Saturday, July 2, 2016

Key points checklist before you buy your first dog

Hold on... Are You buying Your first Pet Dog?

Do you understand the responsiblities You have assume the moment you plan to buy a pup/dog.

A dog can be a great addition to your family as long as you are all in it together. A dog needs lots of attention and training in order to be a joy instead of a pain. Also think of the type of dog you wish to get.

It is important before making any more progress with your plans to be sure that everyone in family and even those people who work in house really want a puppy. In order to manage a puppy successfully, It must be wanted by all the family and they must all feel equal goodwill towards it.

The confident happy dog, which feels that the world is a reliable place where human behaviour is consisten will bring you compliments everywhere.

Here is a CheckList which You should complete before making any plans to bring a pup home.

Have we sufficient Space for a dog indoors and out? Dogs should not be left alone for long periods of time during a day. Going to work should be fine as long as you have a crate, but remember your dog had physical needs also.

Can we proivde companionship and interest for the dogs for the greater part of the day, especially when it's young? Like I said, Dogs should not be left alone.

Do you choose a male or female dog? If you find your male dog is trying to dominate your household and he is unneutered, take him to your veterinarian and have him neutered. This should stop the aggressive behavior also.

Is our garden sufficiently well fenced to keep a dog in?

Where will we take the dog for exercise, Away from motor traffic and where it can be let off the lead easily and regularly

Can we afford to feed a dog properly and pay for regularl vaccinations and boosters to protect it form disease?

Have we budgeted for veterinary Fees in illness and accident or for an insurance plicy to cover those fees and our third party liability if our dog should cause an injury or damage to another person's property?

Is our family or our environment likely to change in the foreseeable future, making the conditions for having a dog less suitable? Giving a pet as a gift whether it is a new puppy, kitten, ferret, or bunny rabbit is never a good idea.

Can we make plans afor the dog when we go on holiday, Have we budgeted for boarding kennel expenses?

Do all the family really want a dog and are we willing to be responsible owners, not allowing our dog to be nuisance in any way?

Are we happy to accpet the inconveniences associated with dog ownership? Does everyone in your home wish to get a dog? Who will be souly responsible for this new pet?

Have we the time to look after a dog, no and in forseeable future?

Additionally You should remember, If you live in an apartment I would not suggest getting something like a German shepard or a Newfoundland, both breeds are large and demand more room out of your small space.

Before you leave, I suggest you to get a Free Ebook on Train Your Dog with Understanding from dog-training. my-infoworld. com/dog-training. pdf . It's a Free Book, No email to give either. Share this book with Everyone You know.

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