to suit every wallet. The Disney Animal Kingdom Lodge and the Disney Contemporary Resort are two of the most popular resorts with a unique theme and excellent service. Vacationers can take advantage of the various promotional packages offered by Disney World from time to time. In one visit, it is not possible to take in all the rides and get one’s fill of everything that Disney World has to offer; however there are some classic rides such as Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Peter Pan, Primeval Whirl, etc. The Magic Kingdom, which is spread over 100 acres, can be accessed via the Monorail or the Steamer. It has several attractions of which the chance to pose with Disney characters and getting their autographs is high on the wish-list of many children. It is best to enjoy Disney World in the company of a local acquaintance who can point out the major attractions and also the early-entry days during which hotel-guests are allowed to enter early.

Busch Gardens:

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is an approximately one-hour drive from Orlando. Many vacationers find its location, which is away from the hustle and bustle of Orlando, to be an added attraction. The Busch Garden Shuttle Express is a free service with a 5-Park Orlando Flexi Ticket; it’s an alternative for those do not wish to travel to the park by road. Busch Gardens offer several exciting attractions that replicate the wonders of Africa. The wildlife includes more than 2,000 animals and thrilling roller-coaster rides are a hit with the kids and adults alike. The Sky Ride cable car affords an excellent view of the park. Attractions at the park also include the Serengeti Railway that has several stations around the park; the Haunted Lighthouse, which is a 4D show for kids over seven; KaTonga, which is a 35-minute musical celebrating African fables; the tomb of King Tut; Serengeti Safari tours; the slides and rides at the Land of the Dragon, and many others. Food at the Busch Gardens ranges from pizzas and turkey legs at Quick Bite and fine dining at the Crown Colony Restaurant. Preferred parking is available alongside the main entrance.

Universal Studios Florida:

Universal Studios in Orlando is the largest studio outside Hollywood. This major tourist attraction of Hollywood has some very popular rides and experiences that are based on hit movies. Terminator 2 is a high-tech 3D adventure; Back to the Future is a simulated ride that has one falling down volcanic tunnels; Twister and Earthquake are other thrill-a-minute shows in which an individual experiences a five-storey volcano and the power of an earthquake. Other attractions at Universal include Kong, Nickelodeon, ET, the Animal Show, etc. The main rides and attractions are at the edges of the oval-shaped Universal plot, which is quite huge. Priority parking and valet parking are available, these make exiting the Universal premises at the end of a fun-filled but tiring day a little easier.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Content development increases rankings

There are a number of things a website owner must do for their website to be successful. In order to appease the search engines, websites must grow and develop into a life of their own in a natural way. What the search engines looking for, more specifically, is quality content, and lots of it, updated frequently. Here are some guidelines for developing content for your site.

Every website has a variety of keywords and keyword phrases associated with it. These are carefully selected to entice visitors and bring popularity to the site. The site in turn should be designed around these keywords in order to be relevant and useful to users that come to the website seeking those specific products. These keywords and keyword phrases should be the basis for your content development.

Once you have you keywords in order it is time to start developing content. Writing content does not mean just listing out your keywords over and over again. Content needs to be coherent and useful to readers. Write quality descriptions about your products that inform and also captivate your visitors. Write content about your company that gives readers insight about your company as well as your industry.

Place this content on the site in text format so when search engines come to visit they can read it too and pick up on your keyword phrases. Large websites with lots of content tend to rank higher than small websites. Developing content is one of the best ways to increase the size of your website. Ideally, a website should have twenty pages.

Writing articles is another great way to develop content for your site. If you write a quality article about your products or services, you can submit them to other businesses or article submission sites in your industry. The more useful the articles, the more they will be spread around. When submitting the articles, be sure to put a link to your site so when people use the article you get a free link back to your site.

Search engines are content hungry. It is one of the best ways for them to find out what the site is all about. The more content you have with the more keywords, the more the search engines will associate you with those keywords. The more you are associated with your keywords, the more likely search engines will display your site above others in the search results.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

4 deadly reasons why beginners fail in the share market

1. Don't know how to choose the right share to buy

2. Don't know when to bail out of a losing share

3. Don't know when to take profit on a winning share

4. Don't Know how to construct a proper portfolio

1. Don't know how to choose the right share to buy...

How does beginners choose what shares to buy amongst thousands of shares? You might choose to listen to your share broker, or listen to your "experienced" relative, or listen to free "share pick" on the internet...etc... and you will end up losing money.

Because individual share behavior is very complex, only the most professional full time traders have the right technology to make proper share pick decisions. Such experience and technology is simply not available especially to the beginner trader.

2. Don't know when to bail out of a losing share...

The deadliest killer of beginner traders is not knowing when to get out of a losing share. Too many traders hold on to their shares until it is worth nothing. Most beginners will hold on hoping that the share will stage a rebound because you simply do not have the technology to tell if a share will ever rebound! The only way for a beginner to prevent losing everything is for an expert to tell them when to get out of a trade.

3. Don't know when to take profit on a winning share...

How many times have you heard stories around you of people who hold on to shares which made them a lot of money until one day, the share turned around on them into a severe loss?

Too many people keep thinking that their winning shares will keep on winning forever and never knew when to take profit... until the shares crashed on them! The problem is again that telling when a share is losing upward momentum is extremely difficult.

4. Don't know how to construct a proper portfolio...

Do you know that many shares actually move up and down together no matter what? Do you know that there are shares that totally move opposite to each other? Do you know that many shares actually move exactly opposite to the way the market is moving? Do you know that there are shares that do not ever move? Do you know that there are shares that are on the verge of getting delisted?

If you do not know the above, how would you ever be able to intelligently put different shares together so that you can make money? What if you put a share together with a share that moves exactly opposite to it? Would you ever make money?

That is why a lot of people are turning to trading a much more reliable and much more stable instrument; Market Index or Market Index ETF.

Read about how trading an index based strategy can help you overcome all these problems at mastersoequity. com/MOE_ridetheflow. htm

The mental game and your burning desire

Everyone has great ideas, goals, un-started business concepts, dreams and unwritten books inside of them. You have to realize that your mind, skills and talents are not limited natural resources. Don’t be denied of your dreams and what you are supposed to accomplish. Remember that you are responsible for fulfilling your dreams.


Take a look at those around you and reflect on those who have influenced your life the most. What are they doing to your dreams, your esteem and your potential? They are either being destructive or constructive to your future plans. There are four types of people in this world: the Living Dead, the Dreamers, the Achievers and the Exponentially Successful. We have all met the Living Dead. They tend to suck the energy right out of us. They have given up on life and figure that if they can’t be happy, you shouldn’t be either. They will often do everything in their power to impede you from achieving your goals. They love to burst your dreams and remind you of all the inherent impossibilities, your past mistakes and why you can’t achieve what you are aiming for. They point fingers and seek to pull you down because they see you getting closer and closer to what they wish they had themselves. Many don’t tear down your dreams consciously, and they may not even realize why they feel the need to do so. Even in the face of the most intense criticism, you need to have the courage to do the things you know you need to do.

Then there are the Dreamers. Dreamers are full of great ideas. They make many noble attempts at success, but their zeal fizzles before they’ve solidified that success. They have a plethora of projects perpetually hanging in the midway zone. They tend to say “if only…” and “someday…” and “when such-and-such….” These people go through life stuck in first gear. They’re moving, they’re plugging along, but it sure is hard on the engine. They turn up the radio so the thrill of the vision drowns out the groan of the struggling machine.

The Achievers have reached a moderate level of success. They are accomplished, they are skillful, but they have not yet forged into the fire. They’ve climbed the ladder and found a pleasant view, so they’ve stopped short of the thrilling vistas only a few rungs away. They’ve found a comfortable spot, so why risk toppling to the bottom now? They’re satisfied with the success and accomplishments they’ve already gained. Living on past success is easy to do. They think, Why rock the boat? It’s nice to take a breather, but then that breather often grows more and more into their way of life. Let’s just settle for mediocrity, they decide. They refuse to think that there is more to learn. They have made it in their own minds and can’t see themselves going to the next level.

The Exponentially Successful are doing what they love. They enjoy life and others enjoy being around them. Life is exciting and they love all that life entails—the challenges and the joys alike. The Exponentially Successful constantly strive to improve themselves. They learn from their mistakes and from the experiences of others. They read, they learn, they risk, and all along the way, they grow, no matter the situation. They are self-confident and well balanced. They have a passion for life. They know who they are, why they are here and where they are going. These are the people who make massive success look easy. Exponential success is where I want to take you. Now is the time; this is your year.

Take a look around you. Are the people in your life pulling you up or pulling you down? Are they constructive toward your future plans or destructive toward your goals, dreams and aspirations? An important trait exponentially successful people possess is their ability to follow their hearts. It does not matter what other people say or do. They know they are on the right track in pursuit of their dreams. Think what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln had listened to his critics, if Thomas Edison had taken to heart everyone who said his inventions were impossible. What if Bill Gates (while going to Harvard) listened to his counselors and stayed in school? What if Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield listened to the over 100 publishers that turned them down for Chicken

Soup for the Soul and hadn’t gone on to sell over 100 million copies? I could list volumes of similar stories. Ask anyone you know who is successful and I guarantee you will hear a similar story.


As I said earlier, it is important to learn and take clues from others who have gone before you and experienced what you hope to experience. But make sure your study and observation of such individuals is only part of the full plate of information you’re trying to absorb. Then step back and view the big picture. It’s easy to get swept up in one person’s energy and enthusiasm, so you have to be careful that you don’t get too excited and follow them mindlessly. Even if duplication of a few successful people’s patterns yields good results, doing so is not going to be the same as if you had drawn the best advice from as many sources as possible and cultivated a personalized success pattern of your own. The more tools in your tool belt, the more equipped you will be to propel yourself higher and higher. Only then will you allow yourself to continuously maximize your present success potential while simultaneously expanding your boundaries to even greater heights. When you unearth this pattern, your passion will kick in like never before and you will begin to recognize the taste of true greatness.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you have chosen the right direction in your own life, don’t panic. We’re going to work through that together. As you read this manual, you will become more and more able to determine your focus, your passion and your direction. There are things in this life you are here to accomplish. Everyone has great ideas, goals, un-started business concepts, dreams and unwritten books inside of them.

You have to realize that your mind, skills and talents are not limited natural resources.

They are not like a computer hard drive or RAM with limited storage potential. They will never run out and are only wasted if you don’t use them. If you don’t fulfill the mission you’re here to fulfill, somebody else will have to do it for you. Don’t be denied of your dreams and what you are supposed to accomplish. Remember that you are responsible for fulfilling your dreams. No one else will perform them the way you could have, and no one else’s accomplishment of them will give you the joy and satisfaction that could have been yours. Until you hold yourself totally responsible, you don’t own your dreams—you are only renting them.


When you learn to channel your energy and emotions into a burning desire, you are laying the foundation for exponential success. Desire is the first step toward ultimate achievement. Your desire will be so great that even subconsciously you will be giving every ounce that is in you toward accomplishing what you were meant to achieve. There will always be those who scoff and scorn you, calling your dreams “impractical” or “irresponsible,” but in all actuality, it is embracing what’s closest to your heart that will unleash within you your greatest energy and imagination. And just like striking oil, you will experience a surge of greater productivity than you have ever had in your life. It is desire that will allow you to transform mediocre abilities into mind-boggling success that is maximized to heights above and beyond what you ever thought possible. Another word for desire is conviction.

I like this word because it suggests an emotion that is even deeper within, even more driving. Soul-filled conviction has the power to pull you through every possible challenge and give you the strength to scale the highest peaks. So how do you find this conviction and tap into it? As you hone the skills in this manual and use them diligently in your daily life, your conviction will rise within you and become ever clearer. Right at this very moment, you have within you a power plant burning with potential energy. You have the potential to light a whole city, but you are only burning one bulb or lighting one house. The potential is there, and now is the time to tap into it.

Just as a space shuttle expends the most fuel in creating the momentum to leave the atmosphere and soar into orbit, kicking off a new plan towards exponential success also demands the greatest amount of energy and effort up front. Once the shuttle is in orbit, it expends less energy. Similarly, once you’ve acquired the Exponential Factor, exponential success will naturally follow and success will be yours.