Sunday, November 27, 2016

How to analyze and animate some of the most deadly martial arts moves

Martial arts, used by many people today for the health benefits, another way of getting fit or as a form of self defense. But in fact, martial arts are and can be much more and there are some killer martial arts moves that are choreographed to do what their name implies, Kill. These moves were used in both defensive and attacking maneuvers over the centuries and are still taught today.

These moves take years to perfect to reach killing stage and indeed need a much skill to apply correctly. Some of the most deadly moves in martial arts can be modified and used in competition, mostly a mixed competition. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport using different styles of martial arts where speed and power are used in different manners. This form of competition took hold around 1993 and was called the Ultimate Fighting Championships. It consisted of martial artists using different styles and being pitted against one another with very limited rules. In the interests of safety and so that the sport could gain wider public acceptance, there were some extra rules implemented in early 2000’s by MMA competitions. The MMA has grown considerably since then and although more regulated, MMA still maintains a no holds barred approach. Although seen as brutal by many, serious injuries are rare and other than a death caused by a pre-existing medical condition there has not been a fatality in the MMA competitions.

Many of the killer martial arts moves are still in modified use in these competitions although some have been barred completely. Techniques, if you want to called them that, such as biting, eye-gouging, fish-hooking and small joint manipulation have been made illegal as well as strikes to the groin. There are a number of moves that can vary in legality depending on the rules for the particular competition.

In these competitions, there are a number of ways one can be judged the winner. Either by judge’s decision at the end of the allotted time, by the fight doctor who may decide that the injuries will prevent the competitor from continuing and is no longer capable of defending himself, by knockout or by submission. There are both men’s and women’s competitions held at various levels and styles.

The killer martial arts moves that are taught today as a modified form to most students and when taught in their original form, they are taught under the watchful eyes of the instructors and are only taught when the particular student is of a standard both physically and mentally to handle these potentially fatal moves. It is generally the modified form which is used in MMA competitions by martial artists with the right mental attitude and strength of character to apply these deadly moves correctly in a manner that will attain victory for them without causing a fatal blow to their opponent.

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