Monday, February 29, 2016

Car insurance rates can you lower them

Car insurance rates are prohibitive nowadays. Many families really struggle to pay the car insurance bill each month. And car insurance rates vary all the time. So if car insurance cost is an issue for you, what can you do about it?

The car insurance industry is a massive industry. It is also a highly competitive one, and car insurance rates vary over time as car insurance companies compete for business. Car insurance rates are often highly fluid.

It is entirely possible to lower the cost of your auto insurance rates by altering your behaviour, and you can do this by having a better understanding of how the rates are assessed.

Car insurance rates are based on an assessment of risk. Whilst insurance companies vary their rates to compete with other insurance companies, they also vary their rates based on their assessment of the risk posed by a particular driver driving a particular car. They do this because there is no point in buying business with low car insurance rates and then insuring high risk drivers at these rates. This is a recipe for losing money.

So, if you lower your risk, you lower your car insurance. How do you

lower your risk? Well there’s a number of ways that your own driving and car behaviour can affect your car insurance rates.

Have a look at the car you drive. Is it suitable for your current needs? If not then would it be worthwhile to consider a change?

Different cars attract different auto insurance rates. Sports cars, high powered cars and cars at greater risk of theft attract higher rates. How long have you had your car and would it be wise to think about another one that would be cheaper to insure and more useful to you?

Are you a safe driver? Do you stick to the speed limit? Are you at risk of other driving offences? Many people do not think about some of the consequences of speeding tickets and driving offences until after they have seen their subsequent car insurance bill.

Your risk profile is a direct result of your driving record. A clean driving record and you will be rewarded by cheaper rates. A poor driving record and you will be penalised, usually for quite a while.

Are you willing to attend driver training courses? Many car insurance companies offer specific discounts for drivers who have attended a course. Why? Lower risk.

Are you willing to drive less? Could you car pool or use public transport to get to work? Car insurance companies look at the amount of driving their clients do when assessing their car insurance rates. Why? Lower risk. Less miles driven equals less risk. And you’ll save on other car costs too.

So if auto insurance costs are an issue for you and your family there are things you can do. These are just a few of those things, there are many more. Car insurance rates are not set in stone.

Self-growth building character and integrity

It's been said that character is defined by what you do when you think no one is watching. What an illuminating concept that is.

Most of us have a public face and a private face. There are parts of ourselves we don't want the world to see. Typically, we tend to hide the aspects that would not be viewed favorably by society. Greed, lust, jealousy, pettiness, fear and so on. We also tend to hide our weaknesses. No one needs to know that we can wolf down a gallon of ice cream in an hour, do they? ;-)

I think most people are "good" at their core; decent, loving, compassionate and kind. However, even those we perceive to be good people are capable of unspeakable acts. How many times have you heard a convicted murderer's family member or friend say, "I just can't believe he would be capable of something like that. It's so unlike him." The killer projected one identity to the world, while secretly he was someone else entirely.

Okay, most of us are not murderers. Yet, even those of us who would be considered "good people" often think nothing of stealing, cheating on our spouses, or worse. What does that say about our character? Is it wrong only if we get caught?

How many times have you done something that you probably wouldn't have done if others had been there to see it? Would you feel embarrassed if these things were brought to public awareness? Did you act on your impulses only because you felt sure no one would ever find out?

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of "sin" lately. What is sin exactly? In the Christian religion, sin refers to that which displeases (or dishonors) God. The Ten Commandments warn us against adultery, theft, murder and more. Supposedly if you follow that list, you will remain in God's good graces.

In some earth religions, there is only one commandment: Harm None; which basically covers all angles in two words. Do nothing that would cause harm to yourself or another. Seems simple enough.

Yet, in both of these examples there are gray areas, aren't there? Sometimes it's hard to tell what's right or wrong. If we find money on the street and pick it up, is that stealing? Does it make a difference if it was $5.00 or $500.00? If we lie to protect someone's feelings, is that wrong? If we take some paper clips home from the office, is that stealing? Does it "harm" the company, really? If we flirt with someone other than our spouse, or fantasize about them, is that cheating? Or is cheating only the physical act of sexual intercourse?

In situations like these, how do we know the right course of action? How do we balance integrity with our impulses and desires? I think it can help to examine your motives and the possible consequences. What is your intent in this situation? What do you hope to gain from it? Could your actions harm another, or yourself? If your actions became public knowledge, would you be okay with that?

Maybe some of you are rolling your eyes at me right now, thinking, "What's the big deal? So what if I take a few things from work, or cheat on my wife? What they don't know won't hurt them." That may be true, but doesn't it hurt you in the long run? Don't those actions detract from the kind of person you are? Don't they dim your inner light? If it's true that we are all connected, then isn't it also true that harming another means harming ourselves? By disrespecting others, we disrespect ourselves and God.

Personally, I don't believe that God is angry and judgmental, sitting up in the clouds waiting to cast us into the pits of Hell for our transgressions. I do believe there will be a final "review" of our lives, and we will have to answer for the things we've done. But I think we will be our own judges. In the deepest part of ourselves, we know right from wrong.

We're not perfect, and no one is expecting us to be. We all make mistakes and do things we are later ashamed of. We are human, after all. But there is a big difference between making a mistake, and purposely doing something we know is wrong. We may try to fool ourselves at times and justify our actions. Maybe your husband doesn't pay attention to you, so you try to convince yourself that it's okay to have an affair with a man who does. Or your employer gives you a crappy raise, so you decide to make up for it in other ways, like stealing supplies or fudging your time sheet. They asked for it, right? You certainly have the right to do these things, and probably no one will stop you. Our greatest gift in life is Free Will. Unfortunately, it is also often our greatest curse. There are always consequences to our actions, whether they come now or later.

In the end, it's all a matter of personal accountability. Do we want to be a person of character, or not? It doesn't matter if we get caught or not. What matters is that we are defined by our actions. If I take something that doesn't belong to me, I am a thief. If I cheat on my spouse, I am an adultress. If I don't want to get caught, I probably shouldn't do these things in the first place. The truth has a way of making itself known.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Ten signs of a serious relationship

When you are with someone you really care about, how can you tell if that person is the one for you? How can you find out where your relationship stands? Are there any clues that could tell you if the relationship will lead into marriage?

Perhaps you are at the stage where you feel that you are ready to settle down and would like to know if the relationship is going anywhere. How do you find out if the person you are with is as committed to you as you are to him/her?

Below are some signs that could help you tell how serious and dedicated you and your partner are getting and how close you are into taking that next step:

1. You drop the "I" or "you" and start referring to each other as "we".

2. There is no one else that you can imagine being with than him or her. They are starting to become the most important person in your life.

3. You catch yourself thinking about ways to please your partner rather than yourself.

4. You see yourselves growing old together, walking hand in hand along the shore, and taking care of each other.

5. You have fun imagining what your children and grandchildren will be like.

6. You start looking at money in a different way, like thinking about buying a house together, saving for a trip together, spending it on anything that you both can share.

7. You cancel dates with your friends and other people because you would rather spend time with him or her.

8. You start feeling tired of the single life and start thinking about getting married.

9. You feel strongly that it is very important for your family and your 'special someone's' parents to get along.

10. You start thinking and talking more about the future and your goals together.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dumb with scam

Everything in E-bay seemed perfect: nice shopping portal, almost complete buyer's list, and a convenient place to do shopping online. In fact, it's too good to be true.

If this is the case, then it's time for the buyer's warning signal to go red alert because if things on E-bay seemed to good to be true, it probably is and may not even be worth the buyer's time and money.

There are lots of frauds and scams’ going on in the Internet today and E-bay is not excused. So, it's important for buyers to detect early signs of fraudulent activities before it gets them. Here's how to do it:

1. Buyers should look for the seller's feedback section. If a seller has many feedbacks and almost 50% of it is negative, chances are transaction with this seller will turn out a hoax, even if the seller has provided positive replies.

2. Online shoppers should be aware of emails contending it's from E-bay and certifying some seller as a good one. It's already anomalous in the first place because E-bay does not send emails. Plus, E-bay would definitely not certify a seller even if he or she has a remarkable selling history.

3. Buyer should be aware of sellers that insist on wire transfers like Western Union as mode of payment. In fact, E-bay does not recommend their buyers to use wire transfer services. If the seller insists on it, then, no doubt it's a scam.

4. Buyer should also be aware of "too-good-to-be-true" prices. Chances are items that are priced way below their real prices are signs of imminent fraudulent activities.

5. Online shoppers should take note of phishing emails. These are emails that require subscribers to fill out forms provided in the email with warning statements saying the subscriber's account will be closed if the person concerned will not provide the required pertinent information. Once given, anomalous activities are on their way like identity theft.

6. Buyers should also be aware of sellers that let them pay the bid amount to wire transfers directly from the buyer's checking account. Worst, the seller contends that the given bank account is Escrow's.

7. Online shoppers should be weary of institutions claiming they are escrow but ask payments be made to a person instead of a corporation. This is a clear case of scam.

So, to shun away from probable scam attacks, it's a must for every E-bay buyer to keep these tips in mind. It's better to be safe than dumb.

Poker chip case why you should buy one today

So you just bought a set of 500 chips, but decided to save a bit of cash and skipped on buying the poker chip case at the same time. You are pumped and call up your buddies to come over and play. After they leave you for the night, you look down at the mess. Not only did your friends leave their food and drinks everywhere, your chips are scattered around the table in a huge mess. What’s a guy to do?

So you think: when I bought them, the chips were wrapped in plastic, I’ll just toss them into a plastic bag. No big deal, right? Wrong... Unless you have the cheap discs made out of plastic, it probably will be a big deal.

If you just bought a set of composite chips, it is very important to store them properly in a poker chip case. You don’t have to really worry about them breaking if they are stored improperly. Composite chips are nearly unbreakable, because their inner-core is almost always made of plastic or metal, which reinforces them and makes them strong. Why you definitely need to store them in a poker chip case is because they will rub together in that plastic bag, and over time, you will notice that the color will rub off, leaving white spots or other discolorations on your chips. You just spent a lot of money on these chips, you probably don’t want them to look bad after just a short time.

If you went all out, and bought a set of clay chips, it is especially important to store them in a poker chip case. Why? You just spent a chunk of dough on the best chips that money can buy and you want to take them to your next game in a plastic bag. Not only will you look like a tool, you are also risking the chance that you are damaging the chips. Unlike composite chips, it is possible to break clay chips. If you accidentally drop your plastic bag of chips onto the ground, there is a good chance that some of them will break. The purpose of a poker chip case is to protect your chips and keep them looking new and great for a long time.

So you need to buy a poker chip case. There are many different types and styles to suit your needs. Some things to keep in mind before you buy a poker chip case is where you have your games. If you want to take your chips to your weekly game every week, consider a case that will allow you to travel easily. You can get a case that will hold your chips, cards, and other small things such as dice that has handles, so you can carry it along. If you always host the game at your house, consider a nice wooden case.

If you are buying a high-quality poker chip case, consider it to be almost like a piece of furniture, and pick one that you could leave out in your game room all of the time. A nice poker chip case that is hand-made out of wood and polished to a nice glossy finish would be an excellent investment.

If you’re thinking that you just spent an arm and a leg and can’t afford an expensive poker chip case, do yourself a favor and buy a plastic case that will protect your chips, keep them looking nice, and allow you to keep the bank organized during play. A poker chip case can just be a practical solution to keep your chips looking like the day you bought them, but it also can be a great investment for both the serious and recreational player.

The dead end of resistance

Jimmy had spent many years in various kinds therapy, yet still felt numb and empty inside most of the time. He consulted with me because he hoped that the Inner Bonding process we teach would move him out of feeling so stuck.

It became apparent to me soon after starting to work with Jimmy on the phone that he was deeply stuck in resistance to taking responsibility for himself. His main intention was to have control over getting approval from others. He was a typical “nice” guy – always doing things for others in the hopes that they would give him some approval. Yet on the inner level, he was anything but approving of himself. Instead, he was constantly judging himself, just as both his parents had judged him and themselves.

His internal self-judgment let to internal resistance – an internal power struggle, which kept Jimmy immobilized. In addition, he had deep wounding from his controlling religious background, which led to anger at God and resistance to opening to his Higher Power. He had no close relationships because he was so afraid of being controlled by someone. Sometimes his loneliness was overwhelming to him, yet not being controlled by someone was much more important to him than caring about his own feelings of loneliness, aloneness, and emptiness.

Resistance occurs when not being controlled by others, God, or your own authoritarian inner self is more important than loving yourself and taking responsibility for your own feelings of self-worth. As long as resisting control is your primary motivation, you will be stuck. It is only when being loving to yourself and others is more important to you than whether or not you are being controlled by anyone or anything, that you will be able to move beyond your resistance.

When I confronted Jimmy with how controlling and resistant he was, he was stunned. In his mind, a controlling person was a dominating person – angry, judgmental, demanding. In Jimmy’s mind, he was such a nice guy. He would never try to control others.

“Jimmy, just because you are not angry, critical or demanding, does not mean that you are not controlling. Being “nice” may not be as obvious, but aren’t you trying to control how others feel about you? Aren’t you trying to get approval? And when you are constantly explaining yourself to others – telling others about how nice you are – aren’t you trying to control how they feel about you?”

Jimmy was shocked. In his mind, critical and demanding people like his parents were controlling. I helped him to understand that controlling behavior can be both overt and covert, and his was covert. As long as his intention in his behavior with others was to get their attention and approval – which he equated with love – he was trying to control, while at the same time resisting being controlled.

It was not easy for Jimmy to see this because he had a strong judgment against being controlling, so he didn’t want to see himself this way. He wanted to resist being conscious of him intention to control.

“Jimmy, as long as you judge yourself for the choices that come from the wounded part of yourself, you will not be able to see what you are doing that is causing you so much pain and keeping you stuck. We all have a wounded self that wants to control and not be controlled, and we have all learned various ways of trying to have control over not being controlled and over getting love, avoiding pain and feeling safe. While you needed these behaviors as a child as part of your survival, as an adult they are causing you pain. I suggest that you open to learning about your controlling and resistant behavior instead of judging it. As long as you judge yourself, you will resist the very information that you need due to your internal power struggle. Self-judgment is another form of control, and since resisting control is your primary intent, you keep yourself stuck with your self-judgment.”

Jimmy took a deep breath. Some part of him felt great relief at the possibility that he would stop judging himself and open to learning about taking responsibility for himself instead of resisting and trying to get others to do it for him.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Beyond adsense 7 suggestions for increasing website earnings

Everywhere you look it seems that people are talking about Google Adsense and how to make the most money from a website. Adsense has grown in popularity because it is easy to set up and it effectively presents ads that match the visitors interest. However, truly effective website monetization can involve much more than simply adding Google Adsense or Amazon affiliate links to a web page and then forgetting about it. For many webmasters these means of website monetization are standard operating procedures and its something we do for every website we build and for every new page of content on our existing websites. Most of us probably realize that better means of monetization probably exists but in general if your like me you haven’t taken the time to explore these options or fully examine their potential.

A lack of time is probably the most common excuse that webmasters volunteer when asked if they have fully investigated the monetary options for their website. We spend countless hours developing the graphics and thinking about the layout of the website. So it seems surprising that most webmasters basically skip this step when with just a few hours the return on investment could perhaps be multiplied many times over. Some suggestions to get started are:

1. Sign up for different affiliate programs and explore all the options. Get started by looking at the various offers from programs at Commission Junction, Clickbank, Sharesale and Azoogle.

2. Make a list of all the affiliate offers that best match the content on your website. Consider what would be of most interest to your visitors and what they would be most likely to click on.

3. With this list in hand examine the affiliate offers in detail. Go to the website of each offer and examine the website and in particular the landing page where your visitors will be asked to buy something. Does it look good, is it professional, does it inspire confidence, is it easy to make a purchase, are the buttons appealing? Remove those websites from your initial list that seem below average and only stick with the best.

3. Next look at your list and narrow it down by focusing on the high dollar offers. In general, its harder to convert using affiliate programs as they require more action from the visitor than simply clicking on an ad. In other words, don’t pick affiliate programs that have payouts similar to what you might get from just a click using adsense. It is much better to make $25 dollars a couple of times a month then $3 twice as often.

4. See where people eyes and clicks are focused when they land on a web page using a tool such as clickdensity. com. Use this information to plan your advertising placement. Your ads should blend in with the content and look natural so that user feels he is having a good experience and is receptive to your advertising offers.

5. Design active banners and or invitations to promote potential affiliates and place them in areas where people click. Active banners catch peoples attention when they roll over them. This might be as simple as implementing a rollover.

6. Once you have narrowed your list of offers begin testing out different affiliate programs on just a few high traffic pages to start with and only keep the ones that work.

7. Once you find something that works fine tune the placement and ad more links to your website.

Golf posture - 3 tenets for a great foundation

As a kid, I heard it all the time. "Straighten up"...I was told when they caught me slouching. Well, "straightening up" is not quite the tight thing in your golf but I'm sure you're not surprised to discover that your posture is crucial in ensuring consistency and power in your strokes. What's more when you embody, my "3 Tenets of Great Golf Posture" you'll enjoy a more relaxed, easy comfort through 18 holes of play...

P for Posture - Your swing is a whole body phenomenon involving your feet, your legs, your hips, your trunk, your arms, your shoulders etc. You need good flexion, stability, strength, rotation in the hip, knees and torso in order to effectively result in perfect contact between the club and the ball. Proper posture is the framework that brings it all together and it's crucial to executing a killer swing. Here are some pointers that will help you guarantee that posture is not the weak link in your game.

Start from a relaxed upright posture, with your ears over your shoulders and knees slightly bent. It is very important during your golf posture to maintain the space between your head and your chest so that you allow easy rotation of your shoulders. Now let's talk a little “spine angle”.

Spine Angle is the angle that your torso makes with the ground. Bend at the waist while keeping your torso and spine straight. You'll need an angle of about 30-45 degrees depending on your height and the length of your club. The taller you are and the shorter your club, the more spine angle you'll need. To complete your posture, simply flex your knees so that your head comes over your feet. You will engage the most powerful muscles of your body - your leg muscles. You are now perfectly set to take a power shot with optimal comfort. And what's more, because this posture is congruent with the natural bio-mechanics of your body, you can do it over and over through the course of 18 holes without the fatigue, the aches and the pains that come from improper use of your body.

Maintain a Consistent Spine Angle through the full range of your stroke and you will be delighted to produce a great shot. Keep your eye on the ball as you swing and notice how your posture changes. Be sure to keep your head up and maintain your viewing position by appropriate flexion of the hip and knee joints. Keep your spine straight at all costs. Bending the spine causes the chest to collapse and the neck and shoulders to rotate forwards and inwards. This not only distorts the natural arc of your swing but it makes it difficult to turn your head through the range of motion required to keep your eye on the ball. The accuracy of your shot goes to hell in a hand basket. So keep your back straight and you'll maintain a solid base from which you can accurately aim those long drives.

Core Stability and Flexibility is the key, and a little practice on the core stability ball with some simple yoga or Pilates exercises can help you develop these much needed attributes for a great golf swing. Abdominal crunches are an excellent exercise for developing core strength and endurance. But that's a subject for another article.

The 3 Tenets - So the next time you're enjoying a gorgeous, sunny round on the fairway, be sure to practice the “3 Tenets of Great Golf Posture”, keep your back straight, adjust your spine angle by hinging at the hip and most important, keep it constant through the execution of your swing. You can look forward to hitting, longer, further and with more accuracy. What’s more you’ll feel great at the end of the day with far fewer aches and pains from improper posture.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Airsoft - the alternative to paintball

For many years, most of my Saturdays would consist of a terrible ritual. I would begin with the loading of my paintball CO2 tanks into the trunk of my car, and begin the search for the one man within thirty miles that could bring my precious equipment to life. While compressed nutrients were being supplied to the tanks, the search for an unbroken and fresh box of paint would begin. Some days the gods were receptive and my ritual would be completed in an hour or two. Usually, the paintball gods would put obstacles in may path to test my faith.

After many years of dealing with the fickle paintball gods, I now worship at the altar of airsoft. I will be held hostage no more to the tethered tank to my side, nor the fragile paintballs that must be handled as though they were transplant organs. My Saturdays now consist of sleeping late, loading one thin bag into my trunk, and taking a leisurely drive to the field. Rechargeable batteries and solid plastic BBs have replaced hazardous compressed gases and fragile, expiring paintballs. Much as the car has replaced the horse and carriage, airsoft will have the same effect on paintball, mind you that you can still see a stray horse around every once and awhile.

My conversion happened almost overnight. After several hours of online research, much akin to going to a sports bar and asking what is the best football team, I had ordered my first airsoft gun. Needless to say, my first experience with airsoft was a painful one. I will not bore you with another online order horror story. Even though, my first experience with airsoft had shaken my confidence, I braved the online world once more with a second more focused order with a different retailer. After several days, my order arrived, and my initial hopes were confirmed. The accuracy, power, and range that my new airsoft gun displayed were nothing short of amazing. How had I not discovered this before now? I felt as though a great secret had been kept from me. It was now apparent that I must give praise and monetary offerings to my newly discovered hobby.

Armed with my new airsoft gun, I set off to convert the world, starting with the ones closest to me. For most of my comrades the conversion to airsoft was immediate, with some offering to purchase the airsoft gun on the spot. Needless to say, the arrival of airsoft at our paintball field that day delayed the starting time severely, and within two short weeks all remnants of paintball had been removed from the field and our possession.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

7 mesh motorcycle jackets

Motorcycle jackets are an important part of a rider’s attire. They protect them against bad weather, minimize injuries in case of a fall and give them a smart look. Before selecting a mesh motorcycle jacket you need to look at their important features. Some of the important features of popular mesh motorcycle jacket brands are:

1. AGV SPORT AEROMESH JACKET: This jacket comes with a polyester mesh exterior and an open weave netting inside for better ventilation. It has high-density exterior padding on the shoulder, elbow and back to provide protection in case of a fall. Two compression straps on each arm, rubber-coated snap closures at the cuffs and a waistband with straps on each side make it a very comfortable wear.

2. FIELDSHEER MACH 1 JACKET: This jacket has a lightweight, thin polyester mesh on the outside and removable armor at the elbows, shoulders and back. There is additional foam between armor and shell that provides extra protection. There is also a zip-out, insulated liner for chillier moments. The jacket has two exterior pockets and a single pouch inside for storage.


3. FIRSTGEAR MESHTEX JACKET: This ultralight jacket has a mesh nylon shell and a removable EVA shoulder and elbow armor that is perforated. It has soft, perforated lining, adjustable sleeve cuffs and hook-and-loop waist tabs.

4. JOE ROCKET PHOENIX 2.0 JACKET: This jacket with a polyester mesh shell covering comes with removable dual density armor in the shoulders, elbows and back. It has an inner liner with large weave that encourages direct airflow and an unpadded low collar. The waistband is adjustable and has two hook-and-loop straps.

5. OLYMPIA SPORTS AIRGLIDE MESH TECH JACKET: This jacket is made of medium-weave mesh fibers with 500-denier Cordura nylon panels. It has a cool mesh interior lining, a neoprene neck insert, two chest and torso pockets and an interior zip pocket. The jacket can be connected to the pant by an eight-inch connecting zipper. The elbow and shoulder armor is injection-molded and can be removed.

6. REX MARSEE FULL FLOW MESH JACKET: The shoulder, elbows and waist of this jacket are made of heavy-duty 1050-denier Cordura. It has a shimmery outside shell that adds to night time safety and a removable body armor. It also has a lower back/tailbone pad for extra protection.

7. TEKNIC SUPERVENT JACKET: This jacket has an outer shell made of reinforced mesh and a soft, perforated inner mesh lining. The Teknic/Knox armor in the shoulders, elbows and back is removable.

Harvey world travel wins at the ozcars

Harvey World Travel, the Midlands based travel business, scooped a prestigious award at the recent Tourism Australia OzCars 2007 Awards Ceremony. The company was announced as the winner of the ‘Best Australia Campaign by an Aussie Specialist’ which recognised the company’s promotion of Australia Holidays to the UK travel market.

The awards evening was held at the Hurlingham Club in West London and acknowledged the initiatives implemented and dedication shown by the UK’s travel industry and, in particular, the industry’s commitment and support to Australian tourism and holidays in Australia.

John Donnelly, managing director of Harvey World Travel, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have won this award, particularly in light of the tough competition we faced. As Australian specialists, we are committed to promoting the delights of ‘down under’ to the UK market and we have worked extremely hard this year to get positive messages out through consistent and strong marketing campaigns.

“To be honoured with this award is testament to our hard work and commitment and, most importantly, the continual support from the branches and head office teams at Harvey World Travel.”

About Harvey World Travel

The OzCARS are designed to recognise and celebrate excellence and achievement in the sales and marketing of Australia and are open to any company from the United Kingdom or Ireland.

Harvey World Travel is owned by MFS, the Australian investment and funds company which specialises in travel and leisure. Australian based companies in the MFS portfolio include the Stella, Bale and Peppers holiday resorts, the Mantra, Breakfree and Ambia villas and apartments, plus the flagship Sheraton Mirage Hotel in Port Douglas, Queensland.

MFS is the largest single brand travel franchise group in the Southern Hemisphere operating more than 500 successful retail outlets in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. As well as specialising in long haul holidays to these destinations, Harvey World Travel customers are able to benefit from flexible holiday packages throughout the world, using the company’s extensive buying networks.

For further information of holiday details call 08717 820 830

Help insomnia part 1- the sound of insomnia

Have any of you had nights when you were attempting to fall asleep but kept hearing wind whipping outside or water dripping from the faucet that kept you awake? Regardless of how hard you try to relax and calm down, the possibility of sleep does not seem promising as you continue to hear noises throughout the night. A few minutes turn into hours as you uncomplainingly stare at your alarm clock. Unfortunately, it's not merely the insomnia that is bothering you but you angrily realize how much your loss of sleep will have an effect on how well you function on the following day.

In all honesty, falling asleep under these conditions can become a very frustrating and futile task. Surprisingly, one of the most effective and natural remedies to help insomnia caused by noise is ironically more noise. The difficulty people have in finding this to be true is based on the belief that pure silence is the only possible and effective environment for healthy sleep, which is partly true. However, there are certain noises and sounds that can actually induce sleep. This might seem difficult to consider, but it's important to know that the noises you might need to cure your insomnia may have been expressly created for that sole purpose.

Research has shown that special sounds and noises heard by individuals can enhance the capacity to sleep. The sounds often differ from person to person but in general they fall under several distinct groups or categories. These noises are then transmitted onto a recording device and a consumer who suffers from insomnia can purchase the device. These items are frequently referred to as sound machines or noise apparatuses.

This premise is solely built on the concept that if an individual hears specific sounds that are comforting to his or her body, these sounds will assist them in falling asleep. Sounds of nature, like rushing water or birds chirping, are general sounds used to help insomnia. Certain styles of music are also useful in helping insomnia sufferers cure their insomnia. This category of music is produced to be relaxing and it's often repetitive, which causes the insomniac to fall into a deep state of relaxation which ultimately leads to sleep.

For someone who suffers from insomnia, a sound machine can be their best cure for insomnia. It's natural and it has no side-effects at all. The person using it will become so familiar with hearing the sounds which will eventually trigger the sufferer to fall asleep.

Buying a sound machine isn't a difficult process at all. There are many retail outlets that now offer these sound machines. If you love to shop over the internet, you can type in the phrase "sound machine for insomnia" in any search engine and you'll find yourself paging through a wide and diverse listing of online retailers.

In addition to sound machines, there are also other cost efficient items that use sound to help treat insomnia. If investing in a sound machine is unbefitting, due to your finances, you can still enjoy the sounds of sleep without having to pay as much. Numerous companies have prepared music CD's that you can purchase to help treat insomnia through music or recorded sounds. These sleep CD’s can include many of the same sounds as a sound or noise machine.

Any of these sleeping devices or aids can be very useful and convenient anywhere, especially if you travel a lot. Insomnia can happen whether you are at the house, away on a business trip or enjoying a vacation. The convenience of being able to carry these sleeping aids will enable you to treat your insomnia every night from any location.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Changing a nappy

Congratulations! It's a boy... or a girl... You've imagined those words throughout your nine magical months. But, what you probably have not thought about is the part where you need to put a fresh nappy on the little person!

Even after having two little girls I worried about changing my little boy's nappy for the first time. For some reason I thought it was going to be really difficult. But actually it was easier!

So how do you change a baby's nappy? Assuming you are using disposable nappies, as most mums do, at least in the beginning, here are some tips:

Lie your baby on a flat surface, preferably on a soft changing mat; this allows little accidents to be wiped up quickly. If you are placing your baby on a raised surface or a changing station, never leave him unattended for even the slightest moment. Babies can and do fall off raised surfaces, often with disastrous consequences.

Advances in technology allow us to keep the wet surface of the nappy away from the baby. Although this is great for your baby, it can make it difficult to tell if the nappy is wet. So how will you know if the nappy needs to be changed? A wet nappy will feel soft and squishy on the outside. It may also have increased in size. The moisture absorbing material within the nappy swells when it comes into contact with urine making it easy to tell if the nappy is wet.

Obviously, a soiled nappy is easier to detect as you can just peep inside; or, more often than not, you can smell it!

As your baby gets older he will become more wriggly at every nappy change. A good tip is to hang a mobile above his changing station or give him a different toy to keep his interest at changing time - making nappy changes much less tiring for mum!

Remove the old nappy. Wipe the baby's bottom with some cotton wool pads soaked in warm water. You do not need to use soap or scented wipes on a newborn baby. Newborns have extremely soft, sensitive skin which is easily irritated. A so-called top and tail, or a warm bath once a day, is enough. When the baby is a few weeks old you can wash him with a warm soapy cloth or some sensitive baby wipes at each nappy change.

Wipe baby girls from front to back to avoid the risk of cross infection. With baby boys you will need to ensure you wipe around and under their little bits! However, never pull back the foreskin. You may cause damage and infection if you attempt to.

Creams and talc are unnecessary. Nappies today are so effective at keeping moisture away from the skin that creams are not required. In fact, creams can actually hinder the nappy's performance, making irritation more likely.

If your baby has nappy rash, and you really feel that cream is required, apply it very thinly before putting on the fresh nappy. Also, let the air at your baby's bottom. Let him lie on the changing mat on the floor for a while without a nappy. You may want to put an old towel or absorbant bed cloth under him so that he will not be lying in a puddle getting cold, if he does wet it.

Put the fresh nappy under the baby's bottom, with the sticky seals at the back!

Lift the front of the nappy up over the baby's bottom and fasten it closed. Do not fasten it too tightly as this will be uncomfortable. Allow the baby some room to breath!

Voila! All Done... until the next one!

Try core power yoga

Core power yoga is an energetic yoga exercise that physically and mentally challenges to help connect to inner power without stopping and accompanied by a heated, climate controlled Vinyasa. It heals, detoxifies and stimulates the body and mind through balance and intention.

Power yoga has created a dynamic, challenging program that combines strength, sweat and spirituality. It recognizes power in different levels; first is the physical power which develops the body’s strength and improve health; second is the mental power or the will to concentrate on the practice; and last the spiritual power which is the power behind the physical and mental power.

Core power yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. The term was was given by Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It has been brought to the west by followers of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, a renowned Sanskrit scholar who inspired Western Yogis with his Ashtanga Yoga Style and philosophies.

There are three programs in power yoga. “Core Power” is designed to strengthen abdominals and back and includes both abs-focused Vinyasa power yoga poses and variations of muscle-toning moves. “Unlocking Athletic Power” will develop flexible strength with an emphasis on abs, back, hips and pelvis. “Soul of Strength” on the other hand is a fast-moving power yoga program with a distinct “mid-body” emphasis and some very challenging moves.

Yoga sessions are done in a heated room and composed of different cardiovascular exercises intended to develop strength and flexibility, increase stamina, improves the ability to focus, release tensions and remove toxins through sweating.

Core power yoga practice also requires the execution of yoga poses. Poses are done in a fast pace, some poses are even held longer than the required five breaths. This practice can increase physical endurance and ability to focus on any task for a long time without breaking the concentration.

yogaexercisesportal. com/Want-More-Power-Try-Core-Power-Yoga. html

Sunday, February 21, 2016

What ecommerce software has to offer

Setting up a website can seem a daunting task to many of us. Not everyone is proficient at building stunning, effective and dynamic websites; but if you have a product or a service to sell, then having your own website utilizing ecommerce software is one of the most fruitful methods of making sales.

The Advantages of Ecommerce

Selling your product online means there are no geographic limitations. You can sit in your lounge in Texas and sell your home-knitted scarves to people living in Japan. The costs of setting up your business are comparatively non-existent. You don’t need to purchase or rent a shop. You don’t need to pay for decoration, you will undoubtedly be using less staff and the only utility bills are bills you would usually pay at your own home anyway.

About Your Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce software is any software used on your website to help customers easily shop and pay for their items easily, safely and quickly. In recent years, one of the many advances of the Internet has been the increase in publicity surrounding Internet security. It is absolutely imperative that as well as a good crisp and clean looking website you also offer and display high security on all of your online payments. If you don’t you will undoubtedly lose customers and money.

Shopping Carts and Payments - The Essential Items

If you’ve done any shopping online, you will have probably come across shopping carts of varying levels of quality. When considering ecommerce software you need to pick shopping cart software for your site that is user friendly, stable and fits the design of your site. You should ensure that it can be used on any operating system and as many browsers as possible. Don’t forget that not everyone uses Internet Explorer.

When a visitor is looking around your site at the items you have to offer, you are perhaps hoping that they will make a purchase. Making the buying process easy for them will encourage them to do that. An ‘Add To Cart’ button is virtually standard on any ecommerce site now, and clicking on this button should take you to a simple but effective looking shopping cart page. Shoppers should be able to select how many items they want and then add that to basket. Once they have selected that item, it may be a good idea to take them back to the page they were last on, encouraging them to continue shopping and spending more money.


Everybody loves a good deal, and Internet shoppers are by no means different. Try to make sure that your ecommerce software allows you to give discounts under certain circumstances. Perhaps, a 10% discount for anyone spending over $200. Recent ecommerce software offering shopping carts will give you both product level and order level discount options, so you can have sale items as well as spend dependant discounts.

The Bottom Line

If you want to set up an ecommerce website, you will have to get some shopping cart software. Most surfers will simply look for another site if you don’t give them the options they expect.

A good shopping cart will give you plenty of options and the opportunity to offer discounts and sale items. A reputable ecommerce software company will, at the very least, give you detailed instructions on installing this software onto your site and how to use it. Choose wisely.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Search engine optimization and how to use it

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a means of designing a website, and its individual pages, so that you meet the requirements of a mathematical equation called an algorithm that is design to apply statistical analysis to determine how it relates to the search terms used by the search engine customers.

That is a long sentence, so let us look at the various elements that it contains. First designing a website. There is more to designing a website than making it pretty, and unfortunately there are a lot of website designers who do not appear to understand that. Before you can even start on design a site, you have to consider what the purpose of the website is. Usually to provide information to visitors on the search term that they use to reach you.

Web Pages Should Load Quickly

When you click to visit a website what do you want to happen? Do you want to see lovely flash graphics that take several minutes (or seem to) to load up, or do you want to be taken immediately to the home page. We both know the answer yet they still insist on the fancy stuff. That is ego, not practical web design.

Once you actually manage to get onto the home page, do you want some good information and easy navigation to well explained web pages, or do you want loads of graphics, pictures and nothing but line after line of adverts with some links to other pages on the site that you have to search for? We also both know the answer to that, but how often do you see pages full of adverts and graphics and little else? These pages are designed by self-professed SEO experts!

I recently had one of my customers ask to me run my eye over her home page that she had just had revamped by a professional developer but seemed not have been listed in Google. Because I look after my customers I agreed to do so free of charge, and do you know what I found? A web page that the spiders would have left the second they visited because the first text they would find would be line upon line of navigation away from the home page. When I checked the target pages, guess what? Same thing. The spiders would have been running round in circles, seeing nothing. Also no worth while titles and no headings except one in a H2 tag – no H1 tags at all.

Nobody can Guarantee a Google Position

All that from a ‘professional web developer’!! What do you need to be a professional these days? Don’t get me wrong, there are some good ones, though please take a piece of advice from me. Don’t hire anybody that has to pay for advertising. If they can’t get their own website into the top 10 for their main keyword, then how can they be qualified to do it for you? Forget the promises and guarantees. I can get anybody’s website into the top 10: even to number 1! All I need do is find a unique keyword or phrase that nobody is using, such as “Top website developers in Blaenavon South Wales”. I have checked that and nobody is using it! The only problem is that neither will any Google customers use it. Nobody can guarantee a Google listing position.

Incidentally, search engine customers are those that use them to find information that they are seeking. They are not advertisers on Google or people that use any of the Google services other that the search engine itself.

Keyword Density is a Thing of the Past

All SEO experts can get you in the top 10, but not for any keywords worth having. You are better doing it yourself. All you need worry about are having your keyword as part of your title (not all of it) and in TITLE tags, and use your page keyword in H1 tags as the main heading. Use it again as part of an H2 sub-heading. Use your keyword once in the first 100 characters and again in the last paragraph. Once more for every 500 words and that will do. Forget 1% -3% keyword density. Use lots of related text, but be careful of synonyms because few word mean exactly the same as others. Make sure that you make it clear in what context you are using a particular word.

Write naturally about your topic and you will be fine. Make sure that the spiders see your page title first, then the heading next. That will tell them what the most important text on your page is, and hence the topic of the page. The sub-headings will reinforce that, but only if they are in H2 – H3 tags. Forget anything more than H3.

The spiders should come across links leading from your page until it has read all your text. The lead t to where you want it do next. Attach a lead to it and guide it through your website, page by page, and avoid leading it from page to page haphazardly before it has seen the content on each page. Any website designed like the one I described at the beginning, with nothing but links at the start of every page, will be lucky to be listed at all unless it has hundreds of thousands of links coming into it.

Page Rank Might Lose its Influence

However, Google appear to be reconsidering how it views links, and perhaps web page content will be viewed as it should be – as more important than incoming links that can be contrived artificially. Follow my advice and do your own SEO. It is as easy as I have described. If you fail to get listed within two weeks you are doing something wrong, and then you might need help, but make sure you get help from somebody who wants to help you and not simply boost his or her ego.

There is more to search engine optimization than flashy pages. Spiders see in black and white, and are impatient creatures, so don’t lead them a merry dance. Be obvious, tell them what your page is about and let them read your content before sending them on to the next page.

SEO is about being honest with your visitors and giving them information that is as relevant to your subject as you possibly can, but also using common sense. Look at your home page, and consider what you want to be the most important parts of it. Then think where you would want your visitors eyes to go on your page to be given the best information. You can use HTML to make sure that the search engines crawl your page exactly that way.

Do Not Confuse Your Spiders

You can lead spiders from paragraph to paragraph. Table to table, link to link. Keep in mind that if a spider follows a link it will start crawling the page you sent it to and only come back if you allow it to: i. e. provide another link back to your home page. Theoretically you could send it back and forth the between two pages in an unbreakable loop!

That is the ‘website design’ part, leaving algorithms, statistical analysis and search terms still to cover. These will have to be the subject of another article!


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How photo blogging makes you money

Many people feel that photo blogging is the most exciting kind of blogging that exists. Building and maintaining a photo blog is no more difficult than creating and updating a text-based blog, and many people feel that the internet's high speed, full-color technology reaches the pinnacle of its appeal with the transmission of images.

Posting photographs in a blog format on a daily, weekly, or occasional basis is a great way to express yourself while reaching viewers in an emotionally charged and aesthetically engaging way, and surfing photo blogs can help you to get a whole new perspective on the world in which we live. Setting up AdSense on your Blog is a breeze, and you can complete the whole process in less then an hour. Free $97 Adsense Secret Ebook on Adsense Tips here.

Many people who run image blogs are photographers by trade, but photo blogging is also very popular among hobbyists and amateur shutterbugs. To be certain, a lot of the most popular photo blogs have gained attention because the pictures on them are of the highest artistic caliber, and a lot of the people who run these striking blogs are graduates of prestigious art schools and have impressive professional portfolios.

However, some of the most well known and most often visited photo blogs are as notable for their concepts as for the pictures themselves. Certain photo blogs, like the popular "Cute Overload" which features picture after picture of adorable animals, are more about the thematic content of the pictures than they are about the style in which the snapshots are taken.

The fact that photo blogs range from forums to display the work of highly skilled artisans to playful collections of curiosities shows that photo blogging is a truly diverse form. The fact that photo blogs are so easy to build and to update makes this kind of visual communication very democratic, and enables people at all skill levels to become a part of the global conversation about the nature and value of photography today.

Whether you are an artist or hobbyist who wants to create a photo blog, or whether you are just somebody who enjoys learning about new places and things, spending some time looking at the most popular photography blogs on the internet can be a very rewarding endeavor. You can travel to another place or another time by seeing pictures of faraway locations and long-gone eras.

You can see your own neighborhood with fresh eyes by discover how local artists have photographed the town or city in which you live. Photo blogging allows people to communicate all of these things and more, which makes it a very exciting part of the modern blogosphere. If the best thing about web technology is that it allows people to reach each other in a very personal way from across great distances, then in many ways photo blogs are the most successful kind of web sites. How can you find high paying keywords for your Blog? Free $97 Secret Adsense Book at honestreview. info/adsense/index. html

Friday, February 19, 2016

Greg melikov s horses to watch edition 83


Bold Man: Raced eighth early, advanced to fifth more than 5Ð… lengths behind after a half-mile, rallied 3 wide into stretch, made up 5Ð… lengths, and lost by a neck at 6 furlongs on March 30. (Tracked pace 2 lengths behind in third after a half-mile, rallied three wide on turn, losing ground, made up nearly 2Ð… lengths in stretch, and was nosed out at 6 furlongs on April 26.)


Staria: Steadied at start, checked early, raced more than 5Ð… lengths behind after a half-mile, rallied 4 wide in stretch, made up more than 4 lengths, and lost by a head at a mile on the turf on April 30.

Fortunate Code: Bumped at break, raced 10th early, advanced to fifth 8 lengths behind after a half-mile, swung out for a stretch run, rallied from fourth to make up more than 5ј lengths, and lost by a head at 6 furlongs on April 25.

Churchill Downs

Tipperone: Sluggish at start, steadied, trailed by 8 lengths at a half-mile, came off rail very wide for drive, and rallied from sixth to gain second by 2Ð… lengths at 6 furlongs in the slope on April 30.


Gold Hornet: Broke last, trailed by more than 12Ð… lengths at a half-mile, came five wide into stretch, rallied from fourth to make up more than 2Ñ• lengths, and lost by three-quarters of a length at 1 1/16 miles on April 30.

Buster Bailey: Broke from outside post, raced seventh more than 10 lengths behind after a half-mile, came 5 wide into stretch, made up nearly 2Ð… lengths, and was nosed out at 1 1/16 miles on April 22.

Chicago Style: Raced on rail 11 lengths behind in sixth after a half-mile, rallied from fifth in stretch to make up 9 lengths, and lost by a half-length at 6 furlongs on April 9.

Key Storm: Raced fourth early, shuffled back to fifth on turn, steadied behind rivals awaiting racing room along rail, leaving fifth-sixteenths marker, angled out in mid-stretch, closed fast to make up more than 2Ð… lengths, and lost by a length at 6 furlongs on March 4.

Hollywood Park

Lucky Stab: Trailed early, raced 6Ð… lengths behind in sixth after a half-mile, came out wide into stretch, rallied from fourth to make up 3Ð… lengths, and lost by a head at 6Ð… furlongs on April 28.

Midnighter: Chased pace more than 5 lengths behind in eighth after a half-mile, split rivals twice on turn, came out wide, bumping with winner in mid-stretch, made up 2Ð… lengths, and lost by a head at 7 furlongs on April 2 at Santa Anita. (Broke slowly, trailed inside by more than 5 lengths after a half-mile, advanced 4 wide off turn, drifted in a bit in stretch, and gained second by 4Ð… lengths at 7 furlongs on April 27.)

Philadelphia Park

Sans Win: Raced fourth more than 5Ð… lengths behind after a half-mile, rallied in stretch to make up 5 lengths, and gained second by 5Ð… lengths at 6Ð… furlongs on April 23.

Sign Post: Didn’t break alertly, raced sixth early, advanced to fifth more than 6 lengths behind after a half-mile, rallied inside into stretch, closed gamely from fourth to second, making up 2 lengths, and lost by a length at 5Ð… furlongs on April 11.

Imachadancer: Raced sixth more than 3Ð… lengths behind after a half-mile, rallied to fourth in stretch, closed well to make up 5Ð… lengths, and lost by a length at 6 furlongs on a sloppy surface April 8.


Grand Lucenci: Broke last, raced 10th more than 15Ð… lengths behind after a half-mile, shifted out 8 wide in lane, closed willingly from ninth to make up 9 lengths in stretch, and gained place by a neck, running the final quarter of 6 furlongs in 23 seconds on April 30.

Tam I Am: Appeared washy before post-time, raced 7Ð… lengths behind in third after a half-mile, dropped back to fourth after 6 furlongs, angled out very wide in the lane, closed steadily to make up 6 lengths, and lost by a neck at 1 1/16 miles on April 23.

Prairie Meadows

Load’im Up: Pressed pace 1Ð… lengths back in fourth after a half-mile, lost ground on turn, angled to mid-track in stretch, made up 2Ð… lengths, and lost by a neck at 1 1/16 miles on March 31 at Tampa Bay Downs. (Raced third early along rail, dropped back to fourth after a half-mile, lost ground to fifth, awaiting an opening, leaving far turn, and rallied to gain second by a head at a mile and 70 yards on April 27.)

Retama Park

Cinnamon Celebrity: Bumped in stretch, racing fourth, and lost by a head at 330 yards on April 30.

Man With Money: Finished strongly from outside post in fourth to gain second by a head at 330 yards on April 29.

Tampa Bay Downs

Sosella: Raced 12Ѕ lengths behind in fifth after a half-mile, angled to rail in upper stretch, made up more than 4ј lengths, and lost by a neck at 1 1/16 miles on April 29.

Cimarrona: Raced 5 lengths behind after a half-mile, came 6 wide into stretch, made up nearly 3Ð… lengths, and lost by a neck at 6 furlongs on April 23.

Unreal General: Broke from outside, raced sixth early, dropped back to seventh 2 lengths behind after a half-mile, slipped through along rail, leaving furlong marker, closed fast from sixth to make up more than 5 lengths in stretch, and lost by a head at a mile on the turf April 15.

Dynamic Contour: Raced 6Ð… lengths behind in eighth after a half-mile, blocked through far turn, angled out for clear racing room in upper stretch, swung back inside to make up more than 2 lengths, and lost by a half-length at 1 1/16 miles on the turf April 7.

Mr. Hogan: Broke through gate before start, raced within 2 lengths of leader after a half-mile, rallied down middle of track to gain lead in stretch, caught late, and lost by a length at 6 furlongs on March 19. (Chased winner throughout, couldn’t close gap, but held place by a head at 6 furlongs on April 3.)

El Soprano: Raced 3Ð… lengths behind in fifth after a half-mile, dropped back from sixth to seventh looking for room in upper stretch, closed fast when clear, making up 4 lengths, and lost by a neck at 1 1/16 miles on the turf March 7. (Broke sharply to gain early lead, drew off by 3Ð… lengths in stretch, and won by three-quarters of a length at 1 1/16 miles on the grass April 11.)

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Freelance golf professionals need to market their services

A golf professional can be called to perform a wide range of tasks in his position at a large complex, or even more so at a smaller, more private course. Having varied duties suits many people just fine, as the job never becomes boring and there's always something going on. One moment could be working on a human resources issue, followed by an hour or so in the pro shop, after which could be some time out on the green coaching. But many golf professionals turn to freelance work, rather than work on a golf complex payroll, and while both methods of earning a living can be fine, freelancing your skills is where your interpersonal abilities, business smarts and marketing talents will come into play.

Most likely, you'll be letting word out that you're available for lessons and coaching, or that you'll provide private training. Freelancing means you can be self-employed and offer the services to individuals who and when you want to. You set your hours, set your rates and choose your clients. But you do need clients, and you do need enough of them to provide a steady income. Marketing skills will help you draw in people that are interested in learning golf or have expressed enough curiosity that you might be able to get them hooked after a lesson or two. Freelancing means that, to start, you'll have to work to ensure your own income by finding new venues and clients for selling your skills.

Baby boomers are a great place to start. The group of individuals is usually affluent and has time on their hands to try something new, combined with the search for hobbies and pastimes to let them escape from their years of hard work. Baby boomers are also easy to reach, as they tend to be tempted by new challenges and something that looks relaxing and fun. Senior citizens are another good group for the golf professional to target, as the need to stay in shape and get outdoors is important to them. They can also be reached through the fact that golf is a low-impact sport that doesn't depend on physical strength as much as others do and the game provides them with healthy exercise such as walking.

Generation X poses challenges for the golf professional. Xers tend to be swayed by fashion and trends, as well as being technological junkies. Golf can provide both those alluring temptations to Generation X individuals, with specialized clothing and footwear, as well as continually developing equipment, but Xers are market savvy and they drive a hard bargain, looking for top quality at a value price level. They are also wise on hype, scorning hidden ploys and prefer bluntness at all times, which makes it difficult to put together a marketing strategy. They are, however, the new wave of golfers and the golf professional needs to understand this generation's thinking process and habits to draw them in to the golfing industry. Knowing how Xers think and what they respond to is imperative to having them join the golf professional's client base.

An excellent report written by Marcus Whelan titled “Marketing Golf to Generation X” provides an in-depth look at the particular marketing strategies to avoid or strive for with younger client bases than Baby Boomers and senior citizens. This report is an invaluable tool for the freelance golf professional and the information details many ways to approach not only Xers, but other groups of individuals as well. However, any golf professional that is serious about their career should take the time to read the report and gain insight on the very clientele they depend on to further their career.

If you want advice and cheap mortgage protection insurance go to a standalone specialist

If you want cheap mortgage protection insurance the don’t be tempted to take out the cover that’s offered at the time of taking out the mortgage, cover bought this way can add hundreds of pounds more onto the cost than if you had chosen to take out the cover from a standalone specialist. Cheap mortgage protection insurance along with the best advice possible is only available from a specialist provider and for the time being this is the best way of buying the cover if you want to understand the product.

Sadly many consumers don’t even realise they have the option of shopping around for a mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI) policy but instead are led to believe that the cover has to be taken out with the mortgage lender at the time of taking out your mortgage and so pay more than needed for what could be essential cover.

Mortgage protection insurance is taken out to safeguard your monthly mortgage repayments each month in case you should come out of work due to suffering from an accident, a sickness or if you should be unlucky enough to become unemployed by such as being made redundant. If you are out of work you will still have to continue to find the money to pay your mortgage each month, this can bring great stress and worry to an already stressful time and in the worse case scenario if you cant keep up with your repayments then you risk losing your home to repossession.

Providing that a policy is suitable for your needs then it could give you an income each month with which to continue paying your mortgage and give you peace of mind and security. The cover can start paying out from between one to three months after being out of work and would then continue to payout for up to 12 months and with some insurances, for up to 24 months. You do have to ensure that the product is suitable for your particular circumstances before you buy as there are exclusions which can stop the product from being suitable, some exclusions are common to all polices such as if you are only working part time, if you are of retirement age, self-employed or if you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition.

If you want to make sure that cheap mortgage protection insurance is suited to your circumstances then go to a standalone specialist, all specialist should make policies and in particular the exclusions available to the consumer before they buy so they can determine if a policy is suitable to your lifestyle. Mortgage payment protection can be an expensive addition to an already stretched budget but buying from a specialist can save you hundreds over the term of your mortgage. Mortgage payment protection can make a difference between losing the roof over your head and keeping it, you would still have to repay your monthly repayments and mortgage cover can give you that income to ensure you don’t have to struggle to find the money and increase an already stressful situation.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Adolescent dog snapped at baby

I wrote to you some months ago and never write again, this because I did not have any problem with my dog until now and this is case of keeping the dog or giving her away.

Last week the dog (9 months now), growled to my 2 year old daughter and to my wife too when she tried to correct her after the action. They were watching TV and it looks like my daughter approached her face to the dog, she has done this before without this kind of reaction and last night she pet her on her back and the dog pull her lips up like if she was ready to bite.

She never growls to anyone and she is very friendly and some times very submissive with people and other dogs.

I'm thinking that this is something to do with my daughter's stature, she is a dwarf and I guess the dog looks at her as lower level because she is actually smaller than the dog.

I read the book trying to find something to do but I see you suggest a professional advice.

I don't want to risk the safety of my daughter or wife, if there is something I can try that you suggest I will appreciate.

Thank you

Guillermo Rodriguez

Dear Guillermo:

I would be careful about letting your daughter be around the dog at this age, however... I would not recommend getting rid of the dog if...

1. You recognize that more than likely, based on what you've told me, you don't have a bad dog. What you've seen is very common amongst young dogs. They are reaching adolescents and are testing out their position in the pack. They are experimenting with new behaviors to see what kind of response it will elicit from the rest of the pack. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU SHOULD ENDANGER YOUR CHILD, but rather that you need to keep a very close eye on the two at all times.

She'll likely do this behavior a couple more times. When it happens, it must be met with a no-nonsense, extremely firm correction. (See page 45 and page 174) You must "psych" her into believing that if she tries to harm you or any other member of the pack again, then you will kill her. Make her never, EVER want to even THINK about trying such a behavior again.

2. Let me repeat, this is a very common behavior amongst young dogs. However, your child's safety comes first. I would not let a young child of this age be in direct contact with a dog, period. Regardless of the dog.

Please let me know if there is something you do not understand.

That's all for now, folks!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Beautify your garden with a bridge

A good way to start the morning is to have a nice walk appreciating the wonders of nature around us. Do you ever imagine having your own little paradise just right outside your backyard? Smelling rows of fresh flowers and enjoy seeing colorful fishes in your very own pond or lagoon. Maybe all of us want to have a getaway to shun off the noise of the buzzing city life. Consider a garden bridge to accentuate your sanctuary and create a focal point to your blooming garden. Garden bridges are gaining popularity among gardens. Bridges are often placed over a small stream, pond or even over rough terrain. It is the perfect touch for an exquisitely made landscape whatever the setting may be.

1. Personalize Your Garden

Garden bridges bring out your creative self. These accents give a more personalized touch in your garden revealing your true character and personality. It also reflects your own personal taste and style, thus, your garden has too its own character. All the choices and decisions you made in styling your garden, even the visual impression are yours. Having a garden bridge in a backyard is an influence of the Far East. Serene locations are often used for rejuvenation and meditation. Therefore, a good way to stay connected in the privacy of your home while rejuvenating and meditating is to create your own quiet place in your backyard. Garden bridges give serenity to the entire garden. It evokes peaceful feelings and clear dispositions.

2. Bridge Selections

Garden bridges are made of either wood or steel - wood is most popular because it gives an elegant and traditional style. There are three popularly chosen woods used for building these bridges: cedar, pine and redwood. They are unique in their features and has a particular desirable characteristics. Galvanized steel garden bridges are also fast gaining popularity because of the high quality materials used for strength, stability and longevity.


Buyers of cedar bridges may be attracted to the timeless natural beauty of this light-colored wood. It is very good for any outdoor furnishing because it resists mold, decay and mildew and repels insects. The two popular types of cedar are the western red and white cedar. Though both have similar qualities, the western red celar may last long than the white ones due to lower levels of natural acid which preserve the cedar. Cedar wood ages well because it does not have the tendency to splinter.


his type of wood is prone to rot if not pressure-treated. Before building the bridge, make sure that the wood is painted or stained and sealed to extend their life line. Its attractive natural color responds well to staining.


Having a durable redwood garden bridge makes for additional style and elegance in your backyard. Redwood stands well against the elements and resist rotting. Lack of maintenance and prolonged exposure stole the vibrancy of its color. But this can be easily restored by using a colored sealer.

3. Starting With Your Garden Bridge

- Online sites of Garden Bridges provide you with the best choices, great deals and valuable information to help you started.

- Different series and style are available for you to choose from. Make sure you have already an idea on paper like a drawing of your dream bridge.

- You can base and compare the style available from the look you want like:

4. Villa Style

- Rustic, country look

- Colonial, medieval design

- Pathway Bridge looks like a pedestrian bridge more in tune to Japanese style garden bridges used for zen meditation. They call this the Water Garden Series

- Romantic style bridges

Debt consolidation is a way to debt-freedom

Many of us have noticed the way in which debt can pile up. Some people who are improperly informed about their finances tend to spend more than their actual capacity. This can become a problem with credit cards; since they let you spend away up to your limit. A lot of people tend to use the credit cards in the same way as one would use free money.

When the bills come, and the income just cannot keep up with the repayment dues and other obligations, the person has the choice of not paying the dues, consequently incurring penalties which may add up and leave him in deeper debt. But, by choosing to avail of debt consolidation, he can ease himself out of debt.

Debt consolidation is the method of taking on another loan to pay of other loans. In brief, you are securing one debt to pay off others. While this may sound absurd, it does make sense when you learn its mechanics. The transfer of the debt may be done from several unsecured loans into another unsecured loan, but most of the time it is done through a secured loan which is put up against assets which serves as collateral, usually a house.

Debt consolidation could be applied for because of a few main reasons. The aim may be to get a lower or fixed rate of interest or to make the task of paying of multiple loans much more manageable.

Debt consolidation programs are often resorted to by people who would are desperate to improve their credit ratings somehow. This could be the final attempt before filing for bankruptcy. Debt consolidation companies sometimes discount the amount of the loan, and then buy this loan at a marked down amount. In this regard the debtor may easily search for debt consolidators who may pass along some of the savings from the debt.

At the same time, if the debtor is unable to avoid bankruptcy, there will be no way in which he can deal with the debts that pile up.

When it comes to credit card debts, it has been seen that debt consolidation is one of the best ways to go. Since credit cards can carry a significant amount in penalties, and a relatively larger interest rate then most unsecured debts, having several cards, each with its own set of terms for servicing, can become a complex matter altogether.

People who are going in for debt consolidation can secure the loans under the security of some asset like real estate. This results in a lower rate than the previous debts, and the total interest and cash flow paid to the consolidated debt is considerably lower. Thus, the loan tends to get paid off sooner thanks to the lower interest charges.

Because of the advantages of debt consolidation as a means to get rid of high interest debt balances, companies take the opportunity to profit from providing consolidation services by charging high fees, most of the time maximizing regulated limits. The debtor must understand that debt consolidation is a casualty controlling maneuver.

If the debtor is a chronic overspender, this will only be a temporary solution. The moment that the debtor once again starts running up his credit balance, he will once again find himself in the same position as before.

What to look for when buying cars online

Ten years ago, you would be laughed at if you were to tell someone that people would buy cars without first inspecting them in person. Well, today thousands of people are buying cars on the internet through sites like eBay, without ever physically coming in contact with their cars before the purchase!

Let’s face it: The internet is a hassle free place to shop for cars. There are many advantages to shopping cars online. When buying a car online, you don’t have to listen to a dealer talk about the specs of a car. You just have to read all about it in a website. You don’t have to go to a showroom, you just to have to point and click your mouse and you could browse through different make and models of cars. And if you want to take a second look at a car it’s very easy.

Furthermore, transactions can be done without you having to go out of your room. After ordering the car you want and paying the price, all you have to do is to wit for your brand new vehicle to be delivered to the nearest dealer. Some dealers would even deliver the car right at your doorstep.

Depending on the sites you are visiting, the method in which they sell cars to you will differ. Some websites will only get you in touch with a real car seller. This means you have to transact the traditional way. Then there are websites that would take car of everything. Some websites would even deliver the car at your doorstep. Of course this would mean a bigger amount of service fee.

However, before you decide to buy a car online, you must first know exactly what kind of car you want. How? By determining the types of car you’re looking for and the price you are willing to pay for that car.

Below are some helpful tips for buying cars online:

1. Make sure it’s safe. Make sure that the website you go to is secure and reliable. Most sites would let you browse by car type, by price range or both.

2. Research carefully. The most important thing to do is to research. Don’t get too excited. Check on the different packages available.

3. Read Third Party Reviews. Read reviews about the different make, model and year of cars. A good website must also have reviews and ratings for the cars they are selling. But you should also cross check by visiting independent car sites or sites that do not sell cars or are connected to car companies to get a more objective review.

4. Ask yourself what features are important to you. Do you give much ore importance to fuel efficiency than speed or vice versa? Are you more concerned about safety features than a good sound system? After you’ve done all these, it’s time to determine your budget. Just how much are you willing to spend for a vehicle?

5. Check on the history of the particular car line. You can easily do this by consulting consumer magazines and websites. You could also check out the website of the car’s manufacturer.

6. See if you can meet the seller offline. If you don’t want to make all transactions online then you could ask the dealer to meet you in person once you found him on the Internet. Upon meeting the dealer, negotiate with him as you would a normal car dealer and then sign the papers.

7. Do a detailed background check of the website or person you are about to buy from. It is advisable to buy only from websites which has detailed information about the vehicles they are selling. Ask if they have conducted inspections of each car in their lot through independent mechanics. If they have, then you’ll know that that website is a good place to shop for cars.

By following the above tips and always being aware that you are dealing with a legitimate, trustworthy seller, buying cars on the internet can in fact be a fun and rewarding experience. Now, who says you have to visit your local car dealer to buy a car?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

God is stronger than your fears and anxieties

At times, our fears and anxieties may seem too powerful to overcome, however there is one person who is stronger than your fears and that is the power of God. God can be a powerful ally in overcoming our fears, however a person must know where to begin.

The key is to talk to God about your problem and then use him as your main foundation in overcoming your fears. A person can go to church or to a quiet place during the day to tell God that they are having a problem. They should tell God how they feel and ask God for some of his help. Each and every day, a person should make it up a habit to talk to God and ask for his help.

Rely on God on a regular basis. Believe that he will help you overcome your fears. A person can read the Bible, go to church, or join a small church group where members pray for one another. Get in the habit of including God in your life. As you do these things, it will be easier to trust in Him with your problems.

When using the help of God to manage your fears, a person needs to be aware of how God is working in their life. Most of the time God works in mysterious ways and the answers he provides might not be that obvious. A person must be aware of God being in their life even when they are

dealing with their fears and anxieties.

Continue to seek help in managing your fears. Talking to a minister, priest or counselor can give you additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. Remember that there is nothing wrong in asking for help and assistance.

Finally, the most important thing is to continue praying and talking to God. Talk to God as if you were talking to a friend. Read the Bible and pray hard. Be persistent and be open in the avenues that God may provide to you in solving your problem. It is not always easy, however God is in control and he will help you if you ask him.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

What does blushing have to do with anorexia

Have you ever seen a picture of someone who has had anorexia for a long time? The image usually reflects someone who is really just skin and bones, yet continues to starve him or herself. To someone who has never had anorexia, it is hard to look at such an image and comprehend how the person who is in the picture looks in the mirror and sees a fat person who still needs to lose weight.

Without understanding the psychological aspects of anorexia, it is impossible for someone who sees themselves accurately to understand how distorted the body image of an anorexic is. Because a major part of anorexia is an obsessive and overwhelming fear of being overweight, those with the disease develop a distorted body image. They truly do not see their bodies the way they really are. If you tell an anorexic person that he or she is too thin, the person will believe you are lying to them.

Someone with problem blushing behaviour is not likely to immediately see the connection between problem blushing and anorexia, but there is an important similarity between the two conditions. Problem blushing behaviour has psychological ties as well. Because people who have problem blushing tend to be overly sensitive to the opinions of other people, any time they feel that they are being judged, they start to blush even more.

If you experience problem blushing, you know the overwhelming feeling of shame that sweeps over you when you feel a blush starting to creep up your neck and over your face. But, here is a question to ask yourself. Do you know how your blush looks to someone else? Do you think you look like a sunburned crab to the other person? Or, is it possible that your blushing really isn’t as bad as you think it is?

Before you answer that question, remind yourself that an 80 pound anorexic woman honestly believes that she is fat. She looks in the mirror and sees an obese person. She thinks that when you look at her, blushing or not, that you see someone who is morbidly overweight.

How do you know how you look to other people? When my girlfriend found out that in my audio book, Blushing Free, I comment that my blushing problem reached an all-time high when I first met her, she was surprised. She never even noticed what I thought were the worst episodes of excessive blushing I experienced in my life.

Just like anorexics have an excessive fear of being overweight that distorts their body image, problem blushers have an excessive fear of blushing that distorts their perception of what blushing does to their appearance. I’m not saying that problem blushers don’t blush too frequently. As a former problem blusher myself, I know that problem blushing is real. What I am saying is that as a problem blusher, your perception of what problem does to your appearance is worse than the reality.

As a problem blusher, a great first step toward getting over your problem is to recognize that part of your problem is tied to your fear of blushing. I’m not saying that you are making it up, but I am saying that it is partially in your mind. When you realize that your blushing problem isn’t as bad as you think, and that other people are likely to not notice or not care about it, you’ll be a little bit closer to putting the problem of excessive blushing behind you once and for all.

State and feds at odds over new rules for scoring arizona schools

The U. S. Department of Education changed its rules for measuring the progress of public schools during the 2005-2006 school year. The impact was devastating to the Arizona schools, which had more than 600 schools marked as “failed”. That is nearly three times as many schools as last year.

For the first time, the Arizona schools were forced to include AIMS test scores for reading and math of students, who are in their second or third year of learning English. Another change lessened the amount of help a school may give special education students in completing the AIMS test. Additionally, the Arizona schools now are required to expand the number of students tested each year. In the past, they tested students in the third, fifth, eighth and tenth grades. Now, the Arizona schools must test all students in grades three through eight, as well as high school sophomores.

Superintendent Tom Horne is outspoken on the federal mandates, calling them illogical and absurd. He cites that these changes are responsible for nearly 400 additional Arizona schools failing to meet minimum federal progress measures, with about 112 schools failing only because of the requirement to include the scores of students within their first three years of learning English. He vehemently stated that the new federal rules make it impossible for many Arizona schools to succeed. Many Arizona schools students have only arrived from Mexico the year before and cannot be expected to be proficient in English, making it more difficult for them to pass the math and reading portions of the AIMS test.

The only consolation offered by federal officials is for the Arizona schools to offer those students a translation of the AIMS test, making it easier for them to understand. Horne emphasizes the need for more time for these students. So far, federal officials ignore Horne’s argument by stating that if a group of students are not counted, then they probably are not being taught.

Horne filed a lawsuit against the federal government in July 2006 to stop the inclusion of English as a Second Language student test scores until their fourth year of English language classes. Until the lawsuit is settled, the Arizona schools must continue to include these student test scores.

Horne, as well as many educators and administrators across the state, see the federal mandate as impractical. They say it paints an unfair picture of many reputable Arizona schools. They are concerned that the negative “failed” label and bad publicity will damage individual Arizona schools that have worked hard to maintain their otherwise high achievement levels.

In 2005, there were 54 Arizona schools that failed to meet the minimum progress measure four or more years in a row. In 2006, that figure increased to 66 Arizona schools. This mandate puts more Arizona schools on the road to potentially failing four years in a row, which means mandatory state intervention into those Arizona schools’ daily operations. If these “failed” Arizona schools continue to fail in future years, federal law requires the state to make even bigger changes, which usually starts with the replacement of principals and teachers.

Horne hopes to prevail through a favorable court decision. Otherwise, many Arizona schools soon will experience dramatic consequences.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Online poker tournaments

In recent month’s not just online poker but online poker tournaments have been gaining in popularity and the interest in them is still growing. Certainly once you start a search for online poker tournaments you will be amazed at the number of results that such sites as Google provide you with.

Today more and more poker sites are now offering players to join in on tournaments at any time they want to. Plus if you are a player who is looking to hone the skills that he or she already has when it comes to playing poker then taking part in an online tournament will be a great way to do this.

There are some poker tournaments available online which allow you to either compete against a computer or against other people. However playing against a computer is great for practicing and helping a person to improve the way that they play the game. But if you are someone who wants to actually be able to place bets and hopefully win the pot then there are sites that are available and which will allow you to play with others at a virtual poker table.

The great thing about taking part in an online poker tournament is you may find yourself playing not just against those who have the same level of experience as you but also some who may be completely new to the game or those that are considered to be professionals. Most games will often require a player to pay an entry fee in order to compete, but there are some tournaments which require no payment from their players whatsoever. The problem with the free tournaments is that generally the prize money (pot) that is available to be won is considerably lower than that you would get in a game where you have been asked to pay an entry fee. In most cases the online poker tournaments where a player has paid an entry fee this money will be included within the prize money that is being offered.

You will soon discover that most online poker tournaments are made up of multi tables. It is during these tournaments each player is provided with a set amount of chips to use for their betting. Then once the tournament starts each player at each table is trying to eliminate the others by winning as many hands as possible and therefore advance on to the next stage of the tournament. This will carry on until those that have survived the various rounds end up on the final table and they play until there is a winner.

However be warned when it comes to playing online poker tournaments you may well find yourself becoming addicted to them. In fact you may well find yourself playing in them for hours upon hours. But the chances of getting to know new people from around the world who are interested in this game is extremely likely. Certainly the popularity of these types of tournaments are going to increase all the time and as more and more people get involved in it then more and more tournaments will be taking place.

Closing every sale - 7 key steps to closing every sale

When a client tells me they’re not bringing in the sales they want, one of the first questions I ask is, “Are you asking for the business?” Their response is either “No, I don’t know what to say,” or “What if I ask and they’re not interested?” Well, if you don’t ask, you’ll never know where you stand with your prospect.

The close is a crucial moment of decision in the sales process when the prospect decides whether to enter into a business relationship with you or not. For many people this is such a painful time that 50% of all sales calls end without asking for some sort of commitment to the next step.

Let me share a story with you. Jim and Ron were friends for more than 25 years and golf buddies for nearly the same amount of time. They had grown up together, were as close as brothers celebrating each other’s personal and professional business successes over the years. One day, while they’re teeing off, Jim turned to Ron and said, “Ron, how come after all the years we’ve known each other, you’ve never given me any business?” Ron turned to Jim and simply said, “You never asked.” This response may sound surprising, but it’s true. The most common reason business owners don’t get the business is they don’t ask for it. It’s as simple as that. If you want the business, you must ask for it.

Let’s take a look at 7 key steps to asking for the business.

1. Prepare Yourself for the Close: There are a number of questions to answer before you ask for the business. Once you answer “yes” to these questions, you’re ready to ask the closing questions. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

* Does the customer want what I’m selling?

* Does the customer believe in me and my company?

* Can the customer afford my product?

* Does the customer fully understand what my product is?

* Have I prepared and practiced my closing techniques?

* Am I prepared to remain silent after asking the closing question?

2. Trial Closes: Throughout the sales meeting, look for opportunities to get agreement from the prospect. Repeat back to the prospect what they told you is important to them and tie it back to the benefits. Here’s an example: “Don’t you agree, it’s going to give you the financial security you said earlier is so important to you?”

Checking in with them throughout the meeting and getting agreement allows you to use the information as you prepare for the close. If your prospect agrees, you can bring them back to that at the end.

3. Assumptive Close: From the moment you walk in and sit down with the prospect, assume the prospect wants to buy your product. If they are willing to meet with you, they must have some interest in what you’re selling. If you continually assume the sale over and over in your own mind, you’ll project that confidence in your speaking when meeting with the prospect. Here are several assumptive statements you can make before the prospect buys:

* “You’ll be happy you decided to buy it.”

* “You’re going to love how it looks in your home.”

4. Ask Pressure-Free Closing Questions: The level of anxiety increases for a prospect as he or she gets closer to making a decision on whether to do business with you. This is an uncertain time for the prospect in the decision-making process and the sale can go either way. The way to keep the sales door open and lead the prospect to doing business with you is to ask pressure-free questions. “If” is the magic word to use when asking a pressure-free question. The word “if,” removes all risk and pressure from the question. The prospect will respond freely as there is no commitment to be made at this time. Here’s a couple of examples:

* If you were to go ahead with…when would you...?

* If you were to decide many would you...?

5. Ask Closing Questions: There is no need to break your momentum now. You’re now at the most crucial part of the sales and the moment of truth. Nothing happens until the sale is closed. If you want the business, you simply have to ask for it. Here are a few questions you can ask potential clients in order to reach an agreement.

* “Are you ready to get started?”

* “Shall I draw up a contract?”

* “Do we have a deal?”

* “Let’s take a few minutes now so I can walk you through the agreement.”

* “Let’s set up our next meeting and I can go over the plan with you then.”

* “Shall I finalize the details?”

6. Be Quiet! Let Them Respond First: The biggest flaw leading to failing to close the sale is the inability to know when and how to ask for it and then be quiet. After you’ve made your recommendation and asked all your closing questions, remain silent. The prospect has listened to your presentation and needs a couple of moments to absorb the information and make the buying decision. Take a deep breathe, be quiet, and wait for the prospect to speak first.

7. Decide on the Next Steps: Whether or not you have closed the sale, be absolutely certain that both you and the prospect know what happens next. Before you end your meeting with the prospect, take out your calendar and set up the next meeting, or the next call. Never leave a meeting without knowing the next step.


* Make a list of 5 Trial Closing questions, 5 Assumptive Closing statements, 5 Pressure-Free Closing questions, and 5 Closing Questions to ask the prospect and memorize them.

* Find a buddy and practice Steps 1-7.

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