Friday, April 29, 2016

Addition and deletion of pages in thermal bound documents

Just imagine, you have finally finished binding your proposal that you have spent the last week preparing and a coworker walks by and mentions in passing the spelling mistake right on the first page. If you have ever experienced this type of situation, you understand how important it is to add and delete pages from your bound documents. Fortunately, if you are using a thermal binding system you can add pages and make changes in your bound documents allowing you to correct errors or make editorial additions/deletions.

Even though addition and deletion will not replace proofreading to catch errors or correct grammar, it is a viable feature with thermal binding machines. One or two sheets can easily be added or deleted once or twice. However, we are being conservative in describing this adding and deleting feature because we don't want to oversell this feature. The addition and capability of thermal binding machines is not the same as the looseleaf flexibility of a mechanical fastener binding system (strip binding, comb binding, or looseleaf). Thermal binding users must still try to accurately complete any document before it's bound. The speed and multiple book-binding capabilities of this system allow the operator additional time for proofing prior to binding.

Here are a few simple steps for adding and deleting pages from thermal bound documents. These instructions should work with any thermal binding machine:


Place the document to be edited into the throat of your thermal binding machine. Locate the sheet(s) to be removed. With your left hand separate the sheet to be deleted from the balance of the document.

- Grasp the front cover and sheets to be removed with your left thumb and index finger, leave the sheets to be removed between your index and middle finger.

- Hold the balance of the document and the back cover with your middle finger and fourth finger.

- When the bind cycle signals complete, grasp the sheet(s) to be removed (by the top left corner of the document) with your right hand, and gently test the removal of the sheet by slightly sliding it to the left.

- If the sheet moves easily, lift it up by the left corner, and tip or peel it out of the document. Maintain your grasp on the sheets to remain in the document. If it does not move easily, let it continue to heat for a few more seconds.

- After you have removed the pages, tap back any pages that may have risen out of the adhesive and recur the document.


Addition of the sheet is just the reverse of deletion.

- Insert the sheet to be added in the proper place

- Place the document into your thermal binding machine and run it through a binding cycle

- While the document is in the binding machine, manually position the added sheet. Using both hands, push the sheet down into the document to make them even with the rest of the document. You may have to move the sheet(s) from left to right for correct centering.

Addition and deletion of pages to thermal bound documents takes a little bit of practice. Just try editing a few documents and you will get the hang of it.

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