Monday, October 31, 2016

The simpler the design the best

What is the purpose of a good design? A good design is like a logo. It stands for what the company is for. In getting a design, one should consider how it will be of use. It can be made of more than one type, depending on the preference of a company, as long as the concept is still the same.

The simpler the design, the better. With the evolution of graphic designs came the use of more complex designs to create and to choose from. Special effects are now being used in answer to the advancement that people and the world is undergoing.

This may be expensive but they it does the job of getting more attention than its counterparts. A simplified version of this graphic design is required to some of the more simple applications.

What is image style in designs? The design is what the company should be. It is the company’s representation so it would only be right for the designs to justify the company.

The clients that these companies accommodate for should also be represented in the design. Having a two-way purpose for both the provider and the consumer comprises a successful design.

Is format important in designs? Formatting your designs would add to its effectiveness. By using the right font formats, drawing and photographic applications and color management, will guarantee the easy management of these designs.

What is originality in designs? As designs represents your company, they should be unique enough for people to relate it only and exclusively to your company. This reduces the probability of misconceptions and misunderstanding in the impressions the company has to make to the people. Having an incomparable and distinctive design could make your company memorable enough for people to remember it, consciously or unconsciously.

What is the importance of appeal in designs? Appeals are what make your design attractive, no matter how simple it is. Using the right fonts and choosing the right colors that can create the correct appeal to the people is a crucial factor.

The company does not only have to think of the effect it will give today but also what it will do in the future. The appearance could be changed from time to time if necessary to generate the right outcome.

Designs can make or break the company. Most often than not, it takes time to get the right designs that can make a lasting effect. With more graphic designs being created and invented, people can have more choices to choose from.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Clear business communication 4 steps to success

Business owners know the bottom-line impact of business communication. It doesn’t matter if the communication is a memo to employees, a sales letter to prospects, or a thank you note to customers... A clear, quality message can build your business and the wrong message can demolish it.

Clear messages motivate employees, create positive change in the workplace, increase the possibility of getting a raise, and (most importantly) make a sale! The wrong message can mean lost opportunities, upset employees, and can even send your customer to the competition! Which type of message would you rather give?

Use these 4 steps to make sure that your communication improves your bottom line.

1. Know your audience. Ask yourself what is important to your audience? Make sure that every sentence resonates clearly with the message that you know what your audience wants and you can deliver it. For example: If you are writing to your boss and you’re asking for a raise, don’t complain about the rising cost of homes; your boss is concerned about the business’ bottom line. So instead, talk about how you are going to be more productive and improve the business’ bottom line because of your raise.

2. Know the action you want your audience to take. Often, our messages can be muddled if we are not clear in stating what we want. Don’t “beat around the bush”… make it obvious that you’d like to see a specific action occur as a result of what you’ve written. For example, if you are sending a memo to employees, don’t just write several paragraphs about the need to be on time in the morning. Your employees will think that your memo is right but won’t necessarily take action to correct their behavior. Instead, clearly point out the time you expect them to show up, the consequences for not showing up, and a specific action they can take to indicate that they have arrived on time.

3. Make your communication easy to read. At the beginning of your communication write what you are going to cover. Then cover the topics in the order you stated at the beginning. Then review the topic quickly at the end. If appropriate, put a space between each paragraph and break up lists into bullets. Repeat your point clearly in the first and last paragraph. Avoid unnecessary words.

4. Proofread your work! Nothing reduces the perceived value of a business communication like a missing or incorrectly spelled word. If you are dashing off an email to a coworker, give it a quick read-through. If your work will be read within company walls by subordinates or superiors, have someone else read through it too. If the message is leaving the company to go to prospects, customers, or vendors, make sure that you have at least two other people read the communication before it leaves the building.

Written business communication is an important way that we interact with others. The right messages can build our business and the wrong messages can demolish it. To increase productivity, to improve customer service, and to make more sales, follow these 4 business communication steps to success.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Home improvements get your envelope in order

Whether you need heat in winter or air conditioning in summer, you run the risk of throwing away money on utilities. You need not do this by making painless home improvements.

Home Improvements – Get Your Envelope In Order

Your house is an enclosed structure designed to keep rain, cold, heat, wind, snow and so on out. In contrast, all of those things want in. If you are not careful, Mother Nature will rob you blind. Yes, I am talking about the thermal envelope of your home.

The thermal envelope refers to the protective pocket around your living space. Much like wearing gloves in the snow, you want the envelope to provide a complete insulation barrier between you and the elements. If there are gaps or weak areas, your hard earned money is flowing out of them. Upgrading or maintaining your envelope can save you a bundle.

Insulation can be a killer when it comes to your envelope. Most developers build homes to the minimum requirements because they are focused on profits. Insulation is noted by R values, a method of determining how resistant the insulation is to transferring heat. If you check the walls of your house, an R-11 value will most likely be present. This is bad. R-11 is the minimum required. Upgrade to R-20 or R-30 in the walls and R-70 in the ceiling and floor areas. The temperatures in the house will become more consistent because the heat transfer will stop. This means the house stays warmer for longer in the winter and cooler for longer in the summer. The change will be dramatic.

Windows can be a killer, accounting for as much as 25 percent of your energy loss. The answer is relatively simple. Install Energy Star approved windows and get those frames into shape.

Doors are another area that can kill you. The issue is not so much the door itself, but the framing around it. Make sure your doors are flush to the frames. Installing small seal pads along the inside of the doorstops can make a major difference because they cut off air flow. Of course, the downside is the door doesn’t make much noise when you slam it in anger, but you will just have to tough it out.

Upgrading your envelope can make a major difference in your utility bill. If you can save $100 a month, you will save $1,200 a year. If you live in the home for 10 years, that is an easy $12,000.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

3 steps towards starting a daycare

So, you think you’d like to start a day care but where to start? Let’s assume you know nothing about the industry except that it involves children!!! That’s pretty much the position I was in when I started my day care 10 years ago and I spent a year and a half researching and learning before I got going. Before you go running for the hills in dismay allow me to cut short the research time a little with some pointers on how best to prepare for the exciting adventure that is ‘Starting a daycare business’.

Your first port of call should be your business plan. Every successful business starts with a well thought out version thus enabling the entrepreneur (you) to get a clear, overall picture of what your business will entail. Many people get to the business plan stage and no further due to a realisation that the project is unfeasible for whatever reason. Better find out now than after you have ploughed a lot of time and money into starting a business going nowhere.

The business plan covers all vital elements of starting and operating a business - introduction / description, benefits, market research, key financials and conclusion. I found it to be a great ‘checklist’ of things to do as I worked my way methodically through each of the required steps. It forced me to consider, research and document every aspect of my potential business, propelled me to analyse in detail areas I might otherwise have glossed over (or ignored completely). Like a good teacher it provided the questions and ensured I filled in the blanks. There are many great business plan templates out there and I have listed some that I particularly like below:

sba. gov USA

bytestart. co. ukUK

teagasc. ie/startingyourownbusiness/template. htm Ireland

Next, talk to the experts. Arrange a meeting with your local licensing representative, have them visit your premises and find out what they will be requiring in terms of premises layout, contents, play area and general health and safety issues. Get them to give you guidelines and tips on policies and paperwork. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – remember this is the expert, the person who will be granting you a license so best to have a heads up on what they will expect from you. Prepare in advance of this meeting and come armed with a list of comprehensive questions so you don’t waste a great opportunity to absorb as much knowledge as possible.

An invaluable source of information on setting up your day care is existing daycare owners. When I was researching my business I received some of the best tips, hints and advice from other providers, in fact, I still make ‘information gathering visits’ once a year and learn something new everytime. Call up a couple of established providers (preferably not too close to your proposed venture – they might not be too enamoured of the impending competition!), explain your situation and set up a day to go visit. Most people are delighted to mentor a budding entrepreneur and proud to showcase their business. Become a sponge for that day and absorb every tidbit of information available.

Take a pen and paper for notes, ask questions, listen and observe. Notice daily routines, room layout and equipment, methods for dealing with behaviours, staff and child interaction, health and safety procedures, hygiene practices, peruse paperwork (ask for copies of the paperwork to help guide you when formulating your own). Get tips on advertising, pricing and suppliers. Try to speak with the owner or manager, the staff and the cook and get a feel for each unique role. Ask questions like ‘What do you feel could be improved?’ or ‘If you were starting out what things would you do differently?’. These open questions will provide you with an immense wealth of knowledge, all of the practical, hands on variety.

These are just three steps you can take in pursuit of your dream to start a day care business and they will provide you with a tremendous amount of information and guidance. Your confidence in yourself and your ability to achieve your vision will peak and you will be propelled into further positive action. It costs nothing but time and if you can get yourself to this point there’s no looking back. What are you waiting for?

Sexy shoes

What is it with sexy shoes? Why are they so popular today and why have they been popular for so long? Sexy shoes have a special place in the heart and soul of many people across the globe, but why?

To start with, a pair of high heels can instantly elongate the lines of the legs that can make the legs appear slimmer and create more elegant curves from the hip to the toe. I’ve also read that wearing high heel shoes can make the foot appear smaller than it actually is.

Additionally, high heel shoes alter the stance of the woman and this forces her breasts up and makes her derriere protrude farther out than normal. The correct pair of shoes can even help create an air of confidence due to the fact that they make the woman taller than normal and tend to attract more attention to her.

Sexy shoes aren’t just popular with women, but with men and cross dressers as well. Sexy shoes are known to be a fetish item in their own right. Sexy shoes are collectible and can be considered works of art without even having a foot to fill them. People all over the world collect exotic high heel shoes.

Although they may not be the most practical clothing item in the world, it really doesn’t come down to practicality. Sexy shoes are popular for reasons not related to their comfort or practicality. If you still don’t get it, then you probably never will.

Now, aren’t you ready for your next pair of sexy shoes?

Protect your wheels from an insidious fiend

A few years back, a friend of mine brought over his newly purchased and “gently used” 325i to my home. I was nearly as excited for him as he was for himself as this was the car that he had always wanted. A recent promotion and raise at work meant he could ditch his LeSabre for something a bit more classier and a bit more expensive. As he rolled into my driveway I gave the car a good “once over” before my eyes rested on his front left wheel. While the rest of his car looked showroom new, his front wheels were absolutely filthy. So, what was the culprit that messed up my friend’s wheels? Please read on to find out all the sordid details!

Brake dust. Yes, something as simple as dust from the 325i’s brakes messed up my friend John’s wheels. I handed him a sponge and a towel with some lukewarm water and he immediately began to touch up the alloy wheels and tires. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary fix as a few days later his wheels were messed up again. By that time, however, he had already ordered a set of brake dust shields to take care of the problem. Honestly, I never knew such a product existed until he told me about it.

When John’s brake dust shields arrived, I helped him install them and was impressed how easy they went on his car. Brake dust shields are fitted right into the wheel, kind of like an internal hubcap. Each shield is a one piece unit that fits into place without any sort of special tool needed. John’s shields were sized just right for his wheels [order by wheel size to make sure] and his car no longer looks dirty. Best of all, his remaining warranty is not voided with this highly functional aftermarket part.

Another thing I learned about brake dust is that besides looking bad, brake dust can eat away at alloy rims. You can’t use harsh chemicals on your rims to remove the dust nor should you use a high powered spray. Instead, brake shields [or brake dust covers as some people call them] take away the problem altogether leaving your wheels looking great at all times. Brake dust shields are vented too to allow your brakes to cool down.

Brake dust shields are available through select auto parts stores including the Auto Parts Warehouse’s always open online store.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

5 important traveling tips that every family should know

When it comes to traveling, safety is a must. The perfect combination of common sense mixed in with a touch of technology can help to keep both you and your family safe and sound while on the go.

Perfect packing. When you’re leaving for a trip, it’s important to pack a lot more than just clothes and sunblock. Always make sure to have your cell phone and charger with you at all times, and make sure the battery is fully charged before you leave home. This will give you the ability to stay connected from anywhere.

Money matters. When traveling, it’s never a good idea to carry large amounts of cash. Instead, carrying at least one credit card will help to ensure that you are protected against theft. In the unlikely event that your wallet or purse is stolen, you can report it to the credit card immediately to prevent unauthorized use. For this reason, it’s important that you carry a list of telephone numbers for your credit card issuer(s) so that you can contact them immediately. This information should be kept separate from your wallet so that it will still be in your possession even if your card is not.

Stay in touch. Always make sure to let a friend or family member know where you are going and where you will be staying during your time away from home. It’s a good idea to let your friend or family member know that you will be calling when you arrive at your destination. It’s also a good idea to keep in touch occasionally while you are away, and always leave a telephone number where you can be reached.

Keep important numbers handy. Anytime you travel, it’s important to make a note of local emergency numbers, including hospitals, authorities, taxi services and other businesses that you think may be able to assist you if needed. You can find these numbers online or use a local telephone book upon your arrival.

Do your homework. One of the greatest things about traveling is the ability to see new things and experience new places, but it’s also important to keep safety in mind while exploring. Always have an accurate map of the area, which you can obtain from the local tourism office or chamber of commerce. If possible, call ahead and request that this information be mailed to you several weeks before your actual trip. This will allow you to have the map on hand when you arrive. Always travel in well lit areas and avoid places that seem to be deserted, especially after dark and in locations that you are unfamiliar with.

Now that you know how to protect yourself and your family during your time spent away from home, remember to enjoy all of the wonders that await your next vacation with the ones that you love.

How to increase site revenue by adding self updating ebay pages

One of the more time consuming tasks of maintaining a website is having continuously to update it with new products and other relevant content. Wouldn't it be nice therefore if you had a website that was self maintaining with automatically renewing content and the possibility of it earning a nice income for you?

There are a lot of savvy netpreneurs who are quietly raking in thousands of dollars each month by joining the ebay affiliate program and building niche websites based on the hottest selling products presently listed on ebay. Others add permanently updating content to their existing website to create more interest.

The first thing to do is to sign up to the ebay affiliate program, by going to Commission Junction. com who administer ebay's affiliate program in America and the UK. You will be sent a user name and password. An important point here is never disclose your log in details to ebay or Commission Junction. Scam emails are still doing their rounds on the web purporting to be from ebay and asking you to confirm your log in details. Always ignore these emails and delete them straight away.

What you will receive from ebay is a welcoming email with links to the various tools and resources that will allow you to build an ebay listing of your chosen subject. The three main tools to create listings are the flexible destination tool, the ebay editor kit and the API Tool.

The flexible destination tool allows you to create links to specific pages on ebay. Simply enter your Commission Junction PID (do not get this mixed up with your Commission Junction account number), the ebay page you want to link to, give your link a title and then generate your link to copy and paste into your web page.

By using the ebay editor kit you can build a whole page of listings of your chosen niche, anything from 1 to 200 listings, although 15 to 25 is a good size page to have. Let's say that you want an ebay page that deals with cars, you could generate a whole page of cars of any make or model or you could narrow it down to a particular make and model, the options are there for you to choose from.

The API Tool is designed for the more adventurous webmaster and allows you to take the ebay affiliate program to greater heights. Unless you have a penchant for developing it is best avoided and left to those that have the necessary experience to use it.

If you cannot think of a subject to build a website about, just visit any ebay home page and click "Advanced Search" at the top right of the page and choose a category from the menu to the right of the search box. From here tick "Completed Listings Only" and press to continue. If you want to be more specific and narrow down your search, add a description into the box. On the next page select "Price, Highest First" from the menu and you will get all the highest ticket items sold in the past few weeks. This is an excellent exercise to conduct if you are not too sure what you want to promote from ebay.

So there you have it, the above process will add updated clickable links to eBay auction listings for whatever you decide to promote. The process makes it simple for you to add future and updated content on your site relating to whatever your site is about and you can add as many pages of auction listings as you like. For more information about starting your own ebay business please visit deals4-u. com.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

There s a whole system out there running your and everone else s universe

Of all these self help books, all those self improvement tapes, all the religious dogmas, every ideology, there is a single underlying system which explains how everything works and fits together.

Woooof. That's one heady statement to make.

But I've been working this over for over 8 years now as a steady research and collecting notes the earlier 40-some - on just about everything that crossed my path. So when I say that I've been able to boil down the universe into a single system, it just might be plausible.

The basic is back on the farm. Did you know that Nature runs the same, no matter what you believe, or practice, or what party you belong to? True. Plant a seed anywhere on this planet and as long as it has enough sunlight, enough nutrients, and is warm enough to do it's job - you'll have a sprouted plant. Keep these conditions long enough and that plant will make seeds so you can make more plants.

Heated greenhouses in Antarctica prove it.

So how do all these religions say they are the only way out and that all others are (whatever)? They are simply running marketing silos, trying to build a monopoly of belief and so finance their buildings and what-not.

That's a bit cruel, and perhaps steps on everyone's toes at once. But if you analyze organized religions against marketing data, that's what falls out. (There is even the modern saw that whatever party wins the election, they both act the same when in office.)

Back up a bit.

All - and I mean all - religions and philosophies contain certain common points. One of these is the "Golden Rule". Every single historical belief-system we have on this planet has recognized that there is a definite reciprocity on this mud-ball we live on. What ever you do has consequences - and these all come back to haunt or elevate you. Your choice - treat people like manure and you'll get manure dumped on you. Treat people with respect and you'll get respect. Be charitable, get charity. Help others, get helped.

On and on and on.

Most nations have outlawed capital punishment - who wants to cast that first stone?

I think that if you looked hard enough, you'd also find some recognition of the Law of Attraction in all these - but it's a different search. I know it's been written about in both the New and Old Testaments. And Huna mentions it - which is the oldest-known philosophic system still practiced on this planet.

Of course, this above would then be a complete study all on its own. And I'll leave that to theologists to study up as part of the postgraduate studies. I'll keep to the broad strokes.

Let's just go with this idea that, like Nature, we are all living on this planet under the same rules. We all have bodies which are different hues and shades, but all function the same. There are only so many blood types, and they can all be fixed with varying degrees of success when they get broken.

It is just logical that all these religions, cults, and belief-systems (extremist, moderate, conservative) work because of that underlying common system, not in spite of it.

How would I go about explaining it?

1. Take Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" as the base, and back up to Huna's 7 principles to explain how this works.

2. Expand to his Law of Success, and widen the scope to include Haanel's Master Key System, as well as Mental Chemistry.

3. Compare with Science of Getting Rich.

4. Examine the phenomenon of "The Secret", which is pushing the Law of Attraction.

5. Review Atkinson's works along this line, as well as Earl Prevette.

6. Back this up through Genevieve Behrend to Thomas Troward.

7. Which then brings us right back to Huna as an overall and underlying base for all modern self help.

8. Then come forward through current religions to show their similarities and posit the point that all religions (and all belief-systems/world-views) depend on a common system of philosophy in order to work at all.

9. Now, the base foundation for a common system could be laid, taking just the key points held in common by all above authors and Huna.

And this is just the beginning. Once you lay out the basic principles, personal techniques could be approached, so that anyone could improve just about anything in their lives (thought being the first point of creation, any system of thought would then enable anything to be created/achieved/acquired).

As well, an approach to world peace is possible. If all war is either economic or ideological in origin, it would be possible to show that everyone would be richer if you allowed free commerce, as well as other human freedoms.

This underlying system does exist. Interestingly, it isn't a question of proving it, but disproving it... Because it runs on faith for fuel. Faith is based on knowledge and understanding. Those that doubt only limit themselves. The best gains to be had are by thoroughly immersing oneself in the subject. You can't try out a pair of boots to see if they fit and wear well unless you put them on, first.

With student credit cards try to impress the friends

Catch them young seems to be the mantra, and that is what credit cards the companies, which are in the business of issuing the credit cards, are doing. The companies have selected a new category of credit card users, the students, and they are issuing credit cards to them. These cards are called as Student credit cards. What is the need for a student credit card to be given to a student, you may ask? The students are being initiated into the wonder world of credit card, by giving them the student credit cards. It is a sort of initiation into the world of credit cards by the companies. The student credit cards have a snobbish value in the student community, as by flaunting the card one can always claim certain privileges, which may not be available if you are doing some transaction in cash. The biggest advantage that the student credit card is having is that the holder of the card can claim privileges at the favorite hangout of the students like the cinema halls; the cafes and the coffee shops sand other eating joints.

The advantage of a student credit card becomes apparent if you are throwing a party and suddenly the size of the party has increased. In such a sticky situation there are two options, either you request the money from the friends or pool it. But how many of us like to do that in the present times, as if such a situation arises it leads to a loss of face. Then what is the way out, it is the Student credit card. The student credit card has also the benefit of being used to gain privileged access to cinema halls on the eve of release of the feature films, and this is one of the best ways to impress the friends and acquaintances. For the holder of the student credit card, if he has a good credit rating, once he graduates to a job, there are always the possibilities that he may get the normal credit cards without having to apply once again. So the holder of the student credit card having displayed his credit worthiness generates good credit ratings for himself.

While the banks may be enthusiastic to issue the student credit cards to the students, there is no despair for the parents as well. In fact they can encourage that the student credit cards be given to the students, as the parents only will be paying for the due amounts. The parents once they provide the student credit cards to their wards are in a position to monitor their day-to-day activities in a better manner.

The student credit cards serve the dual purpose for the payments. On the one hand they can dispense with the pocket money to be given to the wards and provide them the minimum cash. Once the cash provided is to the bare minimum and the transactions have to be done through the student credit cards, then monitoring the expense of the ward is very easy. From the bills that are received a parent can monitor the spending habits of the child and can have a one-to-one chat with him to change his spending habits if the parents do not like the habits. Secondly, by limiting the cash in hand, and forcing the ward to use the student credit card, the parent can indirectly bring into control the intake of junk food of the students from the street.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Solar energy is hot

No doubt you’ve heard plenty about solar power but always thought it was too expensive, aside from minor uses in the now popular garden lighting systems. However, with fuel prices climbing and solar cells becoming more reasonable, adding solar power to your home is a great, long term solution to high energy bills.

That isn’t to say they’re cheap. Before rebates, it typically takes 12 or more years for a homeowner to make their investment in solar panels back. That’s much longer than the average person is willing to wait. However, many states now offer rebates, so the final cost to the homeowner is much less than it use to be. The rebates vary from state to state, so it’s impossible to say how much of an impact they have overall. There may also be federal incentives.

Solar panels are also steadily becoming more efficient. They produce more energy than they used to. They require relatively little maintenance, many of which you may be able to do yourself. This helps to make them very cost effective.

Solar energy isn’t just for making electricity. You can use it heat the water for your swimming pool or heat your home. There are many options available for those who are interesting in building an energy efficient home without sacrificing comfort.

Solar power is much, much cheaper than it used to be, as prices have fallen by 90% since the 1970s. That doesn’t make it cheap - yet! - to install enough photovoltaic cells to power a house, but in some areas the incentives given to install solar cells cuts the overall cost to the homeowner about in half.

To decide if solar energy is right for you, take some basic figures into consideration.

• Check your energy consumption. You need to know how big a system you will need to power your home. Make sure you consider your highest consumption levels and the possibility that it will grow somewhat.

• Find out how much a photovoltaic system to meet your need will cost you. The size will depend both on your energy need and on the available sunlight (solar resource) in your area.

• Find out what rebates and incentives are available to you to help decrease your costs.

• Consider whether your system will be on the grid or off. On the grid has the advantage that you can sell when you have an excess and buy electricity when you don’t have enough, while with an off the grid system you have a battery to store your excess.

• Consider what the environmental benefits are worth to you. This is a personal factor rather than a direct economic one. It won’t save you money, but knowing that you’re contributing a little less to pollution might change how you feel about the expense.

Choosing to use solar power in your home is an investment you can appreciate on many levels. Over a number of years it will save you money as you generate environmentally friendly energy. It’s not cheap to get started, but when you combine the environmental benefits with decreasing your reliance on fuel costs you can certainly appreciate the possibilities.

Guide about versilia in tuscany

Versilia occupies the north-western part of Tuscany, between the ridge of the Apuan Alps and the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The historic territory of Versilia is divided into the administrative Communes of Pietrasanta, Forte di Marmi, Seravezza and Stazzema.

Nowaday, the term “Versilia” includes also the communes of Massarosa, Camaiore and Viareggio.

The area includes the Communes of Viareggio, Camaiore, Pietrasanta, Forte dei Marmi, Massarosa, Seravezza and Stazzema, the Regional Park of Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaciuccoli to the South and the Park of Apuane to the North. It is close to art cities such as Lucca (20 Km), Pisa (21 Km) and Florence (100 Km). It is easy to reach with any means of transport.

Versilia is characterised by a variety of landscape that changes, in a few km, from sea to hill, to mountain. It is a unique environment that confirms the gastronomic variety of meat and sea dishes. Its cooking is made of simple and genuine ingredients and it goes along with the most elaborate one that had to consider the tourist phenomenon. In fact, it requires a cooking more suitable to people with different tastes and coming from different parts of Italy and from abroad.

Versilia enjoys a peaceful mild and temperate climate all year long. The average temperature goes from 10°, during the winter, to 25°, during the summer. Due to the vicinity of the Apuane to the sea, rains are abundant during the whole year; whereas during the summer there are short but strong thunderstorms.

It is possible to come to Versilia on holidays during the whole year.

During the summer, when the sun heats the sandy beaches, the vicinity of the Apuane mitigates the heat and the climate becomes pleasant with windy days and fresh nights. During the day, it is possible to enjoy oneself on the beach and take a plunge in the sea, or a walk within the green of the pine forests, on the hills or on mountain paths, or take a visit to art cities and small villages well known to mass tourism.

During the night, there is only the embarrassment of choosing, from night clubs to open door theatres, from shopping to cultural exhibitions, from gastronomic feats (“sagre”) to simple walks.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinical researchers seeking volunteers

Women who suffer from heavy, long-lasting, or frequent monthly menstrual cycles may be eligible to participate in a nationwide research study in their area. The study will evaluate the efficacy of a medication for the relief of heavy, long-lasting, or frequent menstruation that may be associated with your monthly cycle. The study medication used contains similar ingredients as currently marketed birth control products.

Many women suffer from the interference of heavy, long-lasting, or frequent menstruation and have to plan their lives around it, sometimes missing days at work or canceling activities with friends and family. This new study will involve taking a medication that may help treat this problem in women who desire oral contraception.

Researchers from over 35 medical facilities across the country are now enrolling and screening volunteers who are 18 years of age or over to participate in this research study sponsored by Berlex Inc.

Qualified participants will be asked to collect used sanitary products in order for blood loss to be measured. Participants will also keep diaries to record information about their menstrual bleeding and number of sanitary products used and to study medication intake.

Women who are eligible for the study will be compensated for their time and travel and receive study-related medical care by a licensed physician. Study participants will also receive monthly sanitary supplies at no cost.

What are your alaska fishing lodge options

When most people think 'fishing lodge', their imagination conjures up visions of a tiny log cabin stuck in the middle of nowhere, with or without the amenity of an outhouse nearby. But to be honest, an Alaska fishing lodge can be that, a rustic resort, or anything in between.

When thinking about venturing north to fish for salmon, trout, halibut or any other of the dozens of species that swim in the hundreds of thousand of square miles of Alaska's lakes, rivers, tributaries and streams, not to mention her Pacific coastline, the first thing to do is figure out where you want to stay. Alaska offers a wealth of lodging opportunities in a myriad of price ranges. Do you want to rough it or spend fishing down time being pampered and catered to? It's all up to you, because Alaska has everything you could want, and more.

While Alaska does have her fair share of rustic, one-room cabins tucked away in the depths of forests, hundreds of miles from nowhere, she also offers some of the best in world-class resort lodges that will cater to your finer tastes when it comes to dining, entertainment and good old fashioned pampering. That includes spas, massages, facials and steam rooms. Most people venturing to Alaska don't really care about all the amenities, and are perfectly happy and content with a roof over their head and an outhouse, or not. But fishing isn't just for guys anymore. Women from around the world also love to fish, and do so independently, in pairs or in larger groups. The Alaskan tourist and sporting industry has recognized that fact and offers all kinds of lodging choices to visitors from the lower forty-eight as well as around the world.

Sure, Alaska fishing lodges come in the rustic log style, but they also crop up in designs that can be found around the world. If you're not interested in rolling into that well-used sleeping bag, you might want to opt for soft mattresses at any number of three - and four-star hotels available around any larger city and lake within the state. Room service, fine dining, and entertainment choices for visitors vie with the natural beauty to be found outdoors, and many are pressed to decide which they prefer best. Fishing in Alaska is a unique opportunity that doesn't happen to everyone, so when your time comes, take full advantage. Many fishing lodges offer tours, guides and equipment for both novice and expert anglers, as well as a number of favorite fishing spots for their guests to try out. Launching a trip into the interior of Alaska can also be arranged from many fishing resorts around the state. Price ranges for guided side-trips can cost a few hundred to a thousand dollars per person, and can include horseback riding into fishing camps or 4-wheeling it in, or even canoeing. If you find yourself tempted to take one of these side trips offered by an Alaska fishing lodge, just make sure that you know and are ready for fishing laws and permits necessary to ensure a safe, fun and productive trip.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hotels how to get free gifts

Planning to visit Las Vegas or any other vacational resort where casinos are a major portion of their business? I have just the thing for you. Here, I will show you how to pass off as a High Roller and collect many complimentary items and gifts.

What is the Secret?

The Secret is that you have to make them believe you are rich and love gambling. In short you have to impersonate a High Roller.


Hotels love high rollers because these players leave behind thousands of dollars each visit. And the real cool part about this is that if you act the role, casinos will lavish you with the same gifts and complimentary items that a real High Roller would receive.

How ?

It is not that difficult to fool the hotel and resorts with some finesse and true self-confidence. It can be done.

1) The Way you Dress:

Elegant and smart is the way to go. Opt out of the baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. Try and wear a suit or at least a regular buttoned shirt with an elegant dark jacket. It was Shakespeare who said that the clothes maketh a man, and so too, when going to a hotel resort. They judge you according to how you dress, so dress according to the role.

2) A Large Pad of Notes:

Yes. Just like in the movies. Carry a large bundle of notes with you and keep them in plain sight. You do not have to really take with you that much. Instead, take a few notes and place them at the top and at the bottom of real note-size paper cuttings. Just remember to never expose this while you are in the casino. Use other notes you’re your wallet instead. But do it nonchalantly so that none of the casino personnel will notice.

3) Always Flash Your Notes Around: No matter where you go, whether its to the hotel restaurant for lunch or for to the bar. They will be watching. From time to time, use that money to play at a range of table games or video game and bet some of that money. Remember you must use some of your money to play but just do not use all of it.

4) Play Complicated Games:

This is one of the more problematic things to do and requires some training at home. Learn on your own how to lay and how to bet on the high rolling games such as roulette, baccarat and craps. You could also play poker or Texas holdem in one of the larger ante tables, but in any case stick to your plan and you will soon reap the flowers.


Above, I have outlined some of the more practical methods by which one can save money by receiving gifts from the casino. These gifts range from casino comps (free money to play), room deals that can get nearly free and many others such as free drinks, clothes, coupon to stores in Las Vegas and many more. Note that what you are doing here is completely legal provided you don't take up a false name or falsify your passport card.

The threat of spam and basic preventative measures

Everyone who uses the internet has more than likely been targets of spam at one time or another. At first they are easy to dismiss for internet experienced persons, however for the inexperienced user of the internet, the messages contained can sometimes be intimidating and in some instances lead to trouble (I will come onto a personal example later).

Spam can take several forms; email and search engine spam are just two, but the one we will concentrate on in this article, and also the one you will, and have most likely encountered, is via email.

Spam is defined as unsolicited bulk mail, much of which is caught in your “bulk” or “trash” folder found in your email service provider control panel. You have probably often seen a mass of these types of emails in you bulk folders when checking for email that you actually have consented to receive, as many emails are caught by spam filters even though they should not. The majority of spam you may receive will be of a sexual or gambling nature, however over the past few months I have noticed an ever-increasing number of scam emails asking for sensitive information, claiming to be someone they are not.

Paypal and eBay scams are a prime example of these types of emails known as “phishing scam emails”. The email will be along the lines of:

“We have noticed an irregularity in your account details and require you to update them immediately. Failure to do so will result in the permanent closure of your account”

You can see how these emails can be pretty alarming to an inexperienced internet user who may only occasionally use the internet to sell or buy items on eBay for example. Some of the emails will look very convincing, and will use the images and symbols of the respective company, however be very cautious and take heed to the following important point:

If you are unsure of the legitimacy of the email, do not follow any link contained within the email to an external website. Instead, type the website address that you know is correct into your browser directly, so that you are safe in the knowledge that you are not using a fraudulent website.

Failure to do this may result in your account being hijacked by the scammer; it’s as easy as this. You follow the link in the email to a website claiming to be, and also looking very much like one where you have an account. The website will ask you to input your username and password to access your account and voila, you will have now sent this information to the scammer, allowing them access to your account containing sensitive information about you.

Another type of email scam that has been very popular is where you are notified to be the very lucky winner of a lottery, even though you have never entered the lottery in the location claiming your success! This is where the example of a personal experience comes in. Many people reading this will be thinking “I’ll never fall for one of these scams”, however the unfortunate reality is that many people will do so. An elderly relative of mine received one of these lottery scams from Spain, and then insisted on following up with the email scam, even though they had never even entered the lottery draw. The only stumbling block was that the bank account details required, needed to be sent by fax, which she couldn’t do, and despite the frustration that this caused I of course refused to help send it.

There are measures that you can take to help avoid being targeted by spammers; a few have been mentioned here. However, in addition never reply to a scam email as it will notify them that the email address is live and also that you have read the email, leading to further spam.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

1000 provable income cash advances should you take the opportunity

Many finance firms are wiling to offer a sum of $1000 to those in need, provided the beneficiary has a provable source of income and agrees to repay the amount as per the firm’s outlined repayment schedule. However, needless to say that you would end up repaying more than you acquire from the cash advance firm. This is because the cash advance firm is likely to charge an interest on such credit lending.

Getting hold of a $1000 cash advance won’t be a cinch by any means. You would have to carry out a preliminary research of reputable cash advance firms willing to lend $1000. Though it’s easy to find cash advance of around $250 to $500, you might have to shop around a bit in order to bag $1000. It is recommended to keep several options open during your quest for a cash advance. This way, if one cash advance firm leaves you high and dry, you could easily switch to another.

Sums of $1000 and below are considered trifling amounts by bigger loan firms’ standards. Therefore, it is highly unlikely to acquire a $1000 loan from a loan firm. However, cash advance firms are a viable option for people in urgent need of around $1000. Cash advance firms would gladly approve your application, provided you have a provable income source. But, cash advance companies normally charge a higher rate of interest relative to bigger loan firms.

All in all, cash advance is a nice and quick way to acquire that much needed cash in a jiffy. But since the rate of interest is on the higher side, it’s best to take up a loan from a loan firm, if possible. In general, you should turn to a cash advance firm only when you have no other means of acquiring cash.

Acne- can i treat my acne by removing surface oils

Most of us believe that when we get acne, we must be having oily skin. How can dry skin have acne? We believe that acne and oily skin are inseparable. These ideas are wrong. Removing surface oils and trying to dry the skin to make acne disappear will not work. Unless your skin is oily, no drying will help. With oily skin also , one can only keep the skin dry, but can not treat acne by drying the skin. It may hurt you more. You can treat your acne in other easy ways. Here is how?

Acne and Benzoyl peroxide-

If you have only blackheads or whiteheads, there is nothing better than Benzoyl Peroxide. If that is not suitable for you try salicylic Acid formulations. These are OTC products and if you have patience, they will get rid of your acne. Don't squeeze out your acne. That will enlarge your pores and may scar. Let it dry with the formulations slowly and after some time some discoloration may remain that will go away.

Acne and retinoids -

For severe acne, get antibiotics and retinol creams. The antibiotic will stop the bacteria P. acnes from spreading and retinol will dry the skin and remove the block that is causing sebum to accumulate in your pores and causing acne.

Acne and AHAs -

AHA formulations loosen the dead skin cells and remove them. If you regularly use AHA formulations, your acne may never get a chance to form. Acne forms only if the gland is blocked. AHA opens the gland and may work as a good preventive. Please consult your doctor about the above options.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Monday, October 17, 2016

How to defeat terrorism

Stopping terrorism is not like gambling, in poker there are different variables that can affect the outcome but it fighting terror the only way to win is to fight to the end.

Many people thing that the terrorist feel they have been wronged by something or someone and that giving them something will end the fight be it land or money, but history has repeatedly shown us that by appeasing the terrorists we are only giving them what they want, and prolonging the fight. They will continue to take everything they are given but they never stop wanting more.

An example of this is clear in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Israel allows the PLO to return to the west bank and Gaza and form the Palestinian Authority, Israel supplied weapons and the Americans provided training to the Palestinians so they could start a army to fight crime and terrorism.

Israel was repaid by the terrorists by suicide bombings in malls, restaurants, clubs and busses.

More recently Israel pulled all Jews from Gaza and gave all the land to the Palestinians. The Israelis left behind infrastructure and greenhouses, which could have been used for businesses by the Palestinians. The moment the last troops were out of Gaza the terrorists destroyed what the Israelis left behind and again repaid them with rockets on Sderot and Ashkelon, two Jewish cities bordering Gaza.

Many of you are thinking that these problems were brought on by the Israelis stealing Palestinians land, but what was it that the United States did that angered Al Qaeda?

Many will say it is because America has troops in Saudi Arabia where the two holiest locations to the Muslim people are, these people are wrong. This fight is not about the terrorists wanting America out of the Middle East.

This was is about the pride of one individual. Osama Bin Laden, and that’s all it is about.

In 1991 when Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia was worried and was looking to get help to protect its oil fields. Osama Bin Laden offered his assistance to help protect his homeland with the help of his Mujahadim, who had helped protect Afghanistan from the Russians in the 80's.

But rather then gamble on Bin Laden's holey warriors, the Saudis asked for help from the United States, and this wounded Bin Laden's pride. Now Bin Laden is on a quest to show the world that he is the true protector of Islam, do not be fooled this is a war of religion.
The only thing that has ever worked is not to try to negotiate with these people but to fight them with force. You will find that with any military action against terrorists once you start to make some headway they will start to yell about a Hudna or temporary cease fire.

When you are in a poker tournament in Casinos Online or land based and your opponent is almost out of chips, do you back off and let your enemy regroup or go all in and force him out.

The Only way to defeat terrorism is to fight terrorism whenever and wherever it shows its head, and to never let up on those who would use terror to forward their goals.

Finding the right mazda dealer

How do I find a Mazda dealer that is reliable and located in my area? We all have our preferences, and mine is Mazda vehicles. So for my next car, I want to visit the best Mazda dealer I can to get what I need. However, I need to figure out what the best way to locate one is. Turns out, there are several things you can do to find a Mazda dealer in your area without just driving around aimlessly.

The first place to start a search is in the yellow pages. If you go to your local yellow pages and open it up to automobiles you will likely find it is a huge section. Generally the dealers are listed in the section based on alphabetical listings by dealership. Mazda dealers will be in the “M” section. If you live in a larger metro area, there will likely be several Mazda dealers, so write down phone numbers and contact information. You can also go to your local yellow pages online and type in a search f “Mazda dealer.”

Another way to find a Mazda dealer in your area is to check out the Mazda website. Most car manufacturers list affiliate dealers on their site along with contact information. The good thing about this method is that you can probably browse some of the vehicles on line before heading out to the Mazda dealer. When you have an idea what you are looking for, shopping for almost anything becomes easier.

You can also find a Mazda dealer through word of mouth. As people you know who have a Mazda where they got it. Also, ask them about their experience so that you will know if it a dealer that you would enjoy dealing with.

Finding out which Mazda dealers are reputable and easy to work with is also important. As people you know have worked with them for their opinion of the service, experience, and people who work at that Mazda dealer. The other way to check out the reputation of the dealership is to check out consumer websites online. There are consumer sites that will review the actual Mazda cars, Mazda dealers, or sometimes even specific managers. Do your research to make sure that your Mazda dealership experience will be one you enjoy, not one you look back on with spite.

Once you have found the Mazda dealers in your area, and once you have checked out their reputations online and with friends and acquaintances, you are ready to make a decision. Choose your Mazda dealer for what you find important and with what seems like will work best for you. If you do that, you should end up happy with your results.

Most everyone has their own car preferences in terms of manufacturer. If Mazda is your favorite, there are some steps you should take to make sure you find the right Mazda dealer for you. First off, take some time to find out who is in your area with the yellow pages either print or online. From there, ask around about the Mazda dealers you are considering. Do they have a good reputation? Then, simply make a decision that you feel like makes the best sense for you.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Buying home insurance

The amount you are asked to pay when you ask for a quote for home insurance is determined by how big a risk the company think you are. In giving you a quote they take into account many things, such as how secure your property is, the area in which you live and the cost of the possessions that they would have to pay to replace if some mishap occurred. However there are ways in which you can help to lower the premium quoted with the biggest being shopping around either yourself or with a broker’s help, for a policy.

When looking for insurance make sure that you get at least four or five quotes from different companies as policies and premiums do vary from company to company. All policies are different and will have exclusions within them, so it is essential that you understand what you are and are not covered for.

Where you live will affect the price that you have to pay for your insurance, while you cannot change your address there are some things you can do to help lower the cost of your insurance. Installing more security is one of the best ways you can reduce the premium, insurance companies will list certain brands of alarms for instance which are considered the best and by having these you can cut the cost of your premium.

If you are thinking of making any big home improvements such as adding a conservatory then take this into account, the more value that you add onto the property then the higher the premium will be. Also take into account any patio furniture or garden equipment which is kept outside, some policies will include this in their policy while others insist that you take an addition to the policy in order to cover them.

If you have items in your home which are of particular value then make a note of these, any items which are classed as antique or say any collections such as records or art, might not be included in your policy unless you have particularly stated these at the out set of the policy.

Also check if computer equipment is covered in the policy, if you have more than one home computer then they might need adding to the policy as extras, some policies say that computer equipment such as printers and scanners are classed as commercial or business equipment and as such are not covered by the standard policy.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Looking for someone simple how-to guide to locating them now

Are you looking for a long lost friend or even a relative that you’ve fallen out of touch with? If so, online People Finders are one way to help you get started with your search. But with so many online services out there, it can get a little overwhelming. And you don’t want to get ripped-off either if you decide to go with a pay service.

One of the problems, even with the ‘free’ people finder services, is that they’ll supply you with a city of residence, but not much else; if you want more information, you have to pay for it. In some instances, the name of the town they live in may be just enough information for you to call the local information service in that area, and if your party doesn’t have an unlisted number, you’ll at least get a phone number.

WhitePages. com is one site that will actually give you the street address and telephone number for free when you enter the person’s first and last name. City and/or state is helpful here, and as long as your party has a listed number in their local phone directory, you’ll able contact them this way.

Peoplefinders. com is another ‘free’ online services that provides you with a current city of residence and actually every location that person has lived in for more than the past ten years. By entering the person’s first and last name with middle initial and birthday if you know it, the site responds with their present city of residence and even any AKAs they’ve had in the past like maiden names or original last names if they’ve ever changed it. It also supplies you with their mother’s last name and age.

Usa-People-Search is a site that is similar to PeopleFinders where you can go to enter the person’s full name in the search window, and the site will then supply you with all of people matching that first and last name, their age and what town they live in. You’ll have to pay to get exact address here also but at least you’ve got a starting point with the basic info they give you.

If you’ve browsed around at some of the people finder sites and just can’t seem to get anywhere, you may want to think about an online service where you pay to get more data. But do yourself a favor first and take a look at one website called the OnelineReviewBoard that has researched this subject at great length to get some advice about what to do and not to do to protect yourself. The link to their ‘Truth Behind Online Investigation Services’ page is: onlinereviewboard. com/bestonlineinvestigation2005.htm. Good Luck!

Switching from home based poker to online poker

Online Texas Hold'em has taken the world by storm in the past few years. In case you've been left behind, we are going to get you caught up to speed with the world of online texas hold'em poker. I'm going to assume that you have a working knowledge of the game of texas holdem and only talk about the differences between online and offline texas holdem.

There are several major differences between online texas holdem and the texas holdem you've played for years at your friends house. First of all, there are no tells in online poker. Secondly, the software interface is one of the most important things in online poker. And lastly, you can always find an online game.

What happened to all of the tells?

There are lots of people that will tell you that there are still tells in online poker. I don't believe this one bit. They will say that if someone bets quick or slow, you will be able to get a feel for their play. Well, what about internet connections? If someone has a slow connection, they will play intermittently. In other words, sometimes bet slow and sometimes bet quickly. This just isn't reliable enough, so there are no tells in online texas holdem.

Software interface, the most important thing

The software interface allows you to do, and not do, everything at the poker table. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. For one, you are limited to the confines of the poker software. You are only allowed to do whatever the software programmers have allowed you to do. Fortunatly, there are some really good programs out there and everything is there except the feel of the felt and the chips in your hand.

A big advantage of online poker over at home poker is, there is never any mistake over who won the pot. Have you ever miscalled a hand and lost because of it? Well, that will never happen in online poker.

There is always a game online

Unlike your buddies house, there is always a game that you can play from the convenience of your own home. Just log on to your favorite online poker room and you will see tens of thousands of people online playing at thousands on tables.

Identity theft - who is using your credit card

Sometimes you get a shock when you open your credit card statement, and it's not just because of the phenomenal amount you spent on clothes last month. Occasionally there may be transactions on your credit card statement that don't look familiar. Sometimes this is a simple banking error, but it's worth paying attention, because you may be a victim of identity theft.

What Is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is the theft of personal information that can be used to identify individuals. It is closely related to identity fraud, which is the use of that information to obtain goods and services by deception. Identity fraud may also mean using that information to create a false identity.

Signs Of Identity Theft

Aside from the appearance of unrecognized transactions on your credit card or bank statements, other signs of identity theft are:

- Getting bills, invoices or receipts for goods or services you haven't ordered

- Getting turned down for a credit card or loan in spite of having a good credit rating

- Finding that a mobile phone contract has been set up in your name without your knowledge

- Receiving letters from solicitors or debt collectors for debts that you know nothing about

- Your post goes missing

- Someone seems to be messing with your rubbish bags

How Does Identity Theft Happen?

There are many ways in which identity fraudsters can get hold of your personal information. In some cases, this may be through theft of your wallet or purse, burglary of your home, or pilfering from your letterbox. Identity fraudsters look for personal information such as your name, address, date of birth and so on. These can help them to set up new identities and even fraudulent businesses.

Other ways of stealing your identity include:

- Diverting your post through a change of address form

- Hacking into your computer to get hold of private information

- Monitoring ATM transactions or using special machines to get your PIN number

Fraudsters who get hold of your personal information will find it easy to open bank accounts, get credit card, loans, passports, driving licences and benefits in your name. They are unlikely to be strict about making payments on time, so it is your credit rating that will be affected.

How To Protect Against Identity Theft

There are many ways to make it more difficult for identity fraudsters to get hold of your personal information. First of all, get a copy of your personal credit file from time to time. This is inexpensive and you will be able to see if anyone has applied for credit in your name.

Let banks and credit card companies know when you move house and get your mail redirected. This will make it more difficult for someone to steal your letters and identity. At the same time, it's worth checking that no-one is redirecting your mail without your consent.

Keep personal documents in a locked filing cabinet, safe or drawer or in a bank safety deposit box. Receipts should be shredded immediately if you don’t want them. Throwing them away makes it easy for fraudsters to get credit card numbers. If personal documents (passports, driving licences, credit cards, debit cards and so on) are lost or stolen report the loss immediately.

Finally, keep your PIN and your passwords secure. The fewer people who know about them, the less likely they are to get into the wrong hands.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The right words

When Marlo Thomas was an 18-year-old up-and-coming actress, she was devastated when journalists began debating whether she'd ever be as good or popular as her famous father, TV star Danny Thomas. She went to him in tears, insisting that she wanted to change her name.

"I raised you to be a thoroughbred," Danny told his daughter. "They wear blinders and run their own race. That's what you have to do: run your own race."

That single comment inspired Thomas' wildly popular 2002 best-seller, "The Right Words at the Right Time," a collection of first-person stories about the power of words by such icons as Paul McCartney and Oprah Winfrey.

After the book's release, people from across the country approached Marlo to share their own "right words" stories. The result is Thomas' new book, "The Right Words at the Right Time, Vol. 2: Your Turn!" (Atria Books, $25), a moving collection of 101 unforgettable stories in which everyday Americans recall the pivotal moment in their lives when words made all the difference.

Like the tale of a Gulf War veteran, whose life was transformed by two words spoken to him by a young stranger at Burger King. Or the aimless mechanic, who found salvation in a Help Wanted ad. Or the bereaved fiancй of a 9-11 victim, who found hope in a note left by a schoolgirl, pinned to a teddy bear.

Royalties from sales will benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which was founded by Danny Thomas.

Improve your relationship - 10 ways to fall in love again with your partner

Our romantic relationships have the potential to bring us great happiness but can also be the source of great pain and suffering. At the start of a relationship we fall ‘head over heals’ in love and it seems that our dream has come true. Unfortunately these joyous feelings can fade and then we struggle to feel love for our partner. So how can we re-discover those wonderful feelings that we experienced at the start of the relationships?

Here are ten things you can do that will improve your relationship and will allow you to fall in love with your partner all over again!

1. Relationship difficulties may be painful but they represent the best chance you and your partner have to heal your insecurities and build a better relationship. Within each problem is an issue that both of you have, that is driving you apart - try to see problems as opportunities for improving the relationship. The trick is to find out what the emotional issue is at the heart of the problem.

2. Whenever you feel emotional pain in a relationship, resist the temptation to move away from your partner. This is the very time you need each other. Take courage and move towards your partner both physically and emotionally.

3. Communication about feelings and fears is what heals relationships. Always make this your objective. Try to find out what your partner is feeling. Expressing your own feelings with honesty and sensitivity will encourage your partner to do the same. Remember even bad behaviour is a form of communication!

4. Nobody can make you feeling anything that you are not already feeling subconsciously. It is hidden and unhealed emotional pain that is triggered by your partner’s behaviour. Be willing to gain emotional awareness, take responsibility and heal these insecurities. As Ghandi said – ‘be the change you want to see in the world” – the same applies in our relationships.

5. Appreciate your partner for all their strengths, gifts and beauty - tell them and show them how much you love them. This is what you did when you fell in love with them, and it will work throughout your relationship. There is no reason that the ‘Honeymoon’ stage of a relationship cannot last forever.

6. If you feel let down by your partner or feel that they are not giving you something important in the relationship, give them exactly the thing you are lacking. Almost magically they will then give you the same thing back!

7. Sex can be a beautiful celebration of love in a relationship - this is why we call it making love! Allow sex to move from a purely physical experience to one that is full of shared emotion – pour love into your partner as you have sex and make strong eye contact. If you have a spiritual belief, you can take sex to the highest Tantric level of physical, emotional and spiritual connection, where it feel like you become one with your partner.

8. If you have had a row, apologise for any of your own bad behaviour and recognise that your partner will also be feeling bad. Move towards them, forgive and re-connect as soon as you can. Start the meaningful communication about what lies at the heart of the argument.

9. If you are having really big problems in your relationship and you believe in a higher or spiritual power, then ask for help and guidance. In this way you will find the inspiration to work through the most tragic or painful situations. If you do not have a spiritual or religious belief, ask for help from your higher or intuitive mind.

10. Relationships fail because we allow a distance to appear between us and our partner. What we give in a relationship is what we receive. How much are you unconditionally giving to your partner? Give to your partner without any expectation of receiving and you will soon find that the joy and love returns to the relationship.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Brooklyn new york opens its first cruise ship port

© 2006, All Rights Reserved

In 2003, New York announced the grand opening of a new alternative port for cruise lines. Because ports in Florida were becoming more and more crowded, additional docking facilities in interesting cities on the Eastern Seaboard were needed to provide cruise lines with a new home port. The port has been wildly popular. So much so that another has been added in nearby Brooklyn.

The Red Hook terminal in a neighborhood in Brooklyn opened in April 2006 and welcomed its first permanent resident, Cunard's Queen Mary 2 (formerly docked in Manhattan). Located on the Buttermilk Channel, the Brooklyn terminal gave the first increase in New York cruise ship pier capacity in over 30 years. With the likes of Cunard and Princess cruise lines as eager residents, the terminal has already become a success. Most other major cruise lines have also assigned vessels to sail from Brooklyn.

Princess Cruise lines will launch the Crown Princess from the Brooklyn dock in June 2006 for a Caribbean cruise. From June to October, Princess will offer numerous Caribbean tours, including calls on ports in popular destinations such as the Virgin Islands, Grand Turk and Jamaica. Star Princess will begin cruises from Brooklyn in October 2006 visiting ports up and down the New England and Canadian seacoast.

But Brooklyn? It doesn't seem like the most exciting location for a cruise ship port. On the contrary. While not normally publicized as a vibrant city with plenty to do, Brooklyn offers cruisers an opportunity to spend a few days in New York before or after their tour.

Very similar to Manhattan, Brooklyn offers a trendy nightlife as well as diverse cultures and eclectic cuisine. Bars, clubs and restaurants line the streets, offering a tremendous variety of options for visitors and locals alike.

If culture is your thing, Chinatown is always a wonderful experience. In addition, Flatbush offers the largest Caribbean population in the United States. In either place, you'll delight in the authentic sights, sounds and tastes on every corner.

With spectacular views of many popular attractions, including the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty, the Red Hook terminal also offers exciting options for sightseers. However, New York City is just a short cab ride away and opens a virtual treasure trove of attractions, shows, museums and affairs.

Overall, Brooklyn offers greater value (with lower rates on hotels) and a central location, making it a wonderful choice for both vacationers and the cruise lines. If New York is closer for you than Florida, or if you've been longing to visit the Big Apple, consider booking your next cruise from the Red Hook terminal in Brooklyn. Your travel agent will have a complete listing of which cruise lines sail from Red Hook and the destinations available.

Historical advances in producing electricity from the sun

When politicians start talking about renewable energy, you know we have problems. Solar energy is a significant renewable energy and here is an overview of how the technology has developed.

Historical Advances in Producing Electricity From the Sun

Solar electricity is simply energy produced by harnessing the sun. It comes in many forms including electricity production through panels, home heating through passive systems and mobile packets for powering devices like laptops and RVs to mention only a few platforms.

Historically, sunlight has been used by mankind to produce heat ever since we first built structures. Without electricity, mankind soon learned to orient structures to capture the heat of the sun during the day and store it in ceramic or mud materials much like a blacktop parking lot will radiate heat after the sun has gone down. Early Greek structures show a particular use of this solar strategy as do Egyptian structures.

The production of electricity using sunlight is a much more recent phenomena. In 1901, Nicolas Tesla was the first person to receive a patent related to solar electricity, but he called it radiant heating. He sought a patent for a machine to capture the radiant heat, but nothing much came of the invention.

In 1904, some unknown physicist named Albert Einstein published a paper on the potential electricity production from sunlight. In 1913, William Coblentz received the first patent for a solar cell, but he could never make it work. In 1916, Robert Millikan was the first to produce electricity with the cell. For the next forty years or so, nobody made much progress because the cells were highly inefficient at converting sunlight to energy.

In the 1950s, Bell Labs got involved with NASA. Bell was charged with coming up with a solar platform to power spacecraft once they were in orbit. The solar industry would never be the same.

Gerald L. Pearson, Daryl M. Chapin, and Calvin S. Fuller started researching different areas related to solar, but not active parts of the NASA project. By luck, they meet and exchanged ideas. While their individual projects were failures, their combined efforts produce a much more efficient cell using crystallized silicon to convert sunlight into electricity. The efficiency rate of the cells was roughly 6 percent, a marked improvement over previous technology. In 1958, NASA launched the Vanguard Spacecraft, which was powered by solar panels.

In the following years, solar technology grew in leaps and bounds. Solar panels today are roughly 15 percent efficient, but also much smaller than they use to be. More importantly, companies are abandoning the panel platform and coming out with amazing new products. The first are shingles that look exactly like regular roof shingles and perform as such. Nanotechnology is also offering amazing possibilities with quantum dots, which are essentially solar panels on the quantum level. Eventually, these dots will be incorporated in things such as paint. Yes, the paint on the walls of buildings and homes will eventually also produce all the electricity needed for the structures.

Man has used the power of the sun for heat for a very long time. Only now, however, are we starting to master the technology to turn it into large amounts of free electricity.

Irs obtains more than 100 injunctions against tax scheme promoters

The IRS has obtained civil injunctions against more than 100 promoters of illegal tax avoidance schemes and fraudulent return preparers in an ongoing crackdown that began in 2001. Many of the injunctions, obtained in cooperation with the Department of Justice, also order the promoters to turn over client lists and to cease preparing federal income tax returns for others.

Signaling a renewed fight against tax fraud, the federal government stepped up the use of civil power four years ago. Civil injunctions have subsequently been used to stop:

1. Abusive trusts that shift assets out of a taxpayer’s name but retain that taxpayer’s control over the assets.

2. The misuse of “Corporation sole” laws to establish phony religious organizations.

3. Frivolous “Section 861” arguments used to evade employment taxes.

4. Claims of personal housing and living expenses as business deductions.

5. "Zero income” tax returns.

6. Abuse of the Disabled Access Credit.

7. The claim that only foreign-source income is taxable.

The IRS identifies abusive tax promoters through a variety of means, including ongoing examinations, Internet and media research or referrals from external sources such as tax professionals. If the findings of an investigation support a civil injunction, the IRS refers the case to the Department of Justice.

If the Justice Department concurs, it files suit against the promoter requesting that the court order the promoter to refrain from the fraudulent activity. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the case, the court may issue a temporary restraining order, a temporary injunction or a permanent injunction.

At present, the courts have issued injunctions against 99 abusive scheme promoters –– 81 permanent injunctions and 18 preliminary injunctions. They have issued permanent injunctions against 17 abusive return preparers. The Justice Department has filed an additional 49 suits seeking injunction action –– 28 against scheme promoters and 21 against return preparers.

The IRS is currently investigating more than 1,000 additional promoters for possible referral to the Justice Department and conducting individual examinations on thousands of tax scheme participants.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Did you just come back from checking that the back door was locked? Will you be checking again in ten minutes? Will your session at the computer be interrupted at least twice to make sure that the back door is locked? If so, then you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder may generate laughter in a skit on a television show, but for millions of people it is anything but funny. An obsession can range from something as mildly irritating as checking to make sure the back door is locked twenty times a day to never being able to travel more than five miles from your home before you return just to make sure you didn’t leave the stove on. Even though you checked it before you got in the car and checked it again after you got in the car but before you turned the key.

Probably the most famous victim of obsessive compulsive disorder was billionaire Howard Hughes, whose battle with the disease took him from being a dashing movie executive who dated some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood to a recluse who washed his hands a hundred times a day and was petrified of human contact.

Although many people consider it a mental illness, in fact there is physiological condition associated with the disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder is the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Specifically, the imbalance takes place in a part of the brain known as the caudate nucleus. The caudate nucleus works in conjunction with an area of the brain called the orbital cortex. The orbital cortex is sort of the tattletale of the brain; it serves to warn us that something isn’t quite right, that we forgot to lock the door or turn off the stove. But when the imbalance occurs in the caudate nucleus it causes the orbital cortex to malfunction. In essence, it becomes a tattletale that keeps repeating the same story. It keeps telling you that the door is unlocked, or that your hands aren’t clean and need to be washed.

While some drugs have proven to be effective in some cases in dealing with the imbalance, as of yet there is still no proven foolproof pharmacological cure for obsessive compulsive disorder. The magic cure doesn’t exist yet, but it’s not all bad news. Increasing numbers of sufferers are finding various levels of relief by combining one of several brand name antidepressants with behavioral control methods. One theory goes that the medication lessens one’s anxiety level enough to allow for greater mental control over the fear involved in the compulsive. After all, what is really going on is the fear that you left the door unlocked or the stove still burning. Because the brain is constantly ringing that alarm, it’s difficult to control the urge to check it out. But the medication can work to lessen that anxiety and allow you to exert more control over whether you check that door for the third time in ten minutes.

Medical review companies role in your insurance claims - your health your coverage your guarantee

A medical review company supplies more than a second opinion. The unbiased nature of a medical review company is critical not only to the bottom dollar, but to the final result. Too often, patients think they are just numbers in a file or bits of information in a computer program. The maligned image of an insurance company’s automatic denial of claims without really understanding the patient’s need contributes consumer dissatisfaction and frustration.

What Does It Have to Do With You?

Patients are people and when they need healthcare, they don’t want to read the fine print or a medical dictionary, they just want their claims covered. Most often, it’s unlikely they would realize that their insurance claim went through an Insurance Review Organization’s medical insurance review process. In fact, they probably just fill out the forms, hand a receptionist their insurance card and sign on the necessary release forms.

One of the most common complaints about needing healthcare is the cost followed closely by the complications of paperwork generated through authorization forms, claim forms and more. An insurance review organization is an intermediary company that insurance companies may outsource their claims to in order to determine with medical and insurance coverage accuracy the validity of a claim filed by someone insured by their company.

Your Health Matters

Insurance companies who deny a claim are often portrayed as heartless or more interested in the bottom dollar than they are about showing compassion. This perception is only augmented when an insurance company rejects a claim for anecdotal evidence. When a claim goes through a medical review company’s insurance review process – it will not be rejected or denied based on anecdotal evidence.

For example, a patient suffers from shoulder, back and neck pain as well as bra strap grooving and eczema. Her medical history indicates years of chiropractic treatment as well as advice for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (i. e. Tylenol, Advil) and worn specialized support bras to support a 34DD frame and all of it to no success. Excessively large breasts can cause many of the symptoms the woman’s medical history indicated.

The doctor recommended a breast reduction procedure to alleviate the problem and the symptoms.

Your Coverage Matters

When the claim is submitted to the insurance company, the policy may not cover elective cosmetic procedures. Many policies do not. Claim managers lacking medical expertise will often compare a procedure request against a list of approved procedures. If cosmetic procedures are not covered, it is likely the claim will be denied. The patient is left either choosing to pay for the procedure out of pocket or continuing to suffer.

If the claim is submitted to a third party intermediary such as a medical review company, the answer will be different. The medical review company has access to a large number of medical specialist and insurance experts. The medical specialists will review the patient’s medical history and the doctor’s recommendations. When her file is reviewed, the third-party specialist will take into account the history of shoulder, neck and back pain. They will note the visits to a chiropractor and other pertinent symptoms.

If the medical specialist agrees with the patient’s physician that she is suffering from Macromastia (excessively large breasts), then he or she will understand that the cosmetic surgery of breast reduction provides the patient with the best option for the patient’s relief.

Confidence Matters

The review process may be transparent to patients whose insurance company uses a medical review company; but the effect is profound. Their coverage premiums will likely be lower. Their medical needs will be addressed. They will not see their healthcare costs rise due to the underwriting of unnecessary procedures. When it comes right down to it, a medical review company gives patients confidence that both their medical and insurance needs will be met. They won’t have to suffer misery unnecessarily nor face collections over mounting debt.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Avoid these common credit card balance transfer mistakes

That offer to transfer your credit card balances sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it? And it is, until you take out your magnifying glass and start reading all the fine print that goes along with the offer. What a lot of people don’t realize is that the lender making such an unbelievable offer wouldn’t be doing so if there wasn’t some way to benefit financially. These lenders actually feel safe in assuming that most people transferring balances won’t pay attention to the potentially costly details that accompany the offer.

Transferring balances from a high-interest rate credit card to one with no or a lower interest rate can save you a substantial amount of money if you don’t fall victim to these common mistakes.

1. Balance transfer fees

Rare is the balance transfer offer that doesn’t come with some sort of balance transfer fee. It might be a flat rate like $50 or $75 but it’s usually a percentage of the total amount of each balance transferred. Maybe 3% doesn’t sound like much but if you’re transferring several thousands of dollars, that fee can be hundreds of dollars!

Although you may know by now to look for such fees, there’s something else you need to look for: whether or not there’s a cap on how high the balance transfer fee can go. Avoid those without caps. Before taking advantage of an offer, always do the math. If the balance transfer fee ends up being more than you would have paid in interest had you not done the transfer, then don’t transfer!

2. Other interest rates

While there might be low or no interest on balance transfers, you’re still getting a new credit card which means you’ll still be able to use it to make purchases. Purchases though, normally aren’t part of the no or low interest deal. In fact, you can expect the interest rate on purchases or cash advances to be just as high as or higher than the credit cards you’re already using to make purchases. If you’re serious about chipping away at your debt, which is really the best reason to take advantage of balance transfer offers, then you really should stop accruing credit card debt!

3. Payment allocation

If you do transfer balances to the new account, and you do make purchases on this new credit account, you may be surprised to find that your payments are not allocated the way you thought (assumed) they would be. Say you transferred $1,000 and during the last month you made new purchases totaling $200. You make a payment of $300 thinking you’ll clear away the new charges and start chipping away at the balance transfer amount.

Next billing cycle you get your statement and find that the $200 in new purchases is still there – plus the couple of new charges you made since then. And all those purchases are compounding interest at a rate of 16, 19, 22% or more! What happened? Well, as stated in the fine print, the credit card company allocated your entire payment to the zero interest balance because – well it’s not making any money on that amount. But it certainly is on those new purchases!

4. Interest rate after intro rate expires

That low or zero interest rate won’t last forever and you need to know how much it’ll increase when the stated period expires. That’s because any balance remaining afterwards is likely to be whacked with a much higher rate. To keep this from happening – which negates any savings benefits you’ve reaped so far – make sure you have a plan for paying off whatever balance you transfer before the rate increases. Also make sure you don’t miss a payment or make payments late. If you do you might find – without warning – that your zero percent no longer applies and you’re paying more in interest than you were before.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Feeling tired no pep no zing tap into breakfast smoothies

I'm 40-something years old, and for 40-something years breakfast has been a pain. Some of my earliest memories are getting ready for school with my mother insisting I eat a bowl of cereal. It just never interested me. Once high school started I was skipping breakfast and grabbing two apples on the run for lunch. All my life breakfast simply wasn't something I got interested in or thought about until I made this discovery...

Someone introduced me to the most amazing concept for breakfast. By now I was well entrenched in not taking time over the first meal of the day (and sometimes the second meal), so anything that captured my attention was going to have to be fast, no fuss and delicious to warrant any of my attention.

Instead of cardboard cereal and bland milk, it's possible to start the day with power packed, nutritious, energizing and best of all, yummy smoothies. Smoothies have been around for ages, but I had never twigged they make a great start to the day. Imagine the delight of selecting from a range such as Chocolate Strawberry, Hazelnut Coffee, Peach Almond, Banana Bread & Apple Pie Surprise. Kid you not! You can make an endless variety to suit your own taste. Now this was interesting to me.

Not only did I start regularly eating breakfast, my energy shot through the roof! This changed my whole perspective on being 40-something. A period where I thought as a mother, wife, and corporate executive I was supposed to be tired all the time. Not true.

Here is one of my favorite recipes.

Strawberry Parfait

3 tablespoons vanilla flavored soy/whey protein powder
250g (6oz) strawberry flavoured fat free yoghurt
1 cup strawberries
4 ice cubes

Blend in hand-held or benchtop blender. Pour into your favorite glassware and enjoy.

Debt consolidation refinance is it good ms and what works best for you

Many people in our modern society live from paycheck to paycheck. Most of them do not even see where the money they earn from a month long work goes a day after the payday. A lot of them are in deep financial trouble and are already in the brink of filing for bankruptcy. Is this what you really need or do you still want to get back your good financial standing? Debt consolidation refinance may be what you need.

Let us learn a little about debt consolidation refinance. First benefit you will from debt consolidation refinance is that it may help eliminate harassment from creditor. It may also help lower payments and design an easy one monthly payment. Once you take advantage of debt consolidation, it may help avoid filing for the dreaded bankruptcy. You may get back your life and you credit worthiness.

You may need a debt consolidation refinance when you feel that your monthly obligation becomes difficult to manage. It may be able to help avoid being subject to huge and unrealistically high late payments charges and interest rates that burden you. Debt consolidation refinance is also necessary when you start to notice that even after making your monthly payments your balance still remains the same. A part from it, debt consolidation will avoid bankruptcy and keep you in good credit shape.

If you own a home, you may apply for a debt consolidation refinance against you home. Thus, you will only pay one creditor every month. You may also get a little relief and free up some cash by worrying only for payments of your newly structured consolidation debt. You may also be more diligent in paying your debt consolidation refinance when you know that you will loose the roof over your head if you miss on your payments to your debt consolidation refinance.

Finally, when in your assessment, a debt consolidation refinance is what you need; you may want to find a reputable and respectable debt consolidation company. Avoid loan sharks who will offer to help you in your debt consolidation refinance but will apply huge interest rates. They may give you stiff monthly payment terms and charge you double what other lending institution may charge for their services. This is not the debt consolidation company you want to deal with. If you can, find a non-profit debt consolidation company or lending institution that may give you the best options when you need a debt consolidation refinance. Only entrust your home to respectable and ethical lending institution to help you in the debt consolidation refinance.

Ensure you will not loose you home and will definitely keep back you credit standing. The smart choice in debt consolidation refinance may also help free up some cash and help you sleep not worrying for harassing calls from creditors.

Even when you find the non-profit lending institution for your debt consolidation refinance, you may need to scrutinize their offer. You may want to check the interest rates they recommend. Check also the length of the payment terms and the charges for their services. When you feel comfortable with the terms, only then can you sign a document sealing your agreement for a debt consolidation refinance.

It may also be a recommendation that if you have a regular eight to five job, you may ask the debt consolidation company for a little relief, may be you do not need to put your home as collateral. If they can arrange for your debt consolidations refinance without your home as collateral, maybe this is a neat deal.