Thursday, September 29, 2016

Affiliate tip create a newsletter

The average person has to be exposed to a product seven times before he makes a decision to buy. What does that mean to you as an affiliate marketer? You need to be able to get the product you are offering in front of your visitors repeatedly. One of the best ways to do this is by getting the visitors of your website to sign up for a newsletter.

By capturing their email address and getting them on your newsletter list, you can keep bringing them back to your site. You will also be able to repeat your offer several times in your newsletter, and if you can’t get them to buy the first product, you move on to something else. Sooner or later they will start buying and you will get your commission from the sale.

A newsletter is also a great relationship-building tool. Think about it, who are you more likely to buy from? A complete stranger or someone that has already provided you with great content on the subject you are interested in. You’d probably buy from someone that has given you great information already.

The same goes for your visitors. To turn them into customers, allow them to get to know you, show them that you know what you are doing and provide them with good content in your newsletter. Then offer them your affiliate product.

The biggest mistake I see new affiliate marketers make when it comes to newsletters, is to try to use their personal email client (like Microsoft Outlook) to run a newsletter. It is very time consuming to manually add and remove subscribers from your list. You also run the risk of being shut down by your webhost if you send to many emails at once.

I recommend you use an autoreponder service like aweber right from the start. You will be able to create signup forms for your website. Adding and removing of subscribers is done automatically, and you can schedule messages to go out at a certain date and time.

You can use the actual autoresponder feature to your advantage by creating a series of newsletters that are not time sensitive. Each new subscriber will receive the newsletter editions you have written in sequence starting with message 1. All you have to do is add a new message each week, or month. Of course you can also send time sensitive messages – like a holiday promotion – to your entire list right away.

To encourage visitors to your site to subscribe to the newsletter, add a signup form on each page of your site. It also helps to offer them something free for subscribing. Create a report, or even an ebook related to the topic of your newsletter and use the autoreponder feature to automatically send it to them when they sign up.

Try to stay in touch with your subscriber list at least once per month; preferably twice per month or even weekly. You could see the first sales coming in within a few weeks. I encourage you to give it a try. Newsletters are one of the most powerful affiliate tools and they are easy to implement.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

La pomme est magique

Est-elle vraiment tombйe sur la tкte de Newton? Pourquoi porte-t-elle le nom de New York ? Qu'est ce qu'une pomme de terre ? Comment demande-t – on en mariage notre fiancйe par le biais d'une pomme ? Et que nous arrivera-t-il si nous mangeons une pomme par jour ?

Tout ce que vous ne savez pas au sujet de la pomme...

A travers le monde il existe plus 7500 sortes de pommes, toutes diffйrentes de par leur grandeur, leur rondeur, leur aciditй ou leur cote sucre...Puis avec la pomme on peut tout faire la manger telle qu'elle est, la cuire, la transformer en gвteau ou encore mieux en boisson chaude, froide et mкme alcoolisйe ...

Dans la Grиce antique, si l'on jetait une pomme en direction d'une jeune fille cela voulait dire qu'on la demandait en mariage. Si elle l'attrapait le mariage pouvait commencer...

Quand on dit Adam et Eve, nous pensons directement au fruit que la femme a donne a l'homme : la pomme interdite. Pourtant, dans les rйfйrences bibliques n'ont jamais йvoquй la pomme comme йtant le fruit interdit. Au contraire, а ce jour, on pense que c ‘йtait une figue. Quoi qu'il en soit l'art a choisi de peindre cette image et d'utiliser la pomme. Toute l'йpoque de la Renaissance par exemple met en valeur toutes sortes de pommes afin d'illustrer le peche originel.

Selon la vieille expression anglaise : ‘one apple a day keeps the doctor away » Toutes les nombreuses йtudes scientifiques sont d'accord au moins sur une chose : la pomme est un remиde contre toutes les maladies. Et celui qui mange une pomme par jour, aussi petite soit-elle, vivra plus longtemps.

Toute culture s'est appropriйe son propre et unique gвteau а la pomme comme symbole alimentaire de leur culture. Aux Etats-Unis c'est l'Apple pie, en France la tarte aux pommes, en Angleterre le fameux Apple cake et en Allemagne le strudel (selon moi, le meilleur)

Pourquoi nomme-t-on New York la grande pomme ? IL existe plusieurs histoires venant expliquer ce surnom. Une des plus populaires dйclare que ce nom provient du grand nombre de vendeurs de pommes qui existaient а l'йpoque dans la ville amйricaine.

Pour moi la pomme, зa reprйsente l'amour. Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais a mes yeux toutes pomme est forcement rouge, juteuse et pulpeuse comme la femme que je voulais tellement кtre quand j'avais dix huit ans ou pour dire toute la vйritй comme l'amour que je voudrais tellement trouver depuis mes dix huit ans.

Afin de cultiver une seule pomme, il faut au pommier cinquante feuilles. Soit un pommier а deux pommes doit compter au minimum cent feuilles. Au moins les pommiers eux ne seront jamais chauves...

Israлl est le pays ou l'on consomme le plus de pommes durant l'annйe. Une moyenne de deux millions de pommes qui se font mangйes par jour durant la haute saison.

Contrairement а l'idйe reзue, il n'existe aucune diffйrence calorique entre la pomme verte et acide qu'avec la pomme rouge et sucrйe. Par ailleurs, ceux qui йpluchent leurs pommes et n'en mangent pas le cњur perdent plus de la moitie des valeurs nutritionnelles du fruit.

La pomme, c'est comme les joueurs de casino . Il y en a de toutes les sortes et pour tous les goыts.

What is private medical insurance

Private medical insurance is optional insurance which an individual or entire family can take out by paying a monthly premium, the same as with life or home insurance. There are many advantages to paying for private medical insurance and here are just of the reasons you could consider taking out this form of insurance.

Perhaps the biggest advantage to taking private medical insurance is to avoid the long waiting lists that are now common on the NHS. Private health insurance can give you peace of mind that if you become ill then you will be immediately seen and are guaranteed to get the very best of treatment.

The second big plus to having private medical insurance is the choice that comes with it. If you should have to have an operation then you will have a choice over the surgeon that performs the operation along with your choice of hospital. Of course you will have a private room which means that visiting hours won’t be restricted as they are when in a NHS hospital. You will get a choice from a menu and you wont have the medical students standing around your bed that are commonly seen following Doctors around the wards of the hospitals.

Not only will you avoid the waiting lists associated with operations but even for minor operations and treatment you will be seen straight away. There are many choices for the cover you can have and searching online for the best coverage and cheapest cover is essential. However in most cases you will only get what you pay for and if you want to make savings then taking limited cover might be your only option.

Perhaps the only disadvantages to paying for private medical insurance is that not all medical eventualities are covered and the private hospitals might not have the depth of expertise found in the NHS.

Maui vacation homes your booking options

Are you interested in visiting Maui this year or next? If so, have you decide where you want to stay yet? If you are like many other vacationers, there is a good chance that you may be looking to book at stay at a Maui vacation home. Maui vacation homes, also commonly referred to as Maui vacation rentals, are ideal for vacationers who are looking for the comfort of home, while on a Hawaiian vacation. If a Maui vacation home is what you are looking for, do you know how to go about booking your stay? You may be surprised to know that you have a number of different options.

When it comes to vacations, even Maui vacations, there are a number of travelers who rely on the assistance of a travel agent. If you are looking to obtain the services of a travel agent you can easily do so by finding a travel agent online or by finding one locally. Whichever type of travel agent you choose, it is likely that they could not only help you choose the Maui vacation rental of your dreams, but they could also help you plan your whole Hawaii vacation.

Although travel agents are a great way to save time and money, when it comes to booking a Maui vacation rental, did you know that you have other options? One of those options is booking your own stay. What is nice about making your own reservations is that you can take the time to closely examine all of your options. This may allow you to find an available Maui vacation rental that a travel agent may have missed. Perhaps, the best way to go about booking your next Maui vacation rental is by using the internet. Online, you can, literally, find an unlimited number of Hawaii vacation rentals to choose from.

When using the internet, to book a stay at a Maui vacation home, you will find that you have you a number of different options. Those options include booking a stay directly with a vacation home owner or by using an online vacation rental company. For the largest selection of Maui vacation homes to choose from, it may be a good idea to use the services of a professional online booking company. These companies typically allow you to search for Hawaii vacation rentals in the area that you plan on visiting, such as Maui. In addition to searching by location, you should also be able to search by affordability, as well as by services and onsite facilities.

As previously mentioned, you can also book your next Maui vacation home rental by directly contacting a vacation home owner. You can easily find a number of these vacation home owners online, often with a standard internet search. As nice as it is to deal directly with the individual or company who you would be renting the vacation home from, you are advised to proceed with caution. Most online vacation rental websites, as well as most travel agents, take the time to thoroughly examine a vacation home before offering reservations to you and other travelers. This is not only to protect their interests, but your vacation as well. Before making a reservation directly with a Maui vacation home owner, it is important that you know exactly what you are getting, as well as what the full costs will be.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should easily be able to book a Maui vacation home rental, for your next Hawaii vacation. As you likely already know, Maui vacation homes come preferred over most hotel and resorts, even the most highly rated ones. Essentially, this means that whether you book at stay at an affordable Maui vacation home or a luxury one, you will likely be pleased with your decision.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Attention entrepreneurs your hobby should not be your business

America was built on the premise of following your dreams. Today, that maxim is applied to everyday life, especially careers. You’ve probably seen plenty of advice about turning your hobby into your job and making money doing what you love. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t translate well into business reality.

Look at it this way: the reason you picked up your hobby in the first place was probably because you enjoyed it. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. If your hobby becomes your business, you’ll have to work at it! Hard work is rewarding, but it can quickly douse the spark of fun you previously derived from your hobby.

Still not convinced? Here’s something else to consider – everyone I’ve met who own a golf, fishing, or scuba-diving business tells me they play, dive or get on the water less than before. Owning a business that is related to your hobby will not get you more involved in the enjoyable part. Instead, it will take you away from the fun of the hobby.

Objectivity is another major concern when it comes to translating a hobby to a business. For example, let’s say you enjoy fishing, so you decide to open a fishing supply store. You will typically stock your store with products you like – which won’t necessarily be what your customers want. Also, you may enjoy fishing, but sitting in a boat with a pole is not the same as running a store, and you may not have the skills necessary for retail management. See the problems?

Of course, your dreams and desires are important, and you need to be passionate about your company to be successful, but it is a mistake to let your interests and not your skills dictate the type of business you should own if you decide to become an entrepreneur. Now that you know what you should not do, it’s time to look at what you should do when getting into your own business:

* Consider looking to your current career instead of your hobby. What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most, and what kind of business would allow you to concentrate on those enjoyable aspects?

* Focus on your strengths, and be honest with yourself. Are you a strong manager? Good with people? Talented at a craft? Try to find a business that will let you capitalize on your strengths, while incorporating what you love to do.

* Do your research! Starting or buying a business is a huge investment, and if you buy the wrong business for your skills and fail, you probably won’t want to try again. Know what you’re getting into before you begin to give yourself the best chance of success.

You can run a business that you enjoy, as long as you are realistic in your decision-making process. You don’t have to give up on your dreams – simply refocus your intentions, and go for it!

Aga cookers are the heart of any family home

Over the past 70 years the aga cooker has been haled as the symbol of uk cookware. It is with out a doubt the reigning champion through out the uk and even over the water in the states it is growning with immense popularity.

The aga was invented by a physicist, what makes the Aga is unique because it cooks with brilliant heat, keeping in all the aromas flavours and juices from the oven. You will find it common in most houses that have an aga cooker that people tend to congregate in that general vicinity.

The nobel physicist that created the aga was awarded the nobel prize for making lighthouse automated his name was Nils Gustaf Dalen and the aga was his baby. One of the pivotal turning points for creating the aga was an accident at an industrial plant which subsequently blinded Dalen, the genius then spent a great deal of time at home and camr to the conclusion that the cooker his wife used just didnt cut the mustard and he deemed it inefficient. After 10 years of tremendous efforts at improving the cooker, the aga was born, the first model was then patented in 1922. It was named after Dalen's firm Akteibolaget Gas Accumulator, the Aga then made its way over to the uk sometime around 1930.

The aga cooker is powered by a single burner, most Agas run on either propane or natural gas. Although a few newer models have electric ovens as well, a good feature to an aga cooker is that you never have to turn them off thus there is no need to preheat the oven for when you are cooking. When entertaining, it is easy to cook many courses at the same time.

The premium aga cooker has to be the four oven aga, it has 4 separate ovens for baking, roasting, simmering and warming. These four ovens all keep a different temperature for their distinct tasks. Other good features that come with a four oven aga are a hotplate, a warming plate and an optional gas cook-top. The aga is made out of solid cast iron and coated with a fibre glass like resin, the aga cooker is available in 14 separate colours ranging from the conservative black or white to the exciting claret or aubergine and the aga has a very impressive life span of 100 years or maybe a while longer, thats some cooking!

Web design elements you should avoid

As a web designer, you should design your websites to give your visitors the greatest ease of use, the best impression and most important of all a welcoming experience.

It doesn't matter if you had the greatest product in the whole world -- if your website is poorly done you won't be able to sell even one copy of it because visitors will be driven off your website by the lousy design.

When I'm talking about a "good design", I'm not only talking about a good graphical design.

A professional web design will be able to point out that there are many components which contribute to a good website design -- accessibility design, interface or layout design, user experience design and of course the most straightforward, which is graphic design.

Hence, I have highlighted some features of the worst web designs I've come across. Hopefully, you will be able to compare that against your own site as a checklist and if anything on your site fits the criteria, you should know it's high time to take serious action!

1) Background music

Unless you are running a site which promotes a band, a CD or anything related to music, I would really advise you to stay away from putting looping background music onto your site.

It might sound pleasant to you at first, but imagine if you ran a big site with hundreds of pages and everytime a visitor browses to another page on your site, the background music starts playing again.

If I were your visitor, I'd just turn off my speakers or leave your site. Moreover, they just add to the visitors burden when viewing your site -- users on dial up connections will have to wait longer just to view your site as it is meant to be viewed.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Making your own bead jewelry

Creating your own bead jewelry is a creative hobby that allows you to produce unique pieces for yourself, family and friends. Here is how you can get started.

If you ever asked yourself "couldn't I do that myself?" as you looked through rows of bead bracelets, necklaces or earrings at a trendy boutique, the answer is "yes". Beading is a creative and entertaining hobby that not only will have you produce unique, handmade items of jewelry, but will also be a great source of gift ideas for family and friends.

The first step would be to find a good local bead shop. While there are wonderful mail order catalogs and websites that will sell you all the supplies, nothing substitutes for the support and advice of experienced sales personnel. Ideally, this store would also offer a number of beginners' classes that would help you learn basic techniques (if there is no bead shop in your town, some introductory books such as The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beading will have to do).

Start with a simple project, such as a bracelet or basic necklace, and do not go overboard with expensive beads and findings (clasps, hooks, etc.). You might be wanting to use Swarovski crystal, sterling silver and semi-precious beads right now, but you can work up to that later. Some stores will even offer packaged starter kits that include a beading board (which helps you with project layout and measurements), some basic tools, beads, wire, findings and a how-to-book.

You should then set up your "beading space" – preferably an uncluttered, well-lit area. You might have to invest in a good lamp, maybe one combined with a magnifying lens. Remember, you will be stringing some rather tiny objects! Make sure you have plenty of containers to keep different types and colors of beads separate – nothing will spoil your joy of beading like having to hunt for a single bead in a jumbled pile. Beading stores will sell you various storage systems (including beading bags for the beader-on-the-go), but you can also experiment with inexpensive plastic containers meant to hold small hardware or fishing tackle.

Well, there you are ready for your first bead jewelry project! Don't forget to protect your beading space from curious cats and toddlers. Happy beading, and have fun waring your hand-crafted jewelry!

Yoga for back pain relief

The back is a well-designed body part that is made up of bones, muscles, nerves, and soft body tissues. It is a very important part of the human body because the bones of the back acts as a supporting frame for the back and the whole body. The back muscles work with abdominal muscles to keep the body upright and mobile. However, because of the stress of everyday life, many individuals tend to overwork or overuse their back muscles, which then leads to back pain. This condition may hamper performance and affect everyday. Common symptoms of back pain may include spasms, stiffness, pain, numbness, and sometimes pain in the leg area and depends on the cause of pain and its severity. Back pain is one the most frequent health complaints that are received by doctors in the United States. However, individuals experiencing back pain should not despair because of the availability of many methods and medication that may give back pain relief. One of the most popular alternative back pain treatments is the ancient Indian meditative exercise called yoga.

Not long ago, the primary treatment for chronic back pain was sufficient rest and the use of painkillers. Nowadays, doctors are encouraging their patients to manage pain and illness by engaging in activities like yoga. Many medical researches suggest that yoga is one of the most effective treatments for body pain. Yoga has gone from a spiritual discipline practiced by many in the Far East into a mainstream exercise routine that is taught in many fitness gyms around the world. Other than back pain relief, many medical researches also show that yoga helps strengthen one's bones and muscles, reduce stress, and promote moments of relaxation. Yoga works by building strength, improving flexibility, and reducing joint and muscle pain.

Other proven benefits of yoga include:

Increases muscle strength, endurance, and stamina;

Develops muscles in the abdomen, legs, and arms;

Release of physical tension;

Helps maintain good and proper posture;

Serves as a good warm up for athletes; and

Improves an individual's overall performance

However, not all forms of yoga can be used for back pain relief. When the back is injured or hurting, slow-paced and gentle stretches and poses should be practiced. Some yoga posses and stretches may aggravate back pain and lead to serious injuries. A type of yoga called Viniyoga is adapted from yoga that gives emphasis on precise deep breathing and slow stretches. Another type of yoga called Iyengar yoga, focuses on accurate bodily alignment. Students of this practice use different props like straps, blocks, blankets, and many more. This type of yoga works best with individuals who have little mobility and need some support.

Individuals who want to engage in physical activities like yoga should consult doctors and other health professionals before taking yoga classes. Certain injuries to the wrist, back, and ankles may prevent some individuals from practicing yoga postures and positions. Furthermore, yoga should be practiced with care and precaution. Some people have reported injuries that were acquired by executing yoga postures without focus, or by attempting difficult positions without working on them gradually or by not having proper supervision. Oftentimes, beginners complain of muscle soreness and fatigue after engaging in yoga. These effects may disappear with continuous practice. Yoga is a great way to strengthen the body and improve overall health.

Mechano growth factor mgf a very powerful muscle growth inducer

Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a local growth or tissue repair factor. Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a splice alternative of the IGF-1 formed by a frame shift in the IGF gene. Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) raises the muscle stem cell count with the intention that more may blend and develop into adult muscle cells. This is a process necessary for adult muscle cells to carry on development. However, its succession differs from the systemic IGF-1 formed by the liver.

A research carried on Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) showed that it has the potency to produce speedy increases in muscle and potency that gives it substantial curative and doping prospective. The most crucial rodent data has been revealed that Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a very powerful persuader of muscle growth when it is given in the muscle thru an intramuscular injection of cDNA. In reality, in one study Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) made a 20% enhancement in the weight of the injected muscle in 2 weeks. Further examination cleared up that this was essentially because of an addition in the size of the muscle fibers.

Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is said to be involved in a pulsation accompanying muscle damage and is apparently involved in the creation of muscle satellite cells. This fabrication of Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) can encourage satellite cells into activation, to make new muscle cell. Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) also advances nitrogen retention and new protein synthesis.

Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a significant element of the determining constituents in whether a muscular tissue will develop or not. The introduction of this peptide, either by weight training or by an injection, will cause the affected area to act in response by creating novel muscle tissue. The presence pf Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) in the muscular tissue is one of the greatest factors in the anabolic effect of weight training.

At present, Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is being used effectively by muscle-builders, for conjuring up lagging body parts plus overall development. It is a fine method for musclemen and other jocks to raise muscle weight by shooting Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) immediately post workout. Administration quantity of Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) should be at about 100mcgs/day and it will generate the added activation of satellite cells, protein translation, and gene transcription.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It s all about the basics

Ask any professional how they became good at their martial arts skills and they will tell you practice. Ask them what they practiced and you will most likely hear “the fundamentals” or “the basics.”

I once interviewed 13 great martial artists. The thing that struck me was that every one of them talked about how their earliest instructor was a traditionalist and had them study the basics. In other words, what made them great was the fact that they spent time on the fundamentals.

Now the sad part of this was that half of them were not teaching the knowledge they claimed made them good. They were into the flash and the short cuts. While this is fine for them, it’s not fine for their students. Remember a shortcut is only part of a motion, but most motions are made up of many parts which can lead to shortcuts. Shortcuts lead nowhere. When a master takes a shortcut they look good, but when a student learns only shortcuts they look poorly trained.

Practice your fundamentals and I promise you the fun stuff will be better, faster and functional. Fundamentals are – stances and forms. If you are taught quality forms, then they are worth it. If the forms are just made up, it can teach you bad habits in training that are hard to overcome. There are no excuses, if you want to master your art and your body then these should be perfect.

Stances: horse, bow, front, cat, high back and low back. They should be low and comfortable so you are able to move in different directions while staying level. Also, the lower you are in your stance, the more stable you will be.

Kicks: front side, back and round kick. These should be controlled and very smooth.

Blocks: high rising, downward, outside block, front punch, back hand and vertical fist. If these are perfect your training can start!

The list above works all your major muscle groups as well all major defense and offensive directions. If you just had those basics perfect you could master most any art. Regardless of whether they use those motions are not. The reason is simple, once you master your body you can make it do anything. A new style of martial arts is like learning a new dance. It can be challenging, but not impossible.

If you are interested in learning more about how martial arts can help you and your children, please contact one of my three locations in Bellevue, Lynnwood or Kent, Washington at 800-508-6141 or martialadvice@hotmail. com to set up a free 2 week trail orientation.

Also, please see our web pages at kungfutemple. com and martialarts-instruction. com


Robert Jones

Master Instructor

6th Degree Black Belt

Owner, the Academy of Kempo Martial Arts

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Advice on how to successfully get your children to bed

Many parents find trying to get their child to bed at night to be one big struggle. The child may play up, whinge and even cry. When in bed, the child may then repeatedly keep getting out of bed and coming downstairs. This article gives advice on how to successfully get your child into bed at night, without all of this fuss.

Some children even though they know that they are tired, do not want to miss out on any of the action or excitement. They want to spend as much time with mom and dad as possible. They can even see the fact that they have to go to bed before their parents as unjust and even cruel. These types of children will want to disrupt and even avoid going to bed at all cost.

I myself have two young children and have been through this experience myself. My daughter especially needs her sleep and can be very moody in the mornings, if she has not had a particular amount of hours of it. As a parent it can become very frustrating as well as upsetting when you see your child crying because they do not want to go to bed. Comments like, please dad just one more program on the television, were far too regular, and at times I felt like backing down.

I have now learnt via reading many books on parenting, how to best deal with this situation. Each child now has a set time when they have to be in bed by. This is a time that they have both agreed to!

They get changed into their pyjamas around half an hour before this time, and then can either spend that period of time playing with their toys or watching the television. If they want to play, we ensure that the games are relaxing ones and not too energetic.

If there is a program that is on later than their agreed bedtimes, I agree to video it for them, this way they know that they are not missing out etc.

I have agreed that I will read them a story at bedtime. This is something they both love and helps them to wind down and relax. They are also given a drink to go to bed with, therefore there is no need for them to keep coming downstairs. This drink is always a juice and should not be fizzy.

I have explained to each child the importance of sleep and that it should be something to enjoy and not to see as some sort of punishment. I have even gone as far as saying that I would love to go to bed at the time that they do, unfortunately their mother does not allow it.

I have tried to make their bedrooms their own little palace. A place that they want to spend time, a place which they find fun, relaxing and comfortable.

My son likes to hear music and therefore we play a tape of his favourite songs in his room. The volume is set quite low and this certainly helps him to get to sleep quite quickly.

These tips have helped to make our childrens bedtimes a pleasant experience, where it once was quite fraught. The children themselves are now into a routine, a routine they are happy with. I hope this advice proves useful to you as well. Good luck.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Stunning steroid statistics

Steroids are widely and illegally used by a vast number of people around the world. Survey studies reveal that steroids are being used by even the kids of fifth, sixth and seventh grade, aging from 9 to 13. Steroid statistics are really stunning.

According to steroid statistics of various studies, 5.4% of all middle school students are reported using steroids; this includes 2.6% of male students and 2.8% of female students.

The steroid statistics by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Household Survey on Drug Abuse reveals that –

• 1,084,000 adult Americans have reported using steroids

• More males use steroids than females

• About 175,000 teenage girls reported taking anabolic steroids at least once within the past year in 1997; an increase of 100 percent since 1991

• 44.5 % of seniors feel that it would be fairly or very easy for them to get steroids

• 2.7% of Highschool seinors reported using steroids in 1998

The steroid statistics by several other studies reveal that steroids are often used by young sports persons and athletes. According to steroid spastics, steroid use is growing fastest among 12-17 year old males, and the average adolescents begin using steroids at age 15 (Lovitch). The number of male highschool athletes using steroids is 6.6 percent and out of the 6.6 percent, 40 percent are hard-core users (Denham).

The steroid statistics of a study conducted in 1999 revealed that 2.7% of tenth grade students reported having used steroids at least one time in their lives, and 2.9% of twelfth grade students reported using steroids in 1999. However, the steroid statistics of the study conducted in 2001 show 3.5% increase in tenth grade steroid users and 4% increase of steroid use among the twelfth-graders

The steroid statistics of the same study that surveyed the sample of students and asked how frequently their steroid use occurred, showed that in the tenth grade group, 1.0% had used steroids within the month preceding the survey and 2.2% had used steroids within a year preceding the survey. The twelfth grade group showed increased use with 1.4% using in the month prior to the survey and 2.5% using in the year prior to the survey.

According to steroid statistics, some of the commonly abused steroids in US include fluxoymesterone (Halotestin), methyltestosterone, nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin), oxandrolone (Oxandrin), oxymetholone (Anadrol), testosterone, stanozolol (Winstrol), boldenone (Equipoise), mibolerone, trenbolone (Revalor), ethylestrenol, methandriol, methenolone, and methandrostenolone.

Hair loss a serious problem

By some figures, 50 of cases, the cause of hair loss in women is due to androgenic alopecia, or female pattern baldness.

What is Female Hair Loss?

Female hair loss is a genetic condition inherited from either parent. The genetically pretentious hair follicles in women experiencing female hair loss are susceptible to a byproduct of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which causes the hair follicle to shed the normal hair and produce thinner, shorter, colorless hair. This peach-fuzz hair makes the scalp look thinner, and over time, the miniaturized hair follicles atrophy and die, causing permanent hair loss known as balding. There is no peach-fuzz hair in balding areas, and the scalp appears tight and shiny.

Baldness is an unalterable condition. Once the hair follicle has atrophied, it is gone forever. This would be similar to losing any other body part, and since we are not able to reproduce our body parts, there are no female hair loss products or remedies that can force the body to produce a new hair follicle.

Causes of Female Pattern Hair Loss

Women, just like men, inherit the gene for thinning hair from either parent. In women, testosterone is produced in the adrenal glands and the ovaries. Although testosterone gets converted to DHT in a woman’s body, it cannot cause female hair loss due to the protective effects of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones reduce DHT production and block DHT’s attachment to the hair follicle as long as they are present in adequate amounts. Any condition that can cause a decreased production of estrogen and progesterone or overproduction of DHT can cause thinning hair in genetically predisposed women. In women, hair loss can start at any age after puberty, but in most cases it occurs with menopause. The normal production of female hormones drops drastically during menopause, lowering a woman’s natural protection against thinning hair.

Hair loss in pre-menopausal women indicates an abnormal hormonal imbalance that requires medical investigation and appropriate treatment.

In post-menopausal women, hormone replacement therapy restores the normal hormonal levels and stops the process. In cases where hormonal replacement therapy is not recommended, the only other available medical option is Rogaine 2%. Although Rogaine activates the follicle’s growth phase, it has no effect on the DHT production that eventually leads to hair-follicle atrophy.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Discover the pasadena city college flea market and swap meet

On the first Sunday of every month, Pasadena City College hosts a flea market and swap meet, from 8:00am to 3:00pm. This flea market is located on the Pasadena City College campus, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA. 91106, (626) 585-7906, on parking lots 1-4 along the south side. and the west side (Hill St.).

Over 450 vendors can be found there selling everything from high end antiques and collectibles to toys and tools to new, used and vintage clothing and used furniture. The prices are low, the lines are short and the vendors are friendly and helpful. There are also approximetly seventy (70) record vendors offering to sell and swap records, compact disks and memorabilia ranging from the big bands era to present day performers. Again the prices are quite reasonable and the vendors are friendly, helpfull and knowledgeable. They not only enjoy selling and swaping music items, they also enjoy talking about records and the music world. By the way, this is said to be one of the largest, if not the largest, record selling venues in Southern California.

According to Pasadena City College, admission to the flea market is free (this is one of the few flea markets around that still provides free admission) and parking, while sometimes difficult is also free, at the parking garage on Del Mar Blvd. or on the east side of campus at the Bonnie Avenue parking lot.

If you are looking for a flea market or swap meet that carries a good variety of merchandise, has very reasonable prices and is not overly crowded try the Pasadena City College Flea Market. Free admission and free parking makes this a good place for an outing. Even if you don't buy anything you will have a good time and it won't cost you anything.

After you finish with the flea market and swap meet, take a short drive up Colorado to Old Town Pasadena where you can dine at one of the numerous restaurants, have coffee, a capuchino or a lattee and a pastry at one of the bakeries, many with sidewalk patios, take in a movie, visit an art gallery, go dancing, take in a comedy act, shop at one of the many boutiques and stores or just go people watching.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Improve your communication skills become a better listener

Listening, often overlooked, is a vital aspect of the human communication process. While speaking is often practiced and emphasized by many, the art of listening isn't one on which we find people spending much effort. In actuality, listening is easy and can be improved by following just a few simple steps.

Being a good listener means that everything you hear comes directly from the speaker and not from your interpretation of their words. This means that, as the speaker is talking, you are listening to the words as they are being spoken instead of trying to guess the point that the speaker is trying to make. People are often guilty of jumping to conclusions when they do this and, in doing so, they disrupt their listening ability. When jumping to conclusions, the person often doesn't hear the speaker's message because it is blocked out by his or her own assumptions. Good listeners absorb all of the information while the words are being spoken and avoid thinking ahead and forming their own conclusions.

Giving the speaker your undivided attention is probably one of the most important tips to good communication. Concentrate on the speaker's words and avoid tuning out their message. When speaking on the phone, many people engage in other activities such as reading newspapers, checking email and other activities that can distract from the conversation. Many listeners zone out during face-to-face situations by either thinking about their response to the speaker or by daydreaming about something completely unrelated to the subject.

When you allow yourself to be distracted, your listening skills are not what they need to be. Missing a critical point of the speaker's presentation can be the result of just a small amount of distraction. If you can focus your attention completely on the speaker, you will hear all that is being said. In addition, you can ensure that you are being a good listener and are taking in all of the pertinent information.

One technique of being a better listener involves creating mental images of the speaker's words. This is a way of visualization that allows you to really comprehend the words you are hearing. These visualization skills can enhance the way that people process information. By using these mental images, you will help yourself by retaining the information you have just heard. This enhanced and improved comprehension makes you a better listener.

Taking care to note your body language can be another way to be a good listener. You will offend your listener if you engage in body language that lets the speaker feel that he or she is not being listened to. Behaviors such as avoiding eye contact, crossing your arms or wincing can send a message to a speaker that you are not really listening to them. These types of body language or mannerisms can result in the conversation being cut short because the speaker does not feel you are interested in what they are saying.

You can also consider asking questions that relate to the speaker's statements. This technique can also help you to become a better listener. Remember to ask questions without allowing your questions to interfere with your listening ability. If you find yourself focusing on one of the speaker's key points and spending the rest of the conversation trying to think of a question that addresses that point, you will miss a lot of information. Instead, try asking your questions immediately when you think of them. This way, you can have your question answered in the context of the speaker's presentation without having it affect your listening abilities. When you ask questions as part of listening, it allows the speaker to recognize that his or her presentation is being followed and that you are interested in learning more about the topic.

If you practice your listening skills, you will be well on your way to becoming a better listener. Try making a conscientious effort to use your listening skills each time you speak to someone or participate in a presentation. Remain completely focused on the conversation or presentation and try not to guess what the speaker is going to say. Create mental images of the words being spoken and ask valid questions to confirm what you have just heard. Each time you have the opportunity to listen, try to work on these important listening skills.

While listening is not as widely practiced as speaking in the art of conversation, it is just as important. When you are an excellent listener, you will not only ensure that you are receiving information but will assure the speaker that you care about the information being presented and that you understand their message.

Friday, September 16, 2016

4 easy ways to relief headache

Having headache is annoying and sometimes it is difficult for us to avoid. Mostly when we are under pressure, headache appeared automatically. If it gets worse, we might faint due to the pain we felt.

A headache is a condition of mild to severe pain in the head. It can also attack at our upper back or neck. There are different types of headache, but most of the time headache brought on by stress, too long in front of computer, noise and others.

One of the main causes of headache is tension in the muscles of the neck, scalp and jaw. We usually deal with it by taking some sleep or consume over-the counter aspirin to release our pain. However, can we do this at any place?

Obviously, we cannot sleep at the office or at the mall. In addition, we might run of aspirin when headache strike us.

Do not worry! The easiest way to handle headache and we can do it everywhere is through massage. Massage is the practice of applying pressure or vibration to the soft tissues of the body, to heal injury, relieve psychological stress, manage pain, improve circulation and relieve tension.

When we suffer from headache, we can help ourselves with self-massage. Simple and everybody can do it, either at work or home.

Here are four easy ways in massage to heal our headache.

1. Eyes Area Massage -- Close your eyes. Place your middle fingers to your eyes that are above cheekbones. Massage that area gently but firmly in circular motion for 1 minute,

2. Eyes to Nose Massage – Using thumb, go along the underside of eyebrows (along the bone on top of eye socket). Feel where this bone meets the bridge of your nose and eyes and find a point where there is a small indentation. Very gentle pressure, press your thumbs into the points. You can do it four times by holding and press that area for 10 seconds in each press.

3. Neck Massage -- Massage a point where you can feel it by moving the middle fingers of your hands to the back of your head and feel the base of your skull. Specially, at the tops of your neck that meets the base of your skull. Massage for a minutes using finger tips gentle in circular movement.

4. Scalp Massage – Let your palms of your hands massage your scalp on the top of your skull for a minute gently.

Once you have done all those massages, start taking a deep breath. Lift your shoulders towards your ears for five to 10 seconds to relief remaining pain, and then let them drop back down into their natural position.

You are going to feel better when you can do that for a couple of times. Your massage will relief your headache and your head will feel less weighty.

Online dating tips for guys meeting girls

Today I'm going to write about a website on Online Dating Tips for Guys Meeting Girls. It is a new site and is different from most that I've looked at.

The content is solely written by visitors. This site does not promote ebooks and lots of sponsors in its advice and free tips. Instead they are written by the visitors themselves when they visit the site.

This is a site giving free tips on dating, romance, love, marriage and relationships. The website is for guys looking for gals and is 'safe'.

The site gives advice applicable to people from all backgrounds: for example christian, catholic, orthodox, romanian, russian, latin brides or interracial dating, american and white or black singles are also covered here.

Write about the pros and cons of starting a romance on the internet as opposed to finding your gal the good old fashioned way.

Give your own reviews of sites you've seen on the web.

Discuss hangout places like US, Texas, Orlando, Lakeland FL, Central Florida, Louisiana, Alberta, Maryland, Oklahoma, Portland, New York, UK, East India, Canada, Alaska, Australia, Italy, Japan or even Edmonton!!

There is much written on the introduction page as to what is going to be developed on this site. I think that the site will eventually have alot to offer without asking for a charge.

dating-girls-free-online-tips.000webhost. info/


Gloria Hammond

How to get your paws on top quality bear rugs today

I would imagine that when someone mentions a bear rug, your first thought is one of a dead animal skin lying on the floor in front of a fireplace. While that can still be true today to some extent, the fact of the matter is that there are now numerous different ways to have a very similar look, without having the actual bearskin in the house.

It has become commonplace to find bear rugs that are actually made out of cotton, wool, or even synthetics. And of course, most of them are not exactly shaped like a bear either! Many of these rugs even have designs, words, or other types of prints on them that you wouldn't exactly find on the average bear in the forest.

Wool might be the most common substitute used for the real fur of a bear these days. While this of course, preserves the bear, it can present problems for the buyer if you aren't careful. Many people are allergic to wool, so before you purchase, make that you either not allergic to wool, or that you check the material before buying. If you are allergic to wool, there are still others options out there for you like cotton.

Most people can tolerate cotton bear rugs without a problem, and these of course lend themselves to all kinds of different designs, patterns and prints. Color is, of course, another advantage to buying some sort of synthetic bear rug. This allows you to properly match whatever type of decor you currently have in your home.

Of course, we're now getting completely away from what makes a bear rug so unique in the first place - the bear part! Though more difficult to come by, and often fraught with numerous difficulties, genuine bearskin rugs are still available to purchase. For some people, nothing will ever replace the comfort and warmth of the genuine articles.

One last option with genuine bear rugs is coloration. While most shops sell their rugs in their natural color, some will offer to dye them a different color for you. Once again, make sure that any sort of allergic reaction is something that won't happen before you make your buying decision.

Both types of rugs can be purchased online at numerous outlets. Again, be sure to do your due diligence to make sure that you know exactly what you're getting. Though most rugs shops are highly reputable, there will always be a few out there to watch out for. As always, education is key.

Marari beach resort kerala for a vacation

The Marari Beach Resort in Kerala is in a superb, if a touch isolated location on a totally unspoiled beach about an hour south of Cochin. The hotel has been deliberately built to be eco friendly, has wonderful facilities and gorgeous self-contained villas with open-air bathrooms.

If you can, stay in a pool garden villa as this had a walled patio for the pool and sunbeds with lovely plants and creepers against the walls. This gave the pool villas real privacy that they other villas did not have.

There is a separate wooden gate to the compound with a lock.

The food was also some of the best we have eaten in an hotel anywhere, although to be fair, we do like Indian food!!

One of the outstanding memories was the genuine welcome, attentiveness and kindness of the staff, which is a great credit to a very good management team.

Good staff we expect from this quality of hotel, but our experience here was that the staff went the extra mile for us, and there is no doubt that great staff makes a good hotel great

If you want to relax in great comfort, then this is the spot, because there is literally nothing around to spoil the peace and quiet.

There are no restaurants, or hotels nearby, so I would say it is an ideal honeymoon destination, or a place to relax after a tour of Southern India, but not somewhere to take exhuberant children who want entertainment.

The hotel also offer a series of reasonably priced excursions which they appear to run with no minimum numbers. Of course, the main and most popular excursion is a day cruise or an overnight cruise on a houseboat through the rivers and canals of the region.

Marari Beach Resort Kerala is highly recommended for stressed executives.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

como jugar al backgammon

El juego de mesa backgammon es uno de los juegos mas antiguos del hombre. Se dice que las primeras variaciones del juego comenzaron en el antiguo Egipto, Area Mesopotбmica y Antigua Roma. Desde entonces, el juego ha evolucionado, cambiado de nombre varias veces y dispersado a diferentes partes del mundo. Actualmente es un pasatiempo original alrededor de los Estados Unidos, Asia del Este, Europa y Medio Oriente.

Para comenzar a jugar necesitas a un compaсero, dos dados y una tabla de backgammon especial. La tabla esta dividida en dos lados con divisiones numeradas de 1 a 24. Puntos 1 a 6 son la llegada, 7 a 12 la salida. 13 a 18 el punto medio.

Al comienzo del juego, cada jugador tiene dos fichas en el punto 24, 3 fichas en el punto 8, 5 en el punto 13 y 5 en el punto 6. Cada jugador tira los dados y el puntaje mas alto comienza la jugada.

El que comienza mueve las fichas de acuerdo a la posiciуn opuesta de las agujas del reloj, desde su punto de partida para llegar al punto de partido del oponente.

El objetivo del backgammon es mover tus fichas hasta llegar al punto de partida de tu adversario y luego removerlas del tablero. La velocidad del progreso del juego es determinada por los resultados de los dados.

Cada jugador tira dos dados en cada turno, y deber una o dos fichas de acuerdo al nъmero que salio en cada dado. Puede mover una ficha sumando el puntaje de los dos dados, o mover dos. Por ejemplo, si el resultado del dado es 5 y 4, puedes mover una ficha 9 lugares o mover una 5 y luego otra 4 para adelante.

Si los dados salen dobles, un numero dos veces, puedes mover las fichas 4 veces en vez de dos. Es decir, si sale un doble 2, moverбs 2 lugares cuatro veces. En ese caso puedes o mover una ficha 8 veces, 2 fichas cuatro lugares, 4 fichas dos veces o la combinaciуn que elijas que requiera dos lugares 4 veces.

Puedes mover una ficha a un casillero que hay solo una de tu oponente, y asн la "comes". Luego, esta ficha es ubicada en la mitad del tablero, llamada el bar.

Tu oponente puede volver a jugar una vez que puedo ubicar a la ficha en algъn casillero de su llegada que no este ocupado por mas de una ficha tuya. Por ejemplo, si tira los dados y sale 2 y en ese casillero no hay ninguna ficha o solo una tuya, el puede entrar y seguir sus jugadas. De lo contrario, deberб esperar a su turno y volver a intentarlo.

Una vez ubicadas todas tus fichas en el casillero de llegada de tu oponente, deberбs comenzar a removerlas del tablero. Es decir, si tiras los dados y sale 1 y 2 puedes mover una ficha del casillero 1, si sale 2, puedes mover una ficha del casillero 2 y asн sucesivamente.

Si tu oponente no ha removido ninguna ficha mientras que tu has removido 15, tu ganas el juego y viceversa. Lo mismo ocurre si tu has removido 15 fichas y el tiene algunas en el medio comidas, (sin aun haber removido ninguna) tu ganas el juego.

El juego es muy entretenido e inteligente que te puede acompaсar en muchas ocasiones. Disfrъtalo!

Deep inside google pagerank

PageRank is Google’s way of determining a website’s worth based on the number of incoming links it has. Essentially, Google counts the number of links pointing to the site and interprets it as confidence votes. Simply put, the more votes for a site, the worthier the site is in the eyes of Google.

Website Ranking

During the years that the web was emerging, numerous sites that have industry-specific content were continuously being added to the web daily. Web surfers or searchers had very few tools to locate these sites which they knew existed but had no idea on how they can be accessed. The birth of Yahoo provided some relief as it organized its directory listing by classifying each site it discovered and likewise embedded a search engine in its site. This started the use of keywords existing in the database for site searching. Other search engines followed suit with the search trend and relied heavily on Meta tags to classify the relevance of a website based on keywords found in the tags.

Everything seemed to work out just fine until site owners and webmasters realized the potential of embedding industry specific keyword phrases in their Meta tags and other site codes to manipulate higher rankings in search results. Search engines started getting cluttered with sites that spammed their content with the abuse of relevant keywords. Most had the keywords but had poor content. The credibility and relevance of search engines were being challenged so they had to think of a way to offer a more refined output to users.

Google saw the problem which conventional search engines had to face in this situation. It recognized the fact that as long as the control of relevance remained with webmasters, the ranking results would continue to be contaminated with the presence of high ranking sites that artificially inflate their keyword relevance. By the very nature of the web, it is accepted that the web is based on hyperlinks where a site is largely measured by its linkage to prominent sites and the number of links it has. There is the assumption that a site is good and important if more sites link to it.

The Google founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page took this logic further when they formulated a search engine algorithm that shifted the ranking weight to off-page factors. They came up with a formula called the PageRank where the algorithm would count the number of sites that link to a page and assign it an importance score on a scale of 1-10. The Google scale is not linear but rather exponential in nature.

The PageRank algorithm which was named after its founder, Larry Page, was deployed with the launch of Google in 1998. The successful result enabled Google to surpass its competition due to the superior and relevant results it was able to serve using their formula that was difficult to manipulate. The new algorithm helped in providing authentic and quality information while presenting a challenge to site owners and webmasters who cheat their way to top rank. Google’s PageRank is considered one of the primary off-page factors that influence a page’s ranking in the search engine result pages. The PageRank value of any page can be checked by downloading the Google Toolbar.

Google’s PageRank

PageRank is explained by Google in the following manner:

“PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote by page A for page B. But Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves “important” weigh more heavily and help to make other pages “important”. Important, high-quality sites receive a higher PageRank which Google remembers each time it conducts a search. Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if they don’t match your query. So Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page’s content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it’s a good match for your query.”

The exact algorithm of each search engine is a confidential matter. However, search engine analysts believe that ranking is a product of a combination of page relevance and PageRank. The search results of Google search are admittedly high in terms of relevance. This is largely responsible for the resounding success it is experiencing. Other major search engines have adapted this logic in some form with variations on the assigned importance of this value.

The Google Toolbar is downloaded for free and can be installed in the user’s Internet Explorer within minutes. It facilitates the display of the PageRank of each web page visited on a scale of 1-10. It does not display the PageRank of web pages that it has not indexed. The PageRank displayed by the Toolbar refers to individual pages and not to the site as a whole.

Most search engines place significant importance on link popularity in evaluating the importance of web pages ranking and indexing purposes. The system of Link Popularity is based on the number and quality of links connected to a website page. This is used in conjunction with the quality of sites that are linked to the website, the quality of content and the industry relevance to the site.

A webpage that links to one site passes a portion of its own PageRank value in the process. The higher the PageRank of the linking page, the higher the value passed. PageRank is divided over the total outgoing links of the linking page. In essence, a link from a PR10 webpage with 20 outgoing links represents more value than a link with a page of the same PageRank that has 100 outgoing links. Pursuing links from higher PR web pages with lesser number of total outgoing links should be prioritized.

One of the more critical aspects of search engine marketing is the building of link popularity. The manipulation of PageRank is neither easy nor recommended but PageRank can be enhanced by improving link popularity. A long term link building campaign should be undertaken to boost a site’s PageRank and consequently achieve a significant improvement in site ranking. Off-page factors continue to gain importance in ranking websites thus it has become necessary to actively boost such factors to favor the website. Exchanging links with sites falling under the same industry segment has become more open as webmasters finally realize the importance of link popularity and PageRank.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Increasing your bottom line

As a small business, your focus on the bottom line is always crucial. But how do you increase your bottom line? Increasing the bottom line can happen two ways. One way is to reduce expenses. The other is to increase sales. Of course - that's Business 101, right? But how does a small or home-based business on a shoe string budget do those things?

Reducing expenses

It all adds up! Five dollars here, ten dollars there, maybe a couple hundred somewhere else. Take a good hard look at the services you're using. Are they all optimized for what you use? A good example is your phone service. Are you signed up for an unlimited long distance calling plan? If not, you should! If you're using a service like eFax, be sure that you're on a plan that matches your monthly usage. Same goes for a service like Freedom Voice. Be sure that the number of minutes you're signed up for each month is in line with how much you use the service.

You can also reduce expenses by making good use of a virtual assistant. A professional virtual assistant can not only help keep an eye on your bottom line, but s/he can save you money because you only pay for what you use. There's no need to hire a bricks-and-mortar temp service and pay for four hours each time you need a one hour task completed. A virtual assistant is essentially on stand-by for whenever you need her and she only clocks in when she's working on your tasks. This saves huge amounts of money over in-office assistance and bricks-and-mortar staffing agencies.

Hiring a virtual assistant also helps reduce, actually eliminate, the cost of hiring an assistant. When you make the decision to hire a staff member, if you're considering an in-house person, you need to factor in the cost of an additional phone line (or two), an additional computer, desk, office chair, etc. With a virtual assistant you don't need any of those things. All virtual assistants come with their own equipment to get the job done!

Increasing sales

Not enough of you to go around? Write up the sales procedure you use, along with the phone script, give her the qualifiers (what makes a good customer for you), send your virtual assistant the names and phone numbers you want called, and have her cold call and qualify leads for you. Imagine being out and about during the day following up on all those leads she finds you! Talk about saving you time and helping you make more money. You can even take it one step further and ask your virtual assistant to send out the preliminary information to your potential customers. Now that's making good use of your time and your virtual assistant's time!

Sending out letters and postcards? Have your virtual assistant do it! As a business owner you shouldn't be spending your time licking envelopes and stamping cards - it should be selling or servicing your customers. What dollar amount do you bill for your time? $50 per hour? $75 or $100 an hour? Isn't it more cost effective to have a $20 per hour assistant handling those menial tasks for you?

Have your virtual assistant answer your inbound calls for you. How many times during the day does someone call that you don't really need to talk to - that someone else could handle. How about the time wasters who call just wanting to chit chat? Let your virtual assistant screen those out for you. Better still - train her on the types of calls that come into your office and teach her how to handle each call type. Again, this frees up your time to do what you do best!

A virtual assistant cannot only help you save money, which of course impacts the bottom line, but he or she can also help you make more money.

Guide to himalayan trek

Have you ever marveled that how fascinating it would be to explore and experience mesmerizing gifts of nature in the manner you had always desired? For instance many of us have a latent craving to feel the rude and unsympathetic rocks by trekking over them, conquer the snow capped peaks by brushing against the abandoned boisterous winds and swing in the lap of gushing ice cold water… A terrific idea to turn such smoldering dreams to reality is a trip to the remarkable Himalayan region. Himalayas are perhaps the most beautiful, mysterious, complacent and intrepid well-wishers of the countries they border. Standing firm at their place, these immobile yet gallant warriors are recognized globally for more than one reason. It is not just their scenic splendor that drives people crazy but the exotic activities in this region also magnetize people from all over the world.

The Himalayan region is thus a hub for incredible divinely aura and multitude of adventures. The foremost and most popular activity in the province of sky-scraping mountains is trekking. Trekking is an expression of human nature to attain heights despite of numerous odds. For many people it is a form of walking done to relish and survey the majestic beauty of hills and their surroundings.

The Himalayan region that invites trekkers from every corner of the world is a host to numerous ideal trekking spots. The Annapuma Trek in Nepal, Langtang Valley Trek in the Himalayan National Park and the Everest trek are the most admired ones. People opt for these sites according to their taste. All the treks have their own bewitching features that instigate you to move ahead while knowing them. Trekking is done in various styles. The Nepal Camping Trek and Nepal Tea House Style are quite dominant styles. The humble and cooperative sherpas (male residents in Himalayan region) are available to guide way and techniques to climbers.

The second thrilling activity in the Himalayan region after trekking, rock climbing and the like is white water rafting. Rafting is a wonderful way to play with water and swim across all the ups and downs in life with courage. The Himalayan county is endowed with perennial rivers such as Ganges, the sacred Indian river, the Alaknanda, Bhagirathi, Zanskar, Kali and the Tons.

The Ganges, particularly offers an enthralling rafting opportunity. The GIO’s Camp Rapid Descent is the rocking area for rafters. Its perfect location on sandy beaches acts as a vent to the traveler’s sporting spirit because games such as volleyball, rock climbing, swimming and kayaking can be enjoyed here. Fun and excitement never bids goodbye even on the shores of Alaknanda, Bhagirathi and the rest. The crystal clear water of these rivers is also a host to numerous swimmers.

Camping is even akin to an exciting and thrilling sport in the Himalayan expanse. It is a perfect style to experience the serenity enclosed by this region and also to fathom the district of bountiful mysteries with your family. Chail, Sangla Valley and Tabo are three ideal sites for camping. While Chail is known for attractions like Choor Chandni peak, apple orchards and deodar trees, Sangla Valley is popular as a luxury camping site and Tabo is frequently visited for the great Tabo Monastery therein.

Wild camping taken up here is also a form of camping that is basically a step towards an amicable relationship between human beings, wild animals and their habitats. This camping is quite informative and is an excellent way to teach love and respect for all living beings and environment.

All in all the world’s youngest and highest mountain ranges have something to contribute to each of its visitor’s lifetime memories.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Knowing which focus modes to use in digital cameras

While some of the least expensive digital cameras have only automatic focus, meaning the camera does all the work on bringing your subject into the best possible focus, most SLR digitals offer three different focus modes: manual, single auto focus and continuous auto focus. All three of these will be addressed here.

With manual focus, the camera stays out of the focus equation and you, the photographer, make all the decisions regarding this. This is done by setting different buttons or actually using an attached focusing ring that rotates on the camera lens. For those who like to have complete creative control of the finished product, this is the best focus mode.

In single auto focus mode, the camera automatically focuses when you press the shutter button either all the way down to shoot a photo or half way down to lock the focus. This mode is useful when shooting static objects.

In continuous auto focus the camera continuously focuses on the objects in the photo. In this mode the camera continuously corrects the focus as the objects distance from the camera changes. This mode is useful when you shoot photos of moving objects such as a race car during a race or airplanes during an air show. You can hold the shutter button half way down and continuously move the camera to follow the object. The camera will continuously keep the object in focus.

Like any other feature automatic and manual focus modes have their pros and cons. The first step to using them to your advantage is to understand how they work and what they were designed for. The next step is to experiment shoot photos using different focus modes and different types of objects and see how the camera behaves. Once you have done that you will be ready to instinctively use the best focus mode for each photo situation.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Inexpensive ideas for a baby shower

A few guests can get together and get a big laundry basket. Place in it a long clothes line with outfits, diapers, bibs, etc. pinned to it. It can also be used as a room decoration. It has a bit of everything and something to carry it in!

Baby Quilt - here is a great gift from those that love to sew and quilt. Find an alphabet quilt pattern. Each square has a letter of the alphabet on it and a picture of an object that started with that letter. It can have numbers too. Each guest can be given/sent a square before the shower and can embroider, quilt, or embellish it according to her own taste. If the quilt is meant to be a wall hanging, guests can also attach little items like rattles and toys. Be sure that everyone signs their own block in some way and have the blocks returned by a certain date in order to have it put together. This can also be used as a decoration at the shower.

Make a scrapbook album. Take blank scrapbook pages and have everyone write down their well wishes (without Mom knowing it) for the new baby. This can be done at or before the shower and can be given at the shower or to Mom while she is in the hospital. If given after the shower, it can include photos taken there.

Pass out sheets of heavy paper decorated with baby related stamps, stickers, or pictures several lines drawn on. Have the guests write their name on the paper and then write down some baby/parenting advice. Once everyone is finished, collect them, add a cover, punch holes in it, and tie it together with some ribbon. Then hand it to Mom to read aloud. This will be entertaining as well as touching and is a nice keepsake. There is tons of room for creativity on this one.

Have each guest bring an extra gift (small item recommended) for Daddy-to-be and the host of the shower will then place them in large gift bag to present to him at the close of the party (usually after the main gifts are opened). He opens this with Mommy-to-be at home or in presence of close family or friends.

Diaper Shower--- For a second (or more) baby, consider a diaper shower. Ask each guest to bring only a package of diapers as a gift. Some guests may bring other gifts also, but Mom will end up with a mountain of diapers, something she will really need! Items could also include anything associated with diapering such as wipes, ointment, powder, etc.

Casserole Shower--- For the mother who has everything already, how about a Casserole Shower? Have each guest bring a casserole or other ready-to-cook meal that can be frozen or stored until after the baby is born. Be sure to have the containers clearly labeled with contents and any cooking instructions. How helpful that will be when Mom and Baby come home!

Book Party--- Have each guest purchase and give a copy of their favorite childhood book.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

5 safety tips all drivers should know

According to the 2000 census, more than 112 million people drive or carpool to work daily.

With all these people on the road, drivers need to take every precaution to ensure they arrive safely at their destinations. Here are some tips to heed in your travels.

* Keep your vehicle properly maintained. Follow the recommended service intervals found in your vehicle owner's manual, always monitor hoses and belts, and check filters, spark plugs and fluids. Also, be sure tires are properly inflated and gas levels are sufficient.

* Carry an emergency kit. In addition to standards such as a first aid kit and battery jumper cables, consider adding the Autolite TriGlo safety light to your vehicle emergency kit. Powered by four AA batteries, this compact light serves a dual purpose: It shines like a flashlight and alerts like a flare. Triangular in shape, the TriGlo light can be used as a bright spotlight or as a blinking safety triangle to warn oncoming traffic of a motorist's presence.

* Buckle up. When lap and shoulder belts are used correctly, they reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passengers by 45 percent and the risk of moderate to critical injury by 50 percent.

* Know your route. Before hitting the road, take the time to map out your route. Motor clubs such as AAA provide auto travelers with maps and detailed directions to their destinations. Be aware of traffic, construction and weather advisories along your route so you can make alternate plans should these conditions affect your drive.

* Reduce driver distraction. Traffic, construction and careless drivers are distractions beyond your control. However, you can reduce the risk of an accident by decreasing the distractions inside your vehicle.

For instance, to avoid the glare from overhead lights used by your passengers, consider a product such as the Autolite SpotGlo seatbelt light source. This compact, battery-operated recessed light clips easily onto a passenger's seatbelt and slides smoothly on the strap for desired positioning. It directs a powerful LED light source right where passengers need it, without distracting the driver.

No matter where you're headed, heed these suggestions to arrive safely at your destination. Happy travels! - NU

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Texas real estate auction

Auctions have been around for a long period of time and they are steadily gaining in popularity as the way to buy and sell property effectively over the Internet. The majority of people attending a Texas Real Estate Auction are the ones building up a property portfolio but there are also many people seeking out their dream house.

Texas is one of the most populous states and has more than 478 cities and towns and people here in towns and cities look for the investment options and participate in online or offline auctions.

The online Texas Real Estate Auction provides a new and unique system that allows prospective buyers to view properties and bid online for any property offered. There are lot of advantages to an Texas Real Estate Auction among which are included: feasibility, better prices and quick sales. With online auctions, you can purchase the desired property from the comfort of your own home. Also, you can buy properties below market value and make a fast sale as everybody interacts over the Internet.

The online Texas Real Estate Auction opens up a favorable condition for the buyer and it gives him the opportunity to search for his needs and select the best option. For the seller, it gives a chance for many sales channels and generate interest in his property.

Real estate differs from one state to the next. When buying real estate in Texas you should know the laws and rules that will effect you. Some things, however, are universal and apply to anyone buying real estate anywhere. These things are also important to know before getting into a real estate transaction.

Understanding the rules of a Texas Real Estate Auction is vital to winning the bid and saving some money. Sellers should also play their part and answer any given questions correctly and truthfully. In their answers, it is important to not give long descriptions; on the contrary, they should be short and concise.

In the state of Texas, you will find a number of auctions take place annually and the owners of the property are able to sell their property at much higher price on some of the occasions. Therefore if you think that your property is at the prime location in one of the town or city or even in rural area, you can take help of one of the auctioneers in Texas and offer the property for sale. Most of the time Texas real estate auctions are able to attract large number of bidders and you can expect the best price of real estate in one of the auction.

There are two relationships between buyers and agents in Texas, Buyers Agents and Transactional Brokers. A buyers agent is a representative of the buyer. The buyers agent is required to look for the best interests of the buyer. They must tell the buyers everything about the real estate transaction and follow any direction of the buyer. A transactional buyer does not represent the buyer. They are there to sell real estate. They are not required to tell the buyer everything about the transaction. For specific information regarding a buyers rights in Texas you should contact the Texas Real Estate Commission.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Small business tax deduction - write-off bad debts

Practically every small business has receivables that it cannot obtain from clients. If your small business doesn't have any such receivables, consider yourself lucky. For those small businesses that suffer from uncollected receivables, solace can be taken from the fact you can claim a tax deduction.

Bad Debt Tax Deduction

A small business can write-off bad debt losses if it meets nominal requirements. To claim such a tax deduction, the following must be shown:

A. The existence of a legal relationship between the small business and debtor;

B. The receivables are worthless; and

C. The small business suffered an actual loss.

Proving there is a legal relationship between the small business and debtor is fairly simple. You must simply show that the debtor has a legal obligation to make a payment. Most businesses issue invoices or sign contracts with debtors and these documents suffice to prove the legal relationship. If you are not putting your business relationships in writing, you should begin doing so immediately.

Proving receivables are worthless is slightly more complex. A small business is required to show that the debt has become both worthless and will remain so. You must also show that you took reasonable steps to collect the receivables, but you are not necessarily required to go to court to meet this requirement. A clear example where you would meet this requirement is if the debtor filed bankruptcy.

While proving that you suffered a loss may sound like the easiest requirement to meet, the issue is a bit more complicated. The Tax Code defines the loss as an amount that is included in your books as income, but is never collected. A classic example of such a situation would be a manufacturer that provides products to retailers on credit. The manufacturer can show a real loss if the retailer files bankruptcy. Unfortunately, there is almost no way to claim a loss if you provide hourly services and use a cash accounting method. The IRS does not consider the expenditure of time and effort to be a sustained economic loss.

Small businesses suffer all to often from uncollected receivables. If you failed to claim such losses as a tax deduction during your last three tax filing years, you should file amended tax returns to get a refund.

Jerk reactions the reason we are often jolted out of sleep

No matter what time we get up in the morning, what our day consisted of, or how late we decided to call it a night, getting a good night's sleep is something we all want and need, but all do differently. Some of us are naturally "restless" sleepers. Despite our exhaustion an efforts, we toss and turn, finding it almost impossible to get comfortable and (perhaps just when we get settled in and comfortable) are awakened by just about any little noise, movement, or glimpse of light. Yet, others (of us) are sound sleepers who easily fall asleep, remain virtually undisturbed and "incapacitated" until the next day or until the alarm clock jolts us out of bed (and with lots of effort at that).

However, the one thing that most of us have in common once we've dozed off is that from time to time we all experience a jerking action as our bodies and minds zone into the zone of sleep. And, it frequently leaves us with the feeling that we are falling.

Ever wonder why this happens, and what causes it? If you’re like most of us, we're sure you have.

According to experts, it's all part of a phenomenon known as sleep start. Sleepstart, ironically is an occurrence that even scientists can’t fully explain and don't totally understand. However the most widely accepted scientific speculation and explanation is that the brain misinterprets the relaxation process that muscles experience as you drift into sleep. As a result the brain then notifies, or rather, alerts the muscles, and encourages them to suddenly tense up in an effort to prevent the sensation of "falling".

However, experts assert that regardless of whether these jolts, jolt you out of sleep or not, they are quite common, normal, and nothing to worry about.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Unemployment cover can give you an income and peace of mind

Unemployment cover can give you an income and peace of mind when bought correctly but you do have to shop around for the cover and be aware that there are reasons which could stop you from making a claim. The cover is taken out in case you should find yourself unemployed by such as redundancy and without the money to continue meeting your essential outgoings, mortgage repayments or loan repayments.

Unemployment cover can be taken out as loan payment protection, mortgage protection or income protection and all policies have exclusions in them that could prevent you from making a claim. Exclusions which are common to all policies include being retired, self-employed, suffering a pre-existing medical condition or only being in part time work. While these are just the common ones there can be others and this is one of the reasons why you have to read the small print of a policy before you buy the cover.

Mortgage protection can give you an income if you should become unemployed with which to carry on paying your mortgage each month. The State gives very little help even if you are entitled to receive any and this means that your home could be at risk of repossession. Loan payment protection will cover your monthly loan repayments each month so that you do not get into debt and income protection will give you an income to replace up to a certain amount of your own. All policies can be taken out to just cover unemployment or you can choose to add on sickness and accident cover.

Providing you have ensured that a policy would be in your best interests it would begin payment once you had been continually off work for anywhere between 31 and 90 days. Cover would then continue providing you with a tax free monthly income for between 12 and 24 months depending on the provider, so do check out the small print very carefully.

While cover is usually pushed alongside a mortgage, loan or credit card this is the dearest way to take it and a far better option is going with an independent specialist provider. A specialist will always offer the cheapest premiums and along with this will ensure that you have access to the key facts needed to determine if a policy is suitable. A lack of information regarding payment protection products including unemployment cover is what has led to the cover getting a bad name, which stemmed from the 2005 investigation by the Financial Services Authority.

March 2008 will see the introduction of tables which will allow the individual to compare unemployment cover and see which is the most suitable for their needs. It should make the cover more transparent by revealing the exclusions and will tell the consumer how much the cover will cost in total. Unemployment cover is confusing and many have been coerced into taking out a policy that they could not hope to claim against but providing you stick with an independent provider and read the small print it can work.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

What we love about tampa bay florida

The Tampa Bay area in Florida includes the major cities of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg. Tampa is in Hillsborough County and Clearwater and St. Petersburg are in Pinellas County. There is more to this area than just sand, surf and sun. While it is true that the three are the original main attractions of the area, there is so much more to Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay Florida real estate is one of the hottest markets available. Homes and condos in this area are hot because they have it all and especially location, location, location!

There are hundreds of homes and condos on the market every day for Tampa Bay Florida real estate, leaving the Tampa Bay area one of the most desirable places to live in North America. There are also plenty of homes in Pinellas County at affordable rates for people of all ages should you want to live closer to the beaches. Families thrive in Pinellas County with good schools nearby, and plenty of park space for young ones to run and play. The beaches of Pinellas County will take your breath away each and every time you visit.

The Pinellas County homes for sale are perfect for the young executive who works in the area. It is close to major shopping centers and has plenty of quiet character for up and coming future CEOs to concentrate on their jobs while living in the peaceful surroundings of Pinellas County. Tampa is a short 20 minute drive from Pinellas County should you find yourself working in downtown Tampa or in need of access to the Tampa International Airport.

There are many Tampa Bay homes for sale that are just perfect for anyone, no matter your situation. Whether you are a young family who is purchasing your first home, or senior citizens who are looking for an active 55+ community that’s a little more ‘out of the hub’, then this area is for you. There is a wide variety of homes and condos for sale in this beautiful area of Florida, so one of them is guaranteed to be right for your needs.

Tampa Bay Florida real estate offers awesome opportunities for the young and the old. As mentioned before, the Tampa Bay area is also very popular with the aging population -- senior citizens love the warm climate and the friendly atmosphere and are looking at Tampa Bay as a wonderful, safe place to retire.

Florida is a beautiful state located in the southern portion of the United States. Its warm atmosphere is about more than just its climate. The people that reside in Florida are pleasant and a welcoming factor to the area. After all, most of us are transplants from the northern states such as New York, New Jersey and Chicago. 90% of the people who live here hated the brutally cold winters up north and thoroughly enjoy having 365 days of warm sunshine to wake up to each morning. The residents that live here range from blue collar to white collar workers -- from families to executives to senior citizens. Tampa Bay Florida real estate is for everyone who wants to get in on the action that Florida has to offer -- mild climate, good schools, fantastic restaurants, superb night clubs, convenient shopping, boating, outstanding golf courses, and community events for everyone.

You really can’t go wrong. As they say in the real estate world, it’s all about location, location, location…and Tampa Bay Florida has a great location! Check out the Tampa homes for sale today and find your dream home or retirement get away.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Life after bankruptcy - how to restore your credit after a bankruptcy and obtain a mortgage

It is unfortunate that many bankruptcy attorneys do not give their clients more direction with regard to restoring themselves after their bankruptcy. There are some simple steps that anyone who files a bankruptcy needs to take in order to restore themselves financially.

Using these steps below, you can restore your credit and prepare yourself to become a home owner.

1. Get a copy of your credit report. Many times (most times) the credit accounts that are absolved with your bankruptcy are not removed from your credit report immediately.

2. Have derogatory credit items removed from your credit report. For the items charged off in your bankruptcy, you will need to send a copy (not the original) of your bankruptcy discharge papers to all 3 of the credit bureaus asking them to remove these inaccuracies.

3. Pay all of your bills on time. Bankruptcy is a means to financial recovery. It is intended to allow you to “start over” financially. After your bankruptcy, you need to make sure that all of your bills are paid on time. If you are having trouble with an upcoming bill, DO NOT IGNORE IT. This is where most people go wrong. Call your creditors before they call you and let them know what your challenges are. If you can’t get a reasonable rep on the line, ask for a supervisor, but again, do this as early as possible, not the day the bill is due or after it is late. If you are having trouble with your bills, you may need to solicit some help.

4. Have a strong documented rental history. This is pretty critical, as it is most likely the largest monthly expense that you have. Underwriters (the people that actually sign off on your loan's approval) will look very hard at how you have paid your rent as they are going to replace it with a mortgage payment of equal or greater size. It is very important to be able to document your rent payment history very specifically. If you rent from an apartment community, then all the bank will have to do is request a Verification of Rent (a. k.a. VOR).

If you have a private landlord, then the BEST way to document this is with cancelled checks for the last 12 months rent. Banks can do VOR’s for private landlords, but rarely do because they feel that a landlord may have a relationship with the borrower and say what the bank wants to hear to help them get a loan.

If you pay with cash or money orders, please stop doing this immediately and start paying with checks. Simply put, this is hurting you because by filing a bankruptcy you have already shown some financial instability. Paying your rent with cash or money order shows further financial instability and will not give you the positive rent history that the underwriter is looking for to give them the confidence in approving your loan.

5. Apply for a secured credit card – A secured credit card allows you to make a deposit into an account to secure a credit card and then borrow against it to establish a new positive payment history. As time progresses, the bank may increase your credit line to an amount greater than your deposit, and then eventually return your deposit to you. (They will also often pay you interest on your deposit.)

6. Prepare “non traditional” trade references – These are accounts that you pay on such as cell phones, car insurance, and store accounts which can be used to document a positive payment history, but would not be traditionally reported to a credit bureau. Ideally, if you can provide 3 of these accounts with a 12-month payment history, this will help us in convincing the bank that you are a good credit risk. The best way to document this is with a letter from the company stating that you have had a positive payment history with them for the past 12 months. Alternatively, you can provide 12 months of cancelled checks showing 12 months of timely payments.

7. Resist the urge (or encouragement) to buy a car. Some may tell you that this is the best way to rebuild your credit. The problem is that your interest rate will be so high, that your payments will make your debt ratios higher than normal, making it harder to qualify for a mortgage. Do you remember the figure of 45-50% of your monthly income that the bank will allow you to use towards your debts? This will quickly be absorbed by a car payment. Only buy a car if a) you NEED (not want) a car, and b) you have the income to cover the car payment, any of your current debts, and your proposed new car payment. We have seen SEVERAL people that have cars rather than homes because they went out and bought a car that they could not sell and their debt ratios were too high to qualify for a mortgage. It would be a shame to have a nice car (that depreciates daily), as opposed to a more humble car along with a mortgage on a home that gives you a tax break, and increases in value over time.

I hope this is helpful and helps get you on your way to finding the home of your dreams.

Learn ways to increase your google page rank

For me, how to increase your page rank in Google is not rocket science. The key is without doubt to obtain as many backward links as possible, however these links have to be not only reciprocal links but also one way links. In this article, I describe simple ways of how to obtain both of these types of links.

I am fairly sure, that most people who have a website are looking at the best ways of increasing their page rank in google. In this article I give free tips on how I believe you should go about doing this. These techniques are what I use on all of my websites.

I have spent huge amounts of money on search engine optimisation, which I now feel is wasted cash. For me, by far and away the most important thing is to obtain as many backward links to our websites as possible. This should be an ongoing project, far too many people in my opinion try to get rich quick, by for example buying a thousand links. This is a huge mistake, as it is totally un-natural, these people are normally penalised by google. My advice is to steadily increase links daily, hard work pays off and is normally rewarded. I also would certainly not ever buy a thousand links anyway.

So far we have established that we require lots and lots of backward links, the next question is how to obtain them. There are two types of links, reciprocal and non reciprocal. Non reciprocal links are of much higher value as they are seemingly harder to get. I actually disagree with this last point, if you write articles, like the one you are reading, one way links can be obtained quite easily, more on this later. Quick tip, start writing articles now, with the flood of blogs now joining the web, writing articles are without doubt, going to be the best and easiest way of obtaining one way links.

Non reciprocal links

To ask a person who has a website to add a link to your website for no reason, or without you adding a link back in return, is unlikely to meet a positive response.

To obtain these non reciprocal links my advice is to:

Write articles. Writing articles is an excellent way of gaining non reciprocal or one way links. Other webmasters are able to use your article on their website, including the links to your website. The article website you submit the article to, also gives you this one way link on their site.

Get a blog. Blogging is likely to become the next big thing on the internet. If you add a link to your main website on the blog this could then appear on every page. Over time a blog could have hundreds of pages.

Purchase a link text ad. It may be worthwhile purchasing a link text ad from a quality well established website. This should attract visitors to your site plus has the added page rank value for the backward link.

Reciprocal links

In any link management campaign it is also useful to obtain as many reciprocal links aswell. My advice would be to join a scheme such as linkmetro, this saves a huge amount of time, which could be better spent writing articles.