Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Using the article resource box to gain maximum click through

Anyone reading this will most likely now know the power of article marketing in increasing the link popularity, traffic, and sales through your website, but one of the most important parts of the article, the resource box, is often overlooked and rushed to finish the article off. This is a big error as this is the area where you should be enticing the reader to click on your link to visit your website.

A resource box is what you usually find at the very end of the article, and may contain information such as the name of the author with a brief description of what he/she does, and a brief description of the site being promoted with a working link to it. With the article of course being in relation to the site that you would like to promote, you would want the visitor to finish reading your article, and visit your site for more information on the topic. So let's say if the article is about learning to drive, the resource box may lead to a link to a site that offers driving tuition.

You may have concentrated very hard in making your article interesting, informative, and eye-catching to the reader, and you should also do this for the resource box. Although the resource box covers only a small space, ensure that you include the right keywords and content for the reader to obtain a good descriptive idea about your site.

Now that we have cleared up what resource boxes are for those that did not already know, we also need to ascertain the benefits of having a good resource box. In short, the main benefit is to drive traffic to your site. A well-written article can be picked up by several sites looking for content to fill their pages, and these will often be from sites that are targeted towards your topic. As a consequence, the potential for a traffic surge of targeted visitors, that you would hope to turn into customers, is great. However, even though this provides a good opportunity for the link popularity of your website to grow, it is still important that your resource box is optimized so that any visitor reading your article on a site that has picked it up will want to click on your link in the resource box to discover what you have to offer.

So you may now be wondering what makes good content for a resource box? Including good keywords is very important and there are many tools that you can use to find out popular search terms. Make the most of the small space provided for your resource box by using a bit of creativity to make the reader look twice and be intrigued by what your website has to offer. You may only get one chance to capture the reader so make a lasting impression. Do not try to fool the reader by providing irrelevant keywords, but instead build the credibility of your website and you as an author, with relevant keywords.

Many underestimate the importance of a good resource box, but make sure you do not make the same mistake. Although the space provided is only small, be creative and fun, whilst showing that you have a great deal to offer and use the resource box to aid in driving traffic to your site, rather than just a paragraph to finish off your article.

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