Sunday, November 27, 2016

How to analyze and animate some of the most deadly martial arts moves

Martial arts, used by many people today for the health benefits, another way of getting fit or as a form of self defense. But in fact, martial arts are and can be much more and there are some killer martial arts moves that are choreographed to do what their name implies, Kill. These moves were used in both defensive and attacking maneuvers over the centuries and are still taught today.

These moves take years to perfect to reach killing stage and indeed need a much skill to apply correctly. Some of the most deadly moves in martial arts can be modified and used in competition, mostly a mixed competition. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport using different styles of martial arts where speed and power are used in different manners. This form of competition took hold around 1993 and was called the Ultimate Fighting Championships. It consisted of martial artists using different styles and being pitted against one another with very limited rules. In the interests of safety and so that the sport could gain wider public acceptance, there were some extra rules implemented in early 2000’s by MMA competitions. The MMA has grown considerably since then and although more regulated, MMA still maintains a no holds barred approach. Although seen as brutal by many, serious injuries are rare and other than a death caused by a pre-existing medical condition there has not been a fatality in the MMA competitions.

Many of the killer martial arts moves are still in modified use in these competitions although some have been barred completely. Techniques, if you want to called them that, such as biting, eye-gouging, fish-hooking and small joint manipulation have been made illegal as well as strikes to the groin. There are a number of moves that can vary in legality depending on the rules for the particular competition.

In these competitions, there are a number of ways one can be judged the winner. Either by judge’s decision at the end of the allotted time, by the fight doctor who may decide that the injuries will prevent the competitor from continuing and is no longer capable of defending himself, by knockout or by submission. There are both men’s and women’s competitions held at various levels and styles.

The killer martial arts moves that are taught today as a modified form to most students and when taught in their original form, they are taught under the watchful eyes of the instructors and are only taught when the particular student is of a standard both physically and mentally to handle these potentially fatal moves. It is generally the modified form which is used in MMA competitions by martial artists with the right mental attitude and strength of character to apply these deadly moves correctly in a manner that will attain victory for them without causing a fatal blow to their opponent.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Cash to meet your financial emergencies

Life is unpredictable. No one knows what will happen in the next moment. Cash is something that one may need for any reason, any time. Shortage of cash leaves a person in a firtghtening position. For most people a financial crisis is not unexpected towards the end of the month. However, there are other expenses like medical emergencies, school fees, maintenance of a vehicle that will place everyone under pressure. To meet all these basic family expenses fast cash loan is a handy and convenient way to get cash in advance. Considering all these things Direct Cash Now has come up with its fast cash loan offer, a fast application process to provide you the money when you need it.

We understand the situations that the average person goes through. Our fast cash loan is a convenient and quick way with which you can get the required amount of cash to fulfill your needs. Get an instant cash advance at Direct Cash Now, a leading short-term private lending group in Australia.

Getting a fast cash loan is a hassle-free and faster process with us. You simply complete an online application form. You will receive a confirmation reply through e-mail including a reference number with which you will send your information. After verification and confirmation and some documentation the cash will be transferred into your nominated bank account by electronic fund transfer method. Your fast cash loan is a short-term money advance that you can pay back through payroll deduction or direct debit from your bank account.

We offer you a quick way to secure cash for any financial emergency. We provide emphasis to individual applications for fast cash loan and evaluate them on a case by case basis. There is instant approval of online applications and you will receive instant money online as well.

We aim to provide our customer immediate financial help when they need it. Fast cash loan is an easy and effective solution to receive a payday loan online. We employ a completely online technique and strive to help you out of your unexpected crisis.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The key to sexy lingerie

Blurt out the words “Sexy Lingerie” and images of open bust bras and crotch-less panties often come to mind! However, there is much more to sexy lingerie than this very small representation.

Sexy lingerie has the ability to transform what might be considered an average body into something more. The key to unlocking the power of lingerie is to use it to accentuate the most positive features of the woman who is wearing it.

Women would be wise to remember that men are visual creatures. By accentuating a woman’s’ most attractive features in a visually appealing way, she can count on getting a positive response from her male suitor every time.

Wearing sexy and appealing lingerie can help to boost a woman’s self-confidence in her body thus enhancing her overall attitude, presence and appearance.

Additionally, lingerie today is much more comfortable to wear than in the past. With the advancement in the popularity of lingerie has also come a very beneficial side effect known as comfort.

Newer materials and better designs focused not just on the males visual gratification, but also on the woman’s’ comfort have made it even more desirable for women to wrap themselves in a sexy and fashionable lingerie outfit.

Items such as sexy bras can make the most of any breast whether ample or petite. A sexy stretch lace baby doll can help bring the bust to the forefront and make the mid section more subdued. A sexy pair of booty shorts can help to accentuate the buttocks while a pair of sexy stockings can bring attention to that great set of legs.

Wearing beautiful, comfortable and sexy lingerie has several positive effects on the person wearing it. By making you feel sexy and sensual you will exude an air of confidence in your sexuality that can be sensed by all onlookers.

Remember, the key to wearing sexy lingerie is to focus on the most attractive parts of your body. Find the area or areas that flatter you the most and look for the right lingerie that highlights those particular areas.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Features found while laptop computers shopping

Some of the features found while laptop computer shopping focus on size and portability. Other features that people consider beneficial is whether the laptop computer is thin enough to carry with them when they are traveling through airports. The lightweight features found in laptop computers are what made laptop computers popular to begin with, and business travelers really need this feature when they work away from the office.

Other features found while laptop computer shopping are pretty basic and to be expected, but people consider them anyway when buying a laptop computer. The number of cells in a battery will determine how long it will provide power to their laptop computer system, and they want the longest time they can get.

The most beneficial features found while laptop computer shopping are the extended warranties that are offered on laptop computers. These are insurances that will protect their investment, and people prefer this warranty feature to have a few years offered in the deal. Most laptop computers start out with a 90 day warranty but some feature offers of as much as 3 years.

Some of the fun features found while laptop computers shopping are high-end graphics and touch screens. These are luxurious features that many people feel are not necessary, but high-tech computer users love them. For a person that does video editing for a living, they pay particular attention to the video editing features that are built-in to some computer systems.

There are people that look at features found while laptop computer shopping, and think about all of the musical CDs they can copy, and how they can download music from the Internet, and transfer it to their cell phone. They look at the built-in compact disk burners and think of all the money they will save when they make copies of their own style of music that they can play in their car.

One of the most important features found while laptop computers shopping is the speed of the computer processing unit. Since this is the one piece of equipment that is not upgradeable on a laptop computer, the one that is purchased with the laptop computer model will have to suffice for the life of the product. This feature will also reduce the wear and tear on the core of the system and may extend the life cycle of the laptop computer, and affect the speed in which images appear on your laptop computer screen.

One of the features found while laptop computer shopping will determine how much memory you can upgrade some time down the road. People routinely ask what the upgrade capabilities are on a laptop computer before they ask what the operation system is that is installed on the computer system. When they ask about upgrade capabilities they are actually asking about a feature called the memory slots.

The connectivity features found while laptop computer shopping is very important for people that like to browse the Internet occasionally, and very important to those that telecommute for a living. A broadband internet connection plug-in is one way people to choose to connect to the Internet. A dial-up connection can be used, but another feature will be needed to do that, and that feature is the dial-up phone plug-in device.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Make a quick sale to avoid repossession

Repossession is a spectre that haunts many homeowners and once your home has been repossessed, you are unlikely to be able to get a mortgage again and so lose all chance of owning your own home in the future.

It is possible to avoid repossession. There are ways of stopping the process at every stage, but if it gets as far as a court summons, you can still sell your property to pay off your mortgage before you’re ordered to give it up.

Selling your home, as most of us know, can take months. By the time you’ve chosen an estate agent, waited for them to advertise your property and stayed in over two or three weekends so that people can view it, several weeks can have passed – time in which you could have already sold your property if you had chosen an alternative route. If you’re facing repossession, you simply don’t have the time to use the traditional method. Instead, look for a specialist company that can complete the purchase of your property in a fraction of the time.

These companies will buy your property from you at a fair price. There’s no chain involved and no estate agent’s fees to pay. You just meet the company’s agent, who will view your house and give you a valuation based on the type of house and the area it’s in. Once you have accepted the offer, the sale can go through in as little as three or four weeks. If you need to sell more quickly than that, just let the company know, because an immediate sale can often be arranged.

What are the benefits to you? Peace of mind and avoiding repossession are key benefits for homeowners in this position. It is really important that you do everything you can to avoid a repossession order being granted, because you will find it almost impossible to be granted credit of any kind once you have suffered repossession. By arranging a quick house sale in this way, you can pay off your debts and either rent back your home so you don’t have to move, or buy somewhere more affordable in the knowledge that your credit ranking is healthier than it could otherwise have been.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Getting out of the black hole

Postpartum depression, also referred to as postpartum non-psychotic depression is a serious condition afflicting mothers who have just had a baby. It interferes with a woman's ability to care for the baby, and the condition attacks all mothers regardless of whether it's their first, fifth or twentieth child. Some medical researchers believe that this condition may be caused by the fluctuation of hormones during pregnancy and after childbirth. While it is natural to feel stressed out, tired and anxious about childcare, such feelings should disappear quickly after childbirth. Postpartum depression may present itself with symptoms that include tearfulness, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts, trouble sleeping, fatigue, appetite problems, inability to enjoy pleasurable activities, feelings of inadequacy as a parent, and impaired concentration. Some women with postpartum depression may worry incessantly about the baby's health and wellbeing, feeling that they cannot cope with the baby for fear of causing physical harm while having negative thoughts about him or her.

Some confuse postpartum depression with a condition known as the “baby blues,” because they have similar symptoms, which contributes to the reason why so many frequently dismiss their feelings. But the baby blues is a passing state of heightened emotions peaking around three to five days after giving birth and may last from several days up to two weeks. If a woman experiences a prolonged period of experiencing these negative thoughts and emotions then it is possible that they have postpartum depression instead. Unfortunately, while women can recover naturally from the baby blues, postpartum depression needs medical attention.

Some treatments for postpartum depression may be as simple as taking care of yourself and your body. Depression has been linked to sleep deprivation, and because you need to be up when the baby is, you also need to sleep when he or she does as well. Because most women are conditioned from childhood to expect that pregnancy and childbirth is a natural process, you often feel too ashamed to seek help for what may be seen as a made-up affliction. It is not shameful to ask for help or advice from family and friends who are also parents themselves or have experience with childcare especially if you are a new mother. Support is very important for women during this time, and talking often helps alleviate the sufferer's feelings of fear and anxiety, reassuring them that they are not alone in experiencing such a distressing condition. Remember that you are not Superwoman, and that during this time of great upheaval in your life, juggling the responsibilities of work, family and running the household will be impossible without help.

Medical treatment may differ from a case to case basis, depending on the severity of the condition. Many doctors may refer you to a psychologist for individual or group therapy or encourage you to join a support group. They may be helpful in making family and friends to understand that this is not a trifling or made-up condition. In more severe cases, doctors may prescribe antidepressant drugs such as Paxil (paroxetine hydrochloride) to help you manage your condition. Whatever treatment is prescribed, it must be one that is the most beneficial to you. The most important thing is that you seek help before its too late.

Cheap romantic vacations

It is not always possible to jet off half way around the world when you and your significant other are wishing to go off on a private and romantic getaway. The great news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money or go very far to get away from everyone and everything. You can find cheap romantic vacations nearby, and you may not have to look much further than the Internet to find great packages that you can afford.

You may think of creepy resorts when you think of cheap romantic vacations, but you can leave these to the movies. You can usually find a great bed and breakfast near you that will offer you privacy and romance at an amazingly low price. You may only have to drive an hour to get away, and you will find that you love the romance such a setting will provide to you. These cheap romantic vacations are often set in rural areas that offer natural beauty and small town charm. You won’t even have to leave your room to enjoy either one.

You can also find cheap romantic vacations if you look online for discount travel sites. These sites have packages that are meant just for lovers, and they know what you need when you are looking for cheap romantic vacations. You may find something that jets you off to another part of the country for a short three or four-day getaway that affords you what you need at a price you can afford. Cheap doesn’t mean it will be cheesy for the most part. Although, when you are looking to save some money on a trip, you do really have to watch out. My honeymoon was ruined because I didn’t look into things like I should have.

When you are offered packages for cheap romantic vacations make sure you check up on what you are being offered before you sign on the dotted line. There are some places that misrepresent what they are, and you don’t want to be disappointed when you get there. Look online for reviews of each place from others who have gone there for cheap romantic vacations and see what they have to say. If the place seems to have disappointed more than one couple, you should definitely think twice before you go there. If you find this is the case, keep looking. Something better will pop up if you keep searching.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Test to find out if you love yourself

Most of us are searching for love. We all hear so much about love, watch it in the movies and listen to songs of love. Somehow that kind of love does not happen to us. Whether such passionate romantic love can exist in today's world? That is a big question. Even if you fall in such love, it will phase out after some time leaving a vacuum.

How about loving ourselves? Most of us do a lot of self beating. We regret our decisions, strain our bodies to make achievements, stress ourselves at most of the times about something or else. We give no peace and love to ourselves. Look at a child in the lap of mother. The child is at peace and is totally protected by mother. The kid is totally relaxed. How about mothering yourself?

How about forgetting your worries for a certain period during the day? Just relax and pamper your mind and body? Only relax. Relax and let all the strain go away. Think of nothing. No worries, no tension, no goals, no achievements, no projects, no exams, no promotions. Only yourself. Love yourself for what you are. No criticism. No self beating. No memories of good or bad. Only love for yourself. Let that love Overwhelm you with total peace. Love yourself.

We act brutally with ourselves many times. We don't need others to do that, because we do it wonderfully well ourselves. Are you one of such people? How much do you love yourself?

Top 5 places to see on holiday in venezuela

In my capacity as the UK Director of Operations for One World Tours Limited, one of my jobs is to ensure every client has the best tour possible, so here is my top 5 places to make sure you include in any Holiday in Venezuela.

1. Located at the Northeast of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is Margarita a Caribbean island. It has become one of the most popular tourist places in Venezuela not surprising when there is an average of 320 sun filled days. Where better to be if you want to try windsurfing and other water sports.

Being an island, Margarita is surrounded by a host of beaches. So whatever your choice there will be a beach for you, secluded or crowded, waves or no waves.

The mountainous island of Margarita offers tropical palm trees and is a natural, beautiful paradise.

2. Merida lies in the fertile valleys between the mountains and supports a lot of agriculture, including coffee plantations, sugar cane, flowers. It also supports tropical plants like palm trees, orchids, fruits and the Golden Rain tree. Merida is one of the cheaper places to visit in Venezuela. Merida has a diverse variety of landscape, such as snowy mountain peaks, natural rainforest, highland moors, waterfalls and lakes.

This diversity makes the location very attractive to those interested in wildlife, bird lovers, backpackers and climbers alike. The mountain peaks ay be covered in snow the climate is like spring for most of the year making for lovely warm days. Night time is a little cooler. Rainfall is usually during the months of May to September.

3. Canaima National Park, is Venezuela's second largest national park. There are mountain forests, thick woodlands that amazingly join sheer cliffs. There are some stunning waterfalls that cascade from the beautiful flat topped mountains, but most stunning of all is the famous Angel Falls. You have 2 choices in how best to see the Angel Falls. If you wish to navigate the Carrao and Churun river (an upstream trip that can take 3 Ð… hours) and a one hour hike in the jungle you will be able to experience the base of the falls. Or for the more adventurous, which ever way you look at it, you can view the Falls in a small aircraft. Either trip is worth the visit as a trip to Venezuela is not complete without seeing the Angel Falls.

4. Fishing for piranhas ( and coming home with all my fingers) on the Venezuela's Orinoco Delta with howler monkeys watching you from the jungle canopy is not an experience one achieves every day and neither is meeting a Warao Indian family and seeing them in the process of making superb woven baskets.

There is nothing more awe inspiring than walking through the vibrant and alive jungle in a world that seems lost in time.

5. The Guacharo cave is enormous and interconnected by narrow passages. The only light source was the lantern that the guide had who led the way.

The cave is home to the very interesting Guacharo (Oil bird) which is very unique in behaviour. This large bird is nocturnal and uses it’s bat like sonar location in poor light. It has long whiskers and a wingspan of over a meter and only leaves the cave at night to search for fruit.

The birds make a strange shrieking noise and it is a good job that you know that it is them as I could imagine it would be quite terrifying if you did not know otherwise.

There are far too many tourists in the cave at any time for my liking but this did not take away from this amazing experience. One thing is for sure if you are visiting the caves make sure your footwear has good grips as the bird droppings are very slippery. There are some running taps at the entrance but I would also advise making sure that you have some wet – wipes.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Can you find marriage help online

Many people who need marriage help take their search for answers to their problems where they take their searches for everything else – online. But is it possible to find marriage help through an Internet search engine the way you search for Persian rugs, hip boots or camping equipment?

The answer is simple: sure!

Use your favorite search engine and type in the words “marriage help.” You’ll find a plethora of sites offering information, articles, and other resources. Using the Internet as an initial search for marriage help may bring some matters to your attention that you had not thought of previously. Maybe you are married to an alcoholic and did not know there were Al-anon and Al-ateen meetings in your area until you found them listed online.

While the Internet can be a good source of information, make sure you research your problem and verify the abilities and credentials of anyone who offers marriage advice. It’s like any other business you might do online. You just need to be a smart, well informed consumer.

Be cautious of paying anyone who poses as an online counselor. Before spending any money on products or services “guaranteed” to help your marriage, do the necessary research into the company who is making the promises. For instance, if a person says he or she is a counselor in a particular state, make the extra step and investigate his or her qualifications and verify whether the counselor is currently licenses. If you are having marriage problems, the last thing you want is to take advice from someone not licensed to give you advice.

If you can identify specific problems you are having in your marriage, do a search for those online. You will find specific information related to your specific problem. The Internet is a great place to learn about assistance available to victims of domestic abuse, alcohol and drug abuse and many other situations that can be helpful as you search for marriage help.

Just remember to be a smart consumer. Read all you can about your particular issues and marriage problems. Knowledge is power and you must be strong to work through the relationship issues you are having with your spouse.

People love leather furniture for good reason

There has to be a good reason why people are willing to pay substantially more for a leather interior in their cars. For probably the same good reason, people are also willing to pay more for leather furniture as opposed to upholstered furniture. Frankly, the fact is that leather is a very appealing fabric that people want to have. A set of leather furniture in the living room isn’t just about comfort—it’s also about status.

But owning leather furniture is certainly about more than just impressing your neighbors. One of the biggest single reasons why people choose to spend extra for leather furniture is because it lasts. Typical upholstery will only stand up to constant use for about 5 years before it begins to fray, tatter, and tear. But when properly cared for, leather furniture can last for 20 years or more before needing major repair or replacement. So, while leather furniture may be more expensive, it certainly isn’t 4 X’s as much! Therefore, going leather is actually the better economic move AND still will impress your neighbors!

Aside from being a status symbol and very durable, leather furniture is simply great on the skin! If you have ever noticed, leather furniture stays at room temperature. When the temp is high, the leather is very soft and pliable. But, when the room temp dips for any reason, the leather will become more brittle and less pliable. The reason for this is because leather furniture breathes.

Made from animal skins that have pores throughout them, leather furniture breathes through the pores in its surface. Genuine leather will not become sticky in the summer and is one of the most comfortable materials for your skin. So long as the leather furniture is cleaned and conditioned regularly, the leather will also not be brittle in the winter unless temperatures drop far lower than is normal in a household.

Another big advantage of leather furniture over upholstered varieties is that leather itself ages very well indeed. Developing what one might call a “weathered look”, leather takes on a patina as the years roll past. In fact, leather furniture actually looks better as it ages while upholstered furniture just fades and looks aged.

Of course, leather furniture must be cared for in order for it to age properly and stand the test of time. It is important to keep the pores in the leather free from dust so it is necessary to dust the leather furniture once a week. That way, the leather cleaner and conditioner can get down into the pores and keep the material soft, pliable, and well preserved. Plan on using a leather cleaner 3 times a year or so in order to prevent premature cracking or peeling that results from improper maintenance. But, with proper care, you can continue to impress your neighbors for many years to come while being able to enjoy the soft feel of leather the whole while!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The plus side of the shopping experience

It seems only fitting, say many women, that if a size 14 was the best-selling women's size in 2005, stores should feature more stylish, contemporary clothing for the full-figured customer.

That's not what women have found in the past. While department stores carry a vast range of brands, many plus-size women feel these departments are hard to find and do not offer an extensive selection of merchandise, and they are tired of poor service. Some women have relied on the Internet for a wider range of fashions, but buying without trying on can be a hassle-not to mention trying to return an online purchase.

Fortunately, full-figured women no longer have to search for decent plus-size fashions or deal with the poor service that often accompanies such purchases. A new plus-size boutique concept with a warm and inviting atmosphere has been designed to make the shopping experience more satisfying.

Liz Claiborne Inc., the first company to create a line of clothing dedicated exclusively to the fit and fashion needs of women sizes 14 to 24, now offers several of the company's most sought-after plus-size brands and accessories all under one roof within 30 Elisabeth boutiques across the country.

The boutiques offer the signature classic style of Elisabeth, the lifestyle looks of Liz Claiborne Woman and the at-ease elegance of Emma James, along with the sophistication and elegance of Dana Buchman and Ellen Tracy, as well as the vivid color of Sigrid Olsen-all in one destination.

Fashion experts agree that friendly, knowledgeable sales associates, a wide variety of lifestyle, career, casual clothing and accessories and the much-searched-for plus-petite offerings are key ingredients to making shopping a pleasurable experience for plus-size customers.

"I think plus-size women will shop more frequently if they feel that their needs are being met. And the shopping experience is always more exciting when there are more options and choices. This whole idea of a mini-department store in one beautiful boutique, like the Elisabeth boutique, is a truly novel concept," says style expert Susan Redstone.

Monday, November 14, 2016

How to combat a bout of chronic headache

The special thing about headaches is that by outward appearance, you may not appear to suffer from any disease. Only the possessor of this disease knows what it is like to have it! He feels like banging his head somewhere, but to that extent he possesses awareness that he should not damage his skull or your skull when you profusely tender a basket full of advice as to how he should face this calamity, narrating how you yourself faced similar situations in the not-too-distant past!

But if you have a chronic headache, your patience will be tested on a long-term basis! Because this type of headache comes with lots of other irritants, each one of them capable of subduing the cheerfulness that is part of your personality just before its arrival!

Chronic headache arrives with intense pain, some may call it a burning sensation! Changes in skin temperature, color and texture will confuse you! Joint stiffness and swelling also do their job of damaging your personality and cheerful disposition. If you are a man with a “don't care" attitude who thinks self-help is the best for your headache relief, do this at your peril! If people like you are in majority, majority of the medical practitioners will be unemployed! Do seek professional advice and get yourself examined by an expert!

Chronic headache is a tension-type headache. You know it, and you are suffering from it for the last several months and you are also not much hopeful about the future, when you will be free from it. You are in a state of total confusion; you have tried various types of over the counter medicines, listened to various opinions, without any tangible result! The intensity of the headache is but persisting and increasing!

You have listened to various friends and well-wishers, your file containing investigation reports and prescription papers by the various medical practitioners and specialists is becoming bulky and disgusting to look at, and your own expertise has failed you, but is it fair to still ignore your grandma?

She has saved many “heads” in the past, and will she not do it for you? Note down, what she has to say, even though she had never been to Kashmir (the apple growing State of India): Apples are highly beneficial in the treatment of all types of headache. A ripe apple, after removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion should be taken with a little salt every morning on empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week. It will yield good results even in cases of disgusting chronic headache.

If not after a week, after a fortnight, do meet this grandma and cheer her, oh, chronic headache-less man!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mortgage loan officer training 10 helpful tips that can instantly boost your income by 5 000 per month

Well here they are… 10 mortgage loan officer training tips to improve efficiency and increase revenue. These tips have made me hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years and I’m confident they will do the same for you:

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #1:
Only use a few lenders
Depending on your niche, all you really need is a few good lenders. With a portfolio of about five lenders, you can handle all credit grades and even special programs like stated, no doc and 100% financing.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #2:
Read your lender’s guidelines to build an intimate knowledge of their products and procedures - THIS IS A MUST!!! (And easy to do if you only use a few lenders.) Don’t rely on lender reps to tell you about their guidelines. They are human and can make mistakes just like the rest of us.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #3:
Send gifts to your appraiser, title agents, and underwriters to gain favor. This is a great way to build relationships with the people you rely on to do business. Look for a reason to send these people a thank you card along with a gift. This is another good reason to use only a few good lenders.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #4:
Define your market
What loans will you do and what loans will you not touch? You can and will cause yourself undue heartache if you agree to take a loan that is outside of your market. For instance, I refused to even look at a loan unless the borrowers had a credit score of 580 or higher. If an applicant has a credit score less than 580, I referred them to my loan officer partner and split the commissions.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #5:
Find a niche. Specialists always make more than generalists. Everyone does purchase loans on single family houses. What if you became the expert in your area on financing investment properties, construction loans, or VA loans? With some work and dedication you could become the mortgage lending “guru” for your niche and monopolize your marketplace.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #6:
Location, location, location
If you can: Keep a frig in your office, place a copier close to your assistant’s desk, and have your computer printer right next to your desk. This will save loads of time walking around the office. It will also keep your assistants focused. Sometimes it’s hard to walk through an office without falling into several casual conversations that can lower your team’s production.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #7:
Get all documentation up front
I believe in getting every piece of documentation I could possibly need right up front. That way if a problem arises you have a greater chance of being able to fix the problem on your own without bothering the borrowers.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #8:
Only the necessities
Just because you collect extra documentation, doesn’t mean you have to use it. Don’t submit extra paperwork to your processor or to underwriting. It could open a can of worms you don’t want opened. Only turn in exactly what’s need to fund the loan - nothing more or less.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #9:
Sandwich technique
At some point you’ll need to contact a borrower during the loan process and ask for more information. When this situation arises, try using the sandwich technique:

Re-establish rapport

Make your request: “Oh by the way I need___. When can you fax it to me?”

Continue rapport building dialog.

Say goodbye and politely get off the phone.

If you have a difficult borrower, this works like a charm to diminish their anxiety level.

Mortgage Loan Officer Training Tip #10:
Get testimonials from everyone. They are great marketing tools for your business. Use them to target your client’s CPA, HR manager at work, real estate agent and financial planner to establish a referral relationship.

There you have it. Incorporate these ideas into your mortgage business and see how they impact your bottom line.

By the way, if you would like to get another 13 mortgage loan officer training tips that can instantly boost your income by $5,000 per month, visit:

Mortgage-Leads-Generator. com/a/13tips. htm

Please feel free to reprint this article as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

What are prescreened offers of credit and insurance

Mail Call: Bills, a letter from your Aunt Mary, a circular from a local department store, your monthly bank statement, and an offer for a new credit card that says you’ve been “prescreened” or “prequalified.”

A “prescreened” offer of credit? What’s that?

Many companies that solicit new credit card accounts and insurance policies use prescreening to identify potential customers for the products they offer. Prescreened offers — sometimes called “preapproved” offers — are based on information in your credit report that indicates you meet criteria set by the offeror. Usually, prescreened solicitations come via mail, but you also may get them in a phone call or in an email.

How does prescreening work?

Prescreening works in one of two ways:

- a creditor or insurer establishes criteria, like a minimum credit score, and asks a consumer reporting company for a list of people in the company’s database who meet the criteria; or

- a creditor or insurer provides a list of potential customers to a consumer reporting company and asks the company to identify people on the list who meet certain criteria.

Can prescreening hurt my credit report or credit score?

No. There will be “inquiries” on your credit report showing which companies obtained your information for prescreening, but those inquiries will not have a negative effect on your credit report or credit score.

Can I reduce the number of unsolicited credit and insurance offers I get?

If you decide that you don’t want to receive prescreened offers of credit and insurance, you have two choices: You can opt out of receiving them for five years or opt out of receiving them permanently. Call toll-free 1-888-5-OPTOUT (1-888-567-8688). The telephone number is operated by the major consumer reporting companies. When you call, you’ll be asked to provide certain personal information, including your home telephone number, name, Social Security number, and date of birth. The information you provide is confidential and will be used only to process your request to opt out.

Remember that if you have joint credit relationships, like a mortgage or a car loan with a spouse, partner, or other adult, you may continue to receive some prescreened solicitations until both of you exercise your opt-out right.

Why would someone opt out — or not?

Some people prefer not to receive these kinds of offers in the mail, especially if they are not in the market for a new credit card or insurance policy. They may prefer to opt out to limit access to their credit report information for credit and insurance solicitations, or to reduce some mailbox “clutter.” However, some companies send offers that are not based on prescreening, and your federal opt-out right will not stop those kinds of solicitations.

As you consider opting out, you should know that prescreened offers can provide many benefits, especially if you are in the market for a credit card or insurance. Prescreened offers can help you learn about what’s available, compare costs, and find the best product for your needs. Because you are pre-selected to receive the offer, you can be turned down only under limited circumstances. The terms of prescreened offers also may be more favorable than those that are available to the general public. In fact, some credit card or insurance products may be available only through prescreened offers.

Does opting out hurt my credit score?

Removing your name from prescreened lists has no effect on your ability to apply for or obtain credit or insurance.

If I decide to opt out, how long will it be before I stop getting prescreened offers?

Requests to opt out are processed within five days, but it may take up to 60 days before you stop receiving prescreened offers.

What if I opt out and then change my mind?

You can use the same toll-free telephone number or website to opt back in.

Will calling 1-888-5-OPTOUT stop all unsolicited offers of credit and insurance?

Calling the opt-out line will stop the prescreened solicitations that are based on lists from the major consumer reporting companies. You may continue to get solicitations for credit and insurance based on lists from other sources. For example, opting out won’t end solicitations from local merchants, religious and charitable associations, professional and alumni associations, and companies with which you already conduct business. To stop mail from groups like these — as well as mail addressed to “occupant” or “resident” — you must contact each source directly.

What other opt-out programs should I know about?

The federal government has created the National Do Not Call Registry — a free, easy way to reduce the telemarketing calls you get at home. To register your phone number or to get information about the registry, call 1-888-382-1222 from the phone number you want to register. You will get fewer telemarketing calls within 31 days of registering your number. Your number will stay on the registry for five years, until it is disconnected, or until you take it off the registry. After five years, you will be able to renew your registration.

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA), a trade association for businesses in direct, database, and interactive global marketing, maintains a Mail Preference Service that lets you opt out of receiving direct mail marketing from many national companies for five years. When you register with this service, your name will be put on a “delete” file and made available to direct-mail marketers. However, your registration will not stop mailings from any organizations that are not registered with the DMA’s Mail Preference Service.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Can you afford a house

The time has come to buy a house. Questions buzz around in your head like a swarm of angry bees: “How much can I borrow? How much do I have to put down? How much will my payments be?” Well, let me suggest starting with the “How much can I borrow?” question. I know you should never answer a question with a question, but in this case we need to ask a few more questions in order to figure out the answer to our first question.

There are many factors you need to take into consideration when purchasing a home. First and foremost, ask yourself what size monthly payment you can afford. When determining how large a mortgage you can afford, be sure to factor in all your current expenses such as car payments, credit card bills, student loans, utilities, and the like. You may also want to factor in how much you spend on things like entertainment, eating out, and traveling. You don't want to add a mortgage payment and say goodbye to your social life. Instead, you want to make sure that you're not overextending yourself financially and thus ensuring the survival of your social life.

At the present time, most lenders will allow for a whopping debt-to-income ratio of 45% - 50%. Your debt-to-income ratio is the sum of your mortgage payment and any other credit card or loan payments, divided by your monthly gross income. Lenders use this ratio to help determine your credit worthiness. So, all of your revolving debts along with your mortgage payment divided by your monthly gross income should not exceed the 36% - 45% debt-to-income ratio. So, here’s a quick little formula to help you figure out how much you can afford to put toward your monthly house payment:

--Multiply your gross monthly income by 0.45

--Subtract your non-mortgage debt payments from the result

--What's left is your allowable mortgage payment

So, if we have a couple with a combined monthly gross income of $5000 and they pay $700 a month toward two auto loans and one credit card, they would qualify for a monthly payment of $1550. Also, be aware that not all of your monthly housing payment goes toward your principal and interest. A portion must go toward homeowner's insurance and property taxes. I mention this because on most mortgage calculators that’ll you use, you’ll need to enter these figures to get an accurate idea of what your real monthly mortgage payment will look like.

Property taxes are typically a percentage of your home's assessed value. To calculate property taxes, local jurisdictions generally multiply the tax rate by a home's assessed value. For example, if you pay 0.5% in property taxes of the assessed value, a home assessed at $250,000 would have a yearly property tax bill of $1,250. In order to find out the tax rate, you will need to contact your county tax assessor, or a local mortgage broker or bank may be able to assist you. As for the homeowner’s insurance, your best bet is talking to a local broker or bank to get a general idea of what it is for your area. Mortgage calculators will ask you for a percentage rate sometimes and others will ask for a yearly figure. It can be confusing for a new buyer, so don't be afraid to seek a little assistance.

Figuring out how much you can afford to put toward your monthly house payment is a start. Now, you want to know how much house you can afford. There are mortgage calculators galore that will help you do this, but, as I mentioned above, they will require you to enter real estate taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and interest rates. Some calculators will provide you with figures, but they aren’t necessarily correct, so I would suggest a little leg work. Once you know how much you can comfortably spend a month toward a home, and you’ve gathered your tax and insurance rates, you only need an idea of what kind of interest rate you’ll get (Oh, did I forget to mention that you can call your local bank or mortgage broker to get pre-qualified, and they usually don’t charge anything?). Once you have an idea of what your interest rate may be, you can plug in all your numbers on any of the numerous mortgage calculators on the internet. Once you have a good idea of what you think you can afford, call a local bank or broker and get pre-qualified to see if you’re in the ballpark, and soon you’ll be on your way to owning a home.

The treadmill sensei s guide on how to replace your treadmill belt


A question I get asked a lot here at the DOJO (and by my wife's pesky relatives) is: How the heck do I replace a damaged treadmill belt?

If you find your belt slipping, or your deck slowing down and stop, or if the edges of your treadmill belt look worn, frayed or curls up, then you may need to have your treadmill belt replaced. Luckily, replacing the belt isn't as hard as you'd think.

The very first thing you're going to want to do is take a look at your treadmill deck. If the deck looks to be in good shape then there is a good chance it just needs to be lubricated (or waxed). If you see signs of wear such as scratches or grooves then both the deck and belt are probably going to need to be replaced.

If the deck appears fine but your belt is torn, curling or frayed, it's time to replace the treadmill belt. Thankfully, treadmill manufacturers have made it pretty easy to replace a belt even if you're not the Treadmill Sensei.

Most important: Turn your treadmill off and remove the power cord! This way you don't get shocked and you'll guarantee the treadmill doesn't turn on while you're working on it. That would be bad. If your treadmill inclines (which most do), adjusting it a few degrees may make the operation a little easier for you.

You loosen the belt adjustment screws in the back of your treadmill's deck and then slide the rear roller forward and away from the belt. Remove the front roller and then the rear roller. There will be a number of screws along the sides of the deck which attach the deck to the rest of the treadmill. Remove those and you'll be able to remove your deck.

At this point you can slide your belt off. Now is a perfect time to go ahead and lubricate your deck as well. From there, put on your new belt and reassemble your deck.

Taking the time to wax your treadmill deck while the belt is off may be a good idea. It'll keep you from having to do it all over again later on.

Finally, once you have it all back together you're going to want to test the adjustment. Start your treadmill at a slow speed and walk on it firmly. If the belt stops, hesitates or changes speed then you're going to need to adjst the rear screws. Adjust as needed until you are sure the belt isn't slipping or changing speed.

And there you have it, how to replace a treadmill belt.

-The Treadmill Sensei

Thursday, November 10, 2016

High speed internet access

If you have accessed the internet through the old dial up system but want faster connection with a greater number of downloads then you need to look at high speed internet connections or broadband. You can choose from DSL, satellite and cable connections. Now days you can even get wireless connections in an increasing number of areas, a lot depends on your particular needs and where you are based. Broadband is among the most popular services and is usually available on cable modem and DSL. A broadband service provides you with a very high rate of data transmission which can save your business time and money. These connections work at a hundred times the speed of the old dial up which is why it is known as high speed internet.

If DSL or satellite connections are available in your area then there are various providers who will be able to provide you with a satellite connection. You can get DSL from certain phone providers such as AT&T and this is among the most popular ways that people access high speed internet connections. Cutting edge technology can now give you wireless high speed internet access where you can get connected when you are away from home or traveling. Some people complain that unless you are in a wireless hot spot it is not easy to get that connection – or the connection can be lost if you are traveling and move from an area where there is a hot spot to one where there isn’t. Dial up connections are trying to move with the times and keep up with the satellite and cable outfits by offering a high speed dial up connection.

Prices may vary widely between one provider and another the question that you should ask yourself is what type of service you are looking for. Is your service fast enough for example, for you to be able to download streaming music and videos. How fast is your email and how long does it take to download large attachments. A lot of people also want to know if there is a free phone line for faster connection to the web. High speed internet is on many people’s minds these days and some will change their internet service provider at regular intervals to see where they can get the fastest service and the most downloads for their money.

Whichever internet service provider you choose and whatever your needs are when it comes to gaining access to the world wide web; it is a matter of fact that a faster internet connection will cut down on your research time and eventually save you money. However, before you make your choice you should endeavor to find out about the various providers of high speed internet and what the benefits and the pitfalls are with each service. Whatever you decide, the rate at which it has proliferated over the last seven years means that high speed internet connections are here to stay.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to find a low rate georgia home owner insurance quote

A home owner insurance feature becoming widely popular among Georgia home owners is replacement cost coverage. You may want to research this feature before you start shopping for your Georgia home owner insurance quote.

What is replacement cost coverage?

Simply put, with a home owner insurance policy, replacement cost coverage will cover the entire cost of repairing and replacing your home and property, as long as the materials you use are the same, or similar, as those in your home before the damage. In other words, if your kitchen flooring was linoleum, your replacement cost coverage most likely will not pay to have hardwood floor installed in your kitchen.

If you are confused about a certain material, ask your home owner insurance agent for help determining if it is a material similar enough to your old material for your replacement cost coverage to pay for it.

Is there any fine print I should worry about?

The kind of details you are likely to find with replacement cost coverage deals with the ample time frame in which your Georgia home owner insurance company wants the repairs and replacements completed. They usually determine this amount of time to be 180 days.

All home owner insurance policies carry their own fine print, as do all home owner insurance companies. It is always wise to read the fine print – thoroughly – and ask your home owner insurance agent to explain any details you are not sure you understand.

So, if I have replacement cost coverage, I can replace and repair my home at no cost to me?

Almost. You have been paying your Georgia home owner insurance policy premiums, after all, right? Plus, you will have to pay your insurance policy deductible before the replacement cost feature takes effect – a small amount of money when compared to what your Georgia home owner insurance company is going to fork out to replace and repair your home.

Boost your child s vision

Vision problems often run in families, but there are some factors that you can control in your child’s environment to help their eyesight. Try these tips to give your child’s vision a better chance.

Brighten things up.

Unfortunately, your mom was right: reading in dim light can wreak havoc on your eyes. Buy your child a good reading light, or make sure that homework is done in plenty of natural light.

Give them space.

Place a pillow about eight feet away from the TV, and tell your child they have to watch it from that distance. Sitting too close to a television leads to the same focus problems that your child can develop from using computers and video games.

Take breaks.

Experts agree that kids’ increased computer use can cause focus problems, particularly the ability to refocus on objects far away. Take note of how much time they spend in front of the computer, and make sure they take a ten-minute break every hour.

Buy shades.

Your child may not need glasses, but it’s a good idea to buy them sunglasses. UV exposure can lead to macular degeneration or the early development of cataracts.

Don’t skip eye exams.

Children should be screened by an eye doctor or pediatrician between 6 and 12 months, 3 and 3 Ð… years, at 5, and then annually after that.

It’s not too late for adults to start practicing these techniques, also. Make them a family habit, and you could slow the loss of your vision as you age. It’s important to set a good example for your children, too.

Reasons why the current real estate boom is far from over

There has been an increasing trend in real estate purchases in the past few years. Houses have been selling like hotcakes, so to speak, and many have claimed that this real estate boom is far from being over. There are a few reasons that have been cited which give some insight into the current real estate market and why real estate sales are not likely to decrease for some time to come.

Building Business Not Booming As Much As Real Estate Sales

There are many reasons why the real estate market slows down. One such reason is due to an overexpansion of homes for sale. Although, the home building business has been quite profitable, it still has a ways to go in order to catch up with real estate sales. This is a good thing because there are not quite enough houses to meet the current demand and that will keep the market booming for some time. So long as the supply doesn’t swallow the demand, the real estate market will continue to prosper.

Interest Rates Remain Reasonable

While interest rates have increased somewhat when compared with the past couple of years they are still relatively low and make many people want to buy a home. These attractive rates help keep the real estate market going because most individuals need loans to purchase homes and low interest rates make the overall purchase less expensive. So long as the interest rates remain somewhat stable, prospective homebuyers will still be expressing great interest in the purchase of a home simply because low interest rates make the investment more affordable.

Length of the ARM Fixed Rate Portion Is Increasing

For those who have adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), they may have worried about the adjustable rate portion when their fixed rate portion was depleted. Recently the fixed rate portion of the ARM has been increasing with regard to length of years in which it is active. This has led to stabilizing the real estate market and has also attracted individuals to purchase a home via an ARM that has this new lengthier fixed rate period.

Flipping of Real Estate Not As Prevalent As It May Seem

Some individuals have been concerned that flipping of real estate, which is the purchase and quick sale of the real estate thereafter, is something that might cause the real estate bubble to burst. However, those who have expressed concern can rest easy knowing that the percentage increase with regard to flipping from 1998 to 2003 is only 1%. When viewing the overall scheme of things, a 1% increase within 5 years is not something that should cause too much concern.

The real estate market has been doing quite well in the past few years and the above factors combine to make what some believe is a real estate bubble that is sure to burst. Whether this real estate boom continues for a long time to come is something which remains to be seen. However the real estate market seems to be remaining steady and while home prices might continue going up supply is not outweighing demand and people keep buying. So, only the future will show when the real estate market starts slowing down.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why exercise is crucial in achieving the correct golf swing

Achieving the correct golf swing is the magic key that will open all the doors to better and more enjoyable golf.

However the correct golf swing becomes very difficult to pull off for one simple reason. And that is the fact that the body usually violently resists it. The reason is because the correct golf swing is a set of movements that the body finds extremely unnatural and uncomfortable.

Thus the muscles all struggle to find comfort in the body and in the process a golfer finds it extremely difficult to achieve the correct golf swing with any degree of consistency.

Exercise has a tremendous effect in helping the body and all the muscles involved to find more comfort in the unnatural correct golf swing movements. In fact any exercise that will strengthen the numerous muscles necessary for the correct golf swing will have an impact.

There are quite a number of muscles that are used in the correct golf swing. They range from muscles in the feet to the lower leg and right up to the hamstring and hip muscles. The lower back is an extremely important part of the body in executing the correct golf swing.

We then move up to other muscles in the back arms and neck.

A golf specific-exercise program will be much less strenuous and much more effective in helping a golfer to achieve consistent execution of the correct golf swing. This will usually involve both strength exercises as well as stretch exercises.

Another aspect that tends to interfere with the performance of a golfer is tiredness and fatigue after a brief session on the course. Golf is actually a sport that demands a lot of energy contrary to what many people believe.

If your body is not conditioned, what will tend to happen is that your game will deteriorate as you continue playing.

Playing good golf will only happen when the body has enough endurance to last a long session of golf. Exercises play a major role in helping to achieve this and ensuring consistent correct golf swing techniques.

Sleep apnea - dealing with this common sleep disorder

One of the most well-known sleep disorders, sleep apnea is a fairly common condition. Marked by interruptions in breathing during sleep, sleep apnea causes the person suffering from this condition to wake up, or partially wake, several times during the night. Because of the frequency of these interruptions in breathing, a person with sleep apnea will have trouble getting a restful night’s sleep, causing them to feel the effects of sleep deprivation during their waking hours.

Two types of sleep apnea have been diagnosed: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. OSA is caused by the soft palate becoming so relaxed that it actually blocks off the breathing passageway, while central sleep apnea is caused by the brain relaxing to the point that it does not remind the body to breathe. While both types can cause interruptions to breathing on their own, most people with sleep apnea actually have mixed apnea, which is a combination of both forms.

Sleep apnea is sometimes difficult to diagnose, simply because it only strikes while the person is asleep and won’t notice that it is happening. Because most people with sleep apnea awake only partially – not fully – so they do not actually notice that they have had their sleep cycle interrupted. Thus, if someone wants to determine if they have sleep apnea, they will have to look for the symptoms.

The most common symptom of sleep apnea is excessive sleepiness upon waking. Because the sleep cycle is being interrupted, the person is not refreshed during the night and will wake up feeling lethargic, fatigued, or even feel like they need to go back to bed for another round of sleep. Also, people with sleep apnea almost always snore; often very loudly. However, a person does not necessarily have to show these symptoms to have sleep apnea. In fact, a bed partner may be the only person to notice the interruptions in breathing during the night.

Additionally, people with sleep apnea are often overweight to obese, so treatment usually involves helping people to lose weight. Treatment can also include eliminating alcohol or other substances that help people relax, quitting smoking, using special pillows or other appliances that help keep the airways open, or even special apparatus that uses air pressure to keep the airways open. This last form of treatment, continuous pressure airway pressure (CPAP), uses a breathing mask to pressurize the airways and inflate them, almost like a balloon. Though this form of treatment is more than a little disconcerting at first, they quickly get used to the mask and find that they feel much more alert in the morning.

Sleep apnea is very difficult for a person to self-diagnose but, once the problem is found, there are treatments available. But for people who are overweight and have large necks, smoke, use sedatives or muscle relaxers, or just drink too much alcohol, lifestyle changes would be the best place to start either keeping sleep apnea away or treating it before it becomes a major health concern. After all, not breathing is a problem whenever it happens. So by treating sleep apnea now, sufferers can keep performing the one act they need to perform every day and every night.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Thailand tailors

I see this question on many forums. Guys want to know if they should buy some tailor-made clothes in Thailand. My answer is yes, if you do it right.

First off, it really doesn’t matter which tailor shop you go to. They are all basically the same and all they do is measure you and send the order to a sweat shop. I consider them measurers and not tailors.

The ones that I avoid are the ones on the street with their little book of samples wanting to meet and greet me. I avoid them like the plague and consider them total nuisances.

I will find one on my own and look at the quality of the material on display. Then I get a rough idea of the prices. Of course, for better material you can expect to pay more.

Here is how I do my tailor-made clothes shopping;

- I only buy when I am going to get a small quantity – like 6 pair of slacks and a dozen shirts. I don’t buy suits because I live in Hawaii and slacks and dress shirts are acceptable.

- I visit the "tailor" at the beginning of my vacation. I want to make sure that neither of us is rushed.

- I tell the guy that I plan to buy 6 pair of slacks and 12 shirts, but he has to make one set for inspection first. Then if acceptable, he can do the rest.

- I also tell him that I am a lazy, single man and want everything to be wash and wear. I refuse to iron clothes.

- I insist on three fittings. And I am specific on the cut, cuffs or not, a longer zipper than the Thai's normally put on slacks, and an inner liner to the knees.

- For the shirts, I have the female in the store pick out colors and patterns that match. I have a hard time visualizing when the material is still just material. I have her pick material for two shirts for every pair of slacks.

- I also select which shirts I want a longer tail on. These are the ones that will get tucked in. I want some of the shirts to have a flat cut on the bottom to wear outside of the slacks.

- I tell them not to put any stiff inserts into the collars. They will say that it will soften after a few washings. Don’t believe it. I tell them that if there is anything in the collar, I will cancel the order.

- Since I am older and getting fatter, I also have them toss in a bit of elastic in the waistband in case I gain a pound or three.

- I pay a minimum deposit once I have seen the first set completed and will pay in full when all is done. I give them a drop-dead date about 3 days before I depart to allow time for any mistakes.

- Once the "tailor' has my order complete, I take the time to over every piece of clothing with a fine tooth comb. I check every stitch and ensure that there are no mistakes. I try on every piece of clothing to make sure they fit.

- On occasion, I have even brought in a pair of slacks that I already own that fit me like a glove, and tell them to just make 6 more exactly the same.

You can get some good deals on tailor-made clothes in Thailand if you plan it out and do it properly. Don’t rush and don’t get talked into more expensive material than you really need.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to get rid of ants using a least toxic approach part one

Ant season is on the horizon.

As the ground warms up in the spring, ants who have been dormant in the earth during the colder weather warm up and come to the surface. Queen ants fly off to find new nesting areas…and before you know it, ants are back in our world.

While ants play an important roll in the ecosystem, it is no picnic when they become pests in our world.

But all too often, when people have a pest problem they run to the store and buy a can of toxic pesticide, come home and spray the pest.

Whoa! Let’s step back and take a look at handling ant problems using a least toxic approach.

Perhaps I should first define “least toxic approach.” This term means you try to solve the insect problem with the least toxic material. If that doesn’t work, then you try something a little toxic but not as toxic as poison. You keep trying to solve the insect problem using progressively more toxic substances until you find something that works. Using this approach, the solution to your insect problem can range from doing nothing to spraying toxic insect killer, if that is the only thing that works.

Why should you bother with a least toxic approach? For one thing, studies are beginning to reveal the serious side effects of the overuse of toxic pesticides in our environment.

Did you know that evidence suggests a risk for some types of cancer and even genetic damage from exposure to pesticides?

And perhaps worst of all, children are especially at risk.

Why wait until science finally makes a direct link to damaged genes and pesticides? By that time, the damage could already be done to your genes and those of your children.

You can help protect yourself, your children and our planet by doing your part to be a good steward of our environment right now. One way to do that is to adapt a least toxic approach to pest problems…and that’s what our article series on getting rid of ants is all about.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Facts of life insurance

Purchasing life insurance is an important decision and a major commitment. Before you sign the dotted light and buy your policy, get the facts and find answers to any and all questions. To get the best coverage for your hard-earned dollar, here are ten important things that you need to know about life insurance:

* Don’t put it off. You know that you will need life insurance sooner or later, and now is the best time to buy. Purchasing early in life lets you choose from the best policies possible, and allows you to save money on premiums.

* Shop around. Before signing the dotted line, take the time to browse the market. Learn about the various insurance companies, review the different policies available and compare rates. The Internet is an excellent source of up to date information. Do a little homework today; you’ll save money and be confident in making a wise decision when it’s time to buy.

* Stay strong. People with healthy bodies and smart lifestyles pay the lowest premiums. People who smoke, drink, take drugs, suffer obesity or even have poor driving records will pay a great deal more for life insurance.

* Find the right amount. Some people make the mistake of buying more insurance than they need, and ultimately paying a higher premium. On the other hand, others may underinsure by choosing a policy that is too small. Try to find the happy medium and find the insurance plan that best suits your individual needs.

* Save money with more coverage. If you can afford to, consider increasing your coverage, as premiums tend to get cheaper as coverage amounts increase.

* Review your plan. It’s important to review your policies whenever you undergo a life changing experience. If you have a child, or if your children are entering college, take a look at how your policy may be affected. Periodic reviews help you ensure that you continue to have the coverage that you need, and that you are paying the right premium.

* Don’t pay unnecessary commissions. Many insurance companies charge high premiums that include the commission of the agent and/or broker. Seek out a ‘No Load’ policy that contains none of those hidden costs. You pay only for the policy that you’ve purchased.

* Don’t count solely on your employer. Group life insurance is a nice benefit, but it may not be enough to meet your needs. Additionally, most group life insurance policies are terminated should the employee choose to leave the company. The most reliable long-term coverage you can have is an insurance policy that you’ve purchased yourself.

* Choose annual payments. If you pay your life insurance monthly, you will pay a higher premium. In order to save money, change your plan to half-yearly or annual payments.

* Tell the truth. Never lie or hide information when applying for life insurance. If you are found guilty of hiding the facts, such as trying to cover up a smoking habit, the company has the right to terminate your policy at any time.

Choosing a life insurance company and buying a policy are important decisions, and there’s no such thing as too much information. Find out all you can and make sure you’re receiving the best coverage available before you commit to your new life insurance purchase.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Confronting emergency financial crisis

In today’s society, there really isn’t much a person can do that does not involve the spending of money. Money is needed for food, for travel, for communication, for house rents or mortgages, and even for meeting new friends. Many people live on tight budgets. This is why in times of an emergency, accident, or problem, a person is always faced with a financial crisis.

Such financial crisis may lead to more complicated problems such as depression and rocky relationships with loved ones. This crisis may also drive anyone to escape to drinking, drugs, and gambling. But a person need not resort to these self-destructive means when a viable option is available. This option is called the payday loan.

Payday loans are cash advances or short-term loans specifically created to confront such emergency financial crisis. Since the crisis is often urgent, payday lenders, especially the online ones, offer speed and convenience.

Most payday lenders grant the loan during the next business day after the application or loan request has been approved. Applications are often approved during the same day and the loaned amount is deposited overnight into the borrower’s bank account. This fast processing is due to the Internet technology and the fact that lenders demand very little requirements. A potential borrower or client needs only to have a job which provides him a minimum monthly wage of about $1000 and to have a checking account which is at least three months old.

Interests for payday loans vary from one lender to another. Such interest is usually stated for every $100 loaned. For example, a $20 interest means that for every $100 borrowed, the client will need to pay $20. Thus, for a $400 loan, the client needs to pay $480 on his due date. The due date is usually the date of the payday. This assures that the client has funds to meet his financial obligation with the lender. The lender usually debits the amount loaned plus the service fees from the client’s checking account.

In cases when the full amount cannot be paid, the client has the option to renew or extend his loan by informing the customer service representative by phone or email. Or the client may access his personal online account in the lender’s website and click on the link for a loan extension. Of course, the client still needs to pay a certain amount on the original due date, the service fee.

When a person meets his financial obligation and pays the loaned amount in full, he becomes entitled to borrow a higher amount from the lender whenever he needs a payday loan again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hong kong boy gives peace a chance

"Misunderstanding and contradictions can build walls around people, shrouding all of us in darkness," said Cheuk Tat Li, a 12-year-old student from Hong Kong. "People will then live in a place without peace, warmth and happiness."

With a vivid imagination and dreams of a harmonious world, Li created the grand prize-winning poster in the 2004-2005 Lions International Peace Poster Contest.

"Trying its best and overcoming all difficulties, the dove breaks the solid walls into pieces with its tiny beak to save the world which is trapped in the dark maze," Li said when describing his winning poster.

The contest provides children ages 11, 12 and 13 with a means to share their views on peace. An estimated 350,000 children participated in this year's program, "Give Peace a Chance."

Since its beginning in 1988, more than 3 million children in nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest. Lions Clubs International, the world's largest service club organization, sponsors the contest in local schools and organized youth groups.

At this year's final judging, members of the art, education, media, peace and youth communities gathered at The Peace Museum in Chicago to evaluate the 114 posters on creativity, artistic merit and expression of theme. The posters were previously narrowed down at several levels of judging before being sent to Lions Clubs International Headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill.

As this year's grand-prize winner, Li was presented with an award and $2,500 during a special ceremony at "Lions Day with the United Nations" in New York City. Li was a merit award winner in last year's contest.

Twenty-three merit award winners were each awarded $500 and a certificate of merit. This year's merit award winners are from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Guam, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Peru, Poland, Thailand and the United States.

All 24 posters will appear in an exhibit that will travel to children's museums and various events throughout the United States.

Refinancing your home - for people with bad credit - how to get a low rate better terms

No matter what kind of credit problems you might have in your past, there are things you can do to get a lower rate and better terms on a refinance mortgage. Here are three ways to increase your chance of a lower rate.

1. Strengthen Your Employment Factor - Stay at your job. See if you can get an increase in salary. With past credit problems, lenders will be looking more closely at the time you have spent at your job and at your salary. They will calculate your debt to income ratio. With bad credit, your debt-to-income ratio will need to be well in the clear.

2. Apply With at Least 2-3 Different Companies - If you have any equity in your home at all, you have something to work with. Yet, mortgage brokers have a tendency to make subprime borrowers feel like they have very few options. Most lenders nowadays have programs for borrowers with all types of credit. Subprime mortgage loans should be only 1-2 points above prime interest rate, depending on the borrowers credit.

3. Refinancing From a Variable Rate or ARM to a Fixed Mortgage - A variable rate mortgage is sometimes good when you start out in a home, to take advantage of low rates, but once you find a period where interest rates might start climbing and your "rate lock" period is almost over, you might want to consider moving to a fixed rate mortgage loan for long term security.

4. Work on Increasing Your Credit Score - There are many things you can do to improve your credit score and every few points you increase your score will help you get a lower interest rate and better loan terms. Paying your bills on time and reducing the debt amount on your revolving credit accounts are two sure ways to improve your credit score. Search online for more ways to improve your FICO credit score.

Monday, October 31, 2016

The simpler the design the best

What is the purpose of a good design? A good design is like a logo. It stands for what the company is for. In getting a design, one should consider how it will be of use. It can be made of more than one type, depending on the preference of a company, as long as the concept is still the same.

The simpler the design, the better. With the evolution of graphic designs came the use of more complex designs to create and to choose from. Special effects are now being used in answer to the advancement that people and the world is undergoing.

This may be expensive but they it does the job of getting more attention than its counterparts. A simplified version of this graphic design is required to some of the more simple applications.

What is image style in designs? The design is what the company should be. It is the company’s representation so it would only be right for the designs to justify the company.

The clients that these companies accommodate for should also be represented in the design. Having a two-way purpose for both the provider and the consumer comprises a successful design.

Is format important in designs? Formatting your designs would add to its effectiveness. By using the right font formats, drawing and photographic applications and color management, will guarantee the easy management of these designs.

What is originality in designs? As designs represents your company, they should be unique enough for people to relate it only and exclusively to your company. This reduces the probability of misconceptions and misunderstanding in the impressions the company has to make to the people. Having an incomparable and distinctive design could make your company memorable enough for people to remember it, consciously or unconsciously.

What is the importance of appeal in designs? Appeals are what make your design attractive, no matter how simple it is. Using the right fonts and choosing the right colors that can create the correct appeal to the people is a crucial factor.

The company does not only have to think of the effect it will give today but also what it will do in the future. The appearance could be changed from time to time if necessary to generate the right outcome.

Designs can make or break the company. Most often than not, it takes time to get the right designs that can make a lasting effect. With more graphic designs being created and invented, people can have more choices to choose from.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Clear business communication 4 steps to success

Business owners know the bottom-line impact of business communication. It doesn’t matter if the communication is a memo to employees, a sales letter to prospects, or a thank you note to customers... A clear, quality message can build your business and the wrong message can demolish it.

Clear messages motivate employees, create positive change in the workplace, increase the possibility of getting a raise, and (most importantly) make a sale! The wrong message can mean lost opportunities, upset employees, and can even send your customer to the competition! Which type of message would you rather give?

Use these 4 steps to make sure that your communication improves your bottom line.

1. Know your audience. Ask yourself what is important to your audience? Make sure that every sentence resonates clearly with the message that you know what your audience wants and you can deliver it. For example: If you are writing to your boss and you’re asking for a raise, don’t complain about the rising cost of homes; your boss is concerned about the business’ bottom line. So instead, talk about how you are going to be more productive and improve the business’ bottom line because of your raise.

2. Know the action you want your audience to take. Often, our messages can be muddled if we are not clear in stating what we want. Don’t “beat around the bush”… make it obvious that you’d like to see a specific action occur as a result of what you’ve written. For example, if you are sending a memo to employees, don’t just write several paragraphs about the need to be on time in the morning. Your employees will think that your memo is right but won’t necessarily take action to correct their behavior. Instead, clearly point out the time you expect them to show up, the consequences for not showing up, and a specific action they can take to indicate that they have arrived on time.

3. Make your communication easy to read. At the beginning of your communication write what you are going to cover. Then cover the topics in the order you stated at the beginning. Then review the topic quickly at the end. If appropriate, put a space between each paragraph and break up lists into bullets. Repeat your point clearly in the first and last paragraph. Avoid unnecessary words.

4. Proofread your work! Nothing reduces the perceived value of a business communication like a missing or incorrectly spelled word. If you are dashing off an email to a coworker, give it a quick read-through. If your work will be read within company walls by subordinates or superiors, have someone else read through it too. If the message is leaving the company to go to prospects, customers, or vendors, make sure that you have at least two other people read the communication before it leaves the building.

Written business communication is an important way that we interact with others. The right messages can build our business and the wrong messages can demolish it. To increase productivity, to improve customer service, and to make more sales, follow these 4 business communication steps to success.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Home improvements get your envelope in order

Whether you need heat in winter or air conditioning in summer, you run the risk of throwing away money on utilities. You need not do this by making painless home improvements.

Home Improvements – Get Your Envelope In Order

Your house is an enclosed structure designed to keep rain, cold, heat, wind, snow and so on out. In contrast, all of those things want in. If you are not careful, Mother Nature will rob you blind. Yes, I am talking about the thermal envelope of your home.

The thermal envelope refers to the protective pocket around your living space. Much like wearing gloves in the snow, you want the envelope to provide a complete insulation barrier between you and the elements. If there are gaps or weak areas, your hard earned money is flowing out of them. Upgrading or maintaining your envelope can save you a bundle.

Insulation can be a killer when it comes to your envelope. Most developers build homes to the minimum requirements because they are focused on profits. Insulation is noted by R values, a method of determining how resistant the insulation is to transferring heat. If you check the walls of your house, an R-11 value will most likely be present. This is bad. R-11 is the minimum required. Upgrade to R-20 or R-30 in the walls and R-70 in the ceiling and floor areas. The temperatures in the house will become more consistent because the heat transfer will stop. This means the house stays warmer for longer in the winter and cooler for longer in the summer. The change will be dramatic.

Windows can be a killer, accounting for as much as 25 percent of your energy loss. The answer is relatively simple. Install Energy Star approved windows and get those frames into shape.

Doors are another area that can kill you. The issue is not so much the door itself, but the framing around it. Make sure your doors are flush to the frames. Installing small seal pads along the inside of the doorstops can make a major difference because they cut off air flow. Of course, the downside is the door doesn’t make much noise when you slam it in anger, but you will just have to tough it out.

Upgrading your envelope can make a major difference in your utility bill. If you can save $100 a month, you will save $1,200 a year. If you live in the home for 10 years, that is an easy $12,000.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

3 steps towards starting a daycare

So, you think you’d like to start a day care but where to start? Let’s assume you know nothing about the industry except that it involves children!!! That’s pretty much the position I was in when I started my day care 10 years ago and I spent a year and a half researching and learning before I got going. Before you go running for the hills in dismay allow me to cut short the research time a little with some pointers on how best to prepare for the exciting adventure that is ‘Starting a daycare business’.

Your first port of call should be your business plan. Every successful business starts with a well thought out version thus enabling the entrepreneur (you) to get a clear, overall picture of what your business will entail. Many people get to the business plan stage and no further due to a realisation that the project is unfeasible for whatever reason. Better find out now than after you have ploughed a lot of time and money into starting a business going nowhere.

The business plan covers all vital elements of starting and operating a business - introduction / description, benefits, market research, key financials and conclusion. I found it to be a great ‘checklist’ of things to do as I worked my way methodically through each of the required steps. It forced me to consider, research and document every aspect of my potential business, propelled me to analyse in detail areas I might otherwise have glossed over (or ignored completely). Like a good teacher it provided the questions and ensured I filled in the blanks. There are many great business plan templates out there and I have listed some that I particularly like below:

sba. gov USA

bytestart. co. ukUK

teagasc. ie/startingyourownbusiness/template. htm Ireland

Next, talk to the experts. Arrange a meeting with your local licensing representative, have them visit your premises and find out what they will be requiring in terms of premises layout, contents, play area and general health and safety issues. Get them to give you guidelines and tips on policies and paperwork. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – remember this is the expert, the person who will be granting you a license so best to have a heads up on what they will expect from you. Prepare in advance of this meeting and come armed with a list of comprehensive questions so you don’t waste a great opportunity to absorb as much knowledge as possible.

An invaluable source of information on setting up your day care is existing daycare owners. When I was researching my business I received some of the best tips, hints and advice from other providers, in fact, I still make ‘information gathering visits’ once a year and learn something new everytime. Call up a couple of established providers (preferably not too close to your proposed venture – they might not be too enamoured of the impending competition!), explain your situation and set up a day to go visit. Most people are delighted to mentor a budding entrepreneur and proud to showcase their business. Become a sponge for that day and absorb every tidbit of information available.

Take a pen and paper for notes, ask questions, listen and observe. Notice daily routines, room layout and equipment, methods for dealing with behaviours, staff and child interaction, health and safety procedures, hygiene practices, peruse paperwork (ask for copies of the paperwork to help guide you when formulating your own). Get tips on advertising, pricing and suppliers. Try to speak with the owner or manager, the staff and the cook and get a feel for each unique role. Ask questions like ‘What do you feel could be improved?’ or ‘If you were starting out what things would you do differently?’. These open questions will provide you with an immense wealth of knowledge, all of the practical, hands on variety.

These are just three steps you can take in pursuit of your dream to start a day care business and they will provide you with a tremendous amount of information and guidance. Your confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve your vision will peak and you will be propelled into further positive action. It costs nothing but time and if you can get yourself to this point there’s no looking back. What are you waiting for?

Sexy shoes

What is it with sexy shoes? Why are they so popular today and why have they been popular for so long? Sexy shoes have a special place in the heart and soul of many people across the globe, but why?

To start with, a pair of high heels can instantly elongate the lines of the legs that can make the legs appear slimmer and create more elegant curves from the hip to the toe. I’ve also read that wearing high heel shoes can make the foot appear smaller than it actually is.

Additionally, high heel shoes alter the stance of the woman and this forces her breasts up and makes her derriere protrude farther out than normal. The correct pair of shoes can even help create an air of confidence due to the fact that they make the woman taller than normal and tend to attract more attention to her.

Sexy shoes aren’t just popular with women, but with men and cross dressers as well. Sexy shoes are known to be a fetish item in their own right. Sexy shoes are collectible and can be considered works of art without even having a foot to fill them. People all over the world collect exotic high heel shoes.

Although they may not be the most practical clothing item in the world, it really doesn’t come down to practicality. Sexy shoes are popular for reasons not related to their comfort or practicality. If you still don’t get it, then you probably never will.

Now, aren’t you ready for your next pair of sexy shoes?

Protect your wheels from an insidious fiend

A few years back, a friend of mine brought over his newly purchased and “gently used” 325i to my home. I was nearly as excited for him as he was for himself as this was the car that he had always wanted. A recent promotion and raise at work meant he could ditch his LeSabre for something a bit more classier and a bit more expensive. As he rolled into my driveway I gave the car a good “once over” before my eyes rested on his front left wheel. While the rest of his car looked showroom new, his front wheels were absolutely filthy. So, what was the culprit that messed up my friend’s wheels? Please read on to find out all the sordid details!

Brake dust. Yes, something as simple as dust from the 325i’s brakes messed up my friend John’s wheels. I handed him a sponge and a towel with some lukewarm water and he immediately began to touch up the alloy wheels and tires. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary fix as a few days later his wheels were messed up again. By that time, however, he had already ordered a set of brake dust shields to take care of the problem. Honestly, I never knew such a product existed until he told me about it.

When John’s brake dust shields arrived, I helped him install them and was impressed how easy they went on his car. Brake dust shields are fitted right into the wheel, kind of like an internal hubcap. Each shield is a one piece unit that fits into place without any sort of special tool needed. John’s shields were sized just right for his wheels [order by wheel size to make sure] and his car no longer looks dirty. Best of all, his remaining warranty is not voided with this highly functional aftermarket part.

Another thing I learned about brake dust is that besides looking bad, brake dust can eat away at alloy rims. You can’t use harsh chemicals on your rims to remove the dust nor should you use a high powered spray. Instead, brake shields [or brake dust covers as some people call them] take away the problem altogether leaving your wheels looking great at all times. Brake dust shields are vented too to allow your brakes to cool down.

Brake dust shields are available through select auto parts stores including the Auto Parts Warehouse’s always open online store.