Friday, March 18, 2016

How to save money and get discount automobile insurance in nevada

Let’s face it – the cost of automobile insurance in Nevada is high and it’s not likely to get much lower any time soon. This has sent many Nevada drivers scrambling to find ways to save money and get discount automobile insurance here in Nevada.

If you are a young driver, still in school, you know how expensive your auto insurance can be! One way to keep your premiums low is to stay in school and get good grades – most auto insurance companies in Nevada offer some form of a Good Student Discount. If your school offers driver’s training – take it. Most companies also discount your premiums if you have successfully completed an approved driver’s training course.

If you own two or more cars it usually pays to insure all of them through the same company. Most companies offer what is known as a multi-car discount. Keep in mind that if you also have your other insurance policies – such as homeowner’s or health – with the same company you should be entitled to a multi-policy discount. Combining one discount on top of another can save you some real cash over the long run.

Maintaining a good driving record is the best way to keep your rates down. Drunk or reckless driving convictions will shoot your rates sky-high. Also if you are a non-smoker you can also often get a break on your car insurance.

If you only drive your car a few miles each day and then catch public transportation the rest of the way in to work, or if you carpool to work, talk to your agent about a low-mileage discount.

If you drive an older car that has a value of $1,000 or less, you may be better off dropping your collision coverage entirely as you will probably end up paying more in premiums than you would ever collect from the insurance if your car is damaged.

If you are still having trouble affording auto insurance then consider increasing your deductible. The higher your deductible – meaning that you pay for fender benders and you pay a certain portion of any claim before your insurance pays the remainder – the lower your premium will be.

If you are 50 or over you can probably qualify for a discount on your auto insurance of about 10% simply by completing an approved defensive driving course. Some defensive driving courses are even offered online, and some courses will even forward your completion certificate directly to your insurance company upon completion of the course so you can get your discount almost instantly.

The final tip is to shop around online. Prices for insurance policies – even for policies that are almost identical – can vary greatly from one company to another.

Auto insurance rates are a hardship for many Nevada drivers, but by structuring your policy to include only what is right for you, and by taking advantage of all the wide variety of discounts to which you may be entitled, and by carefully shopping around and comparing prices, you should be able to save money and get discount automobile insurance right here in Nevada.

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