Sunday, January 31, 2016

Time management make it a no-brainer

How much do you have running around in your head right now? There are tasks to remember to do, projects to develop, things to worry about, and the future to anticipate. With so much shuffling around, fighting to gain prominence in your thoughts, how can you prioritize your day?

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher, claimed, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." That can be pretty scary, if you manage to actually find the time to reflect on the meaning.

One solution is to be sure that you always write down everything. It clears your mind, ensures that you will not overlook a task or deadline, and allows you to prioritize. However, do not create long ToDo lists. Instead write down one thing only on a sheet of paper, and file that in a Daily Action filing system according to the day or upcoming month when you might be able to get to it. It is okay if you have to move it to another day. At least it will not be forgotten, and it frees your mind to focus on the most important activities of the current day instead of keeping one part of your mind constantly trying to recollect all that you have to do after this day's work is completed.

At the end of each day, you can take out the next day's papers listing each of the activities you hope to work on, and you can prioritize the single sheets so that when you start your new day, you immediately know where to begin.

However, you do not always have a full sheet of paper handy. I recommend to my clients that they carry index cards with them at all times. These cards are both sturdier and less expensive than stick-on notes. Any time a thought comes into your head, jot it down on the index card. Remember, only record one item per card.

When you come into your office or home, take the cards out and drop them into your inbox or basket. At the time you process the latest stack of mail from your index, attach the card to a full sheet of paper. You do not want to waste extra time rewriting anything, and you also do not want the small card to be lost in a folder. That full sheet of paper is what gets placed in your Daily Action file.

I call these index cards my "No Brainer" cards. Nothing is ever overlooked because you have taken it out of your mind and placed it into an Action file. Your brain is freed to focus on current activities.

Even if there is no specific date that something needs to be worked on, but it is something you want to recall sometime in the future, you can create a "Someday" file. That folder might include a new restaurant you want to try, a book to order in the future, ideas for a new marketing brochure….The key is that it is an item you do not want to forget, even if you cannot anticipate when you might have a chance to pursue the action.

Once you get the hang of carrying these index cards with you and writing everything down, you will find the stress of remembering things is gone. Try it. It's a "no brainer."

©2006, Key Organization Systems, Inc., All Rights Reserved

Digging up your family roots part 1


Digging up Your Family Roots: Part 1

You’ve begun delving into your family history. You’ve already filled in all the names of your great-grandparents on your family tree. You’ve begun collecting the legal documents that record the milestones of your ancestors’ lives: birth, marriage and death certificates. You’ve even located your family in a few census records. But before you push further back, why not stop and really get to know these people? After all, that’s the purpose of tracing your family roots: knowing more about your ancestors.

If you have names, dates and records through your great-grandparents, you have fifteen lineal ancestors to get to know, both living and dead. To get to know your deceased ancestors better, you have to dig deeper on the paper trail. To better acquaint yourself with your living ancestors, start conducting oral history interviews. Both of these techniques are explained in more depth in this set of articles. Part one will discuss digging deeper on the paper trail, while part two is an introduction to conducting oral history interviews.

Digging up Your Family Roots: Filling in Your Ancestors’ Lives

Documentary support is vital in genealogical research. Even the oral histories of your living relatives will require supporting documents, which they would hopefully be able to provide for you. While these documents include things like birth, marriage and death certificates, it will involve more than just these documents to get to know your deceased ancestors better.

This part of your research might begin with your oldest living relative. He or she might be able to tell you of books or newspaper articles mentioning relatives, even if he or she doesn’t have copies of them. The resources your relatives share with you are also a good starting place, including newspaper clippings, photos, books, Bibles, journals, etc.

Newspapers are an excellent resource. If your relatives have provided you with clippings describing a big event, locate the actual newspapers (usually on microfilm or microfiche by now) and search the following days for follow-up stories. For example, I have a great-great-great uncle who was a police officer. He was shot and killed in the line of duty. Not only do we have newspaper records of the stories about him, but we also have stories about the criminal who shot him: the pursuit, the murder of my relative, the shootout, the dynamiting of his hideout, the holding cell, the trial. This event happened nearly a century ago, yet we have it well documented.

The Internet is a good place to start your search. Search engines may be able to provide reliable and helpful information, or even photographs of ancestors. However, as with all things on the Internet, don’t trust everything you read, and do record the URL or source of all information.

To find newspaper clippings offline, use indexes of newspapers from areas where your relatives lived. An excellent resource might be the obituary of deceased relatives. You’ve already gathered the death date and place, so you know where and when to look to find the obituary in their local newspaper. Many places are served by more than one newspaper, so search all those you can find. The availability of other milestones like birth, engagement and wedding announcements vary, but try to find those as well. If possible, search for your surname in the newspaper index. Be sure to check for “alternative” spellings of your last name as well.

Newspaper resources are only one resource. Military, probate, immigration, court, deed, and church records are each invaluable sources of information. It might be wise to employ a professional genealogy research service to help you with these aspects of your family history. Not only will this save you time, but you can benefit from professional genealogists’ years of experience. Professional genealogy research can be well worth the cost when it means that you get to spend more time reading about your ancestors and getting to know them and less time looking for your resources and getting to know the archives.

The largest repository of genealogical data is the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City, Utah. Run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this resource can be a one-stop genealogical gold mine. However, traveling to Salt Lake may not be in your budget. Retaining the services of a professional genealogy researcher located near the FHL is another way to take advantage of the millions of records found there.

Real family history research is more than recording names and dates. Digging up your family roots is more than gathering birth, marriage and death certificates. The goal of family history is coming to know your ancestors better. Start getting acquainted by fleshing out your family roots for both your living and dead ancestors.

It s great to travel with southwest airlines

Air southwest was incorporated on the March 15 of 1967 by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher and has received this recent name in the year 1971 with its headquarters located in Dallas, Texas.
Traveling is much easier and fun because of the facilities provided by Southwest airlines.

Southwest Airlines Special

1. The fare offered by southwest airlines are much less because it uses Boeing 737 aircraft that uses low maintenance costs and enables quick turnaround times for flights.

2. It provides service with frequent flights through short routes.

3. Many of the cities across America get the benefit of the air service by southwest airlines that provide discounted frequent air flights.

4. It has an open seating arrangement where passengers are boarded with cards “A” first, followed by “B” and then the “C”.

5. There are facilities such as infants under the age of 2 are allowed to travel for free if they are on the adults lap. The fares for youth between the age of 12 and 22 and can be booked at the reservation centers. Children who are between the ages of 5 to 11 and are not accompanied by their elders could travel after a form is being filled which is available both online and at the reservation center.

6. There are special senior citizen fares for those above the age of 65. These prices could vary from city to city and are easily refundable or exchangeable.

7. Refunds can be made online where you need to cancel the reservation or you can do so by calling the reservation number.

8. There are several flights that are at least of two hours long whereby you are served with peanuts and pretzels. If you are on a non stop flight, then a packaged snack will be served. Other complimentary tea, coffee, non alcoholic drinks are also available but some product such as beer, wine may be charged.

For more information visit our recommended website southwest-airlines-guide. info

Ebook review how to turn auction traffic into cash


File Size: 1,071kb Zipped, 1,122b Unzipped.

Number of Pages: 45

Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Subject: A guide to using eBay traffic to create a lifetime customer base for virtually any business.

Other Information: Can be bought with Jim Cockrum's other ebook "The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay" as a discounted, package deal.


The author Jim Cockrum, is a self confessed eBay freak. He also runs "Creative Ebay Selling," the Internets largest eBay success newsletter with over 90,000 subscribers and growing by the day. Jim has helped launch multiple internet businesses and has used the internet as his sole source of income since 2002.


How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash is Jim Cockrum's followup to the hugely successful "Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay." Just like it's predecessor, How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash is a guide to gaining massively from eBay's huge amounts of traffic. This time instead of using this traffic to promote Silent Sales Machines, Jim shows you how to use this traffic to build up your mailing list. eBay gets 1.5 billion page views per month, there are over 100 million members, and 80,000 people sign up every day, so it is one of the best but also most underutilised sources of traffic available to any seller. The topics covered in How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash include:

· The real power of eBay!!

· The rules of the eBay game!!

· Tapping into the power step by step!!

· A step by step guide to setting up your newsletter and subscription forms on eBay whilst complying with eBay policy!!

Like with "The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay" the main selling point of this ebook is that you can utilise the huge amounts of traffic on eBay to build up a mailing list. This amount of traffic would take a huge amount of time, effort, and money to gain using other means. If you are not currently building up a subscriber list then you are missing out on lots of benefits including repeat sales, increased trust in you as a seller, and a highly targeted source of traffic. However, like with Jim's last ebook, to implement the ideas in How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash means you will have to invest quite a lot of time and effort initially. It will also create additional expense for your business (in paying the autoresponder fees). Like I said in my review of "The Silent Sales Machine Hiding on eBay" if you are willing to put the time and effort in, then you will find this ebook useful. If you are not willing or ready to expand your eBay business in a creative and new dimension then this ebook is not for you.


· If you are currently only selling on eBay and not following up on auction visitors, How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash lays wide open the huge opportunities you are missing out on.

· How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash tells you utilise eBay's huge levels of traffic, and build up a mailing list, (which in turn provides you with many benefits), whilst sticking to eBay policy.

· The ebook provides a step-by-step guide to setting up a newsletter system in your eBay auctions complete with screen shots. Even if you are completely unfamiliar with webforms you will find this guide easy to follow.

· Building up a mailing list of subscribers provides you with many benefits including customer loyalty, customer trust, a highly targeted source of traffic, and the ability to sell products outside of eBay (meaning no eBay fees).

· Once the webforms and followup messages are in place, building your mailing list is virtually automated. All you have to do is write the broadcast messages when you want to do a mass-mailing to your list.


· To build a mailing list requires additional monthly expenditure on an autoresponder service.

· If you are running lots of auctions they will all need to be edited to implement these ideas, which can be very time consuming.

· The growth rate of your mailing list when using these methods is slightly exaggerated in this ebook.


How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash is the ebook that ked to me setting up my own mailing list. Prior to this I had been using eBay's basic Shop Newsletter tool which really cannot compete with a proper autoresponder service. Since I now run multiple websites as well as an eBay store, a newsletter is really the best way to communicate to all my visitors. Using the ideas in How to turn Auction Traffic into Cash I have been able to place web sign up forms on all my eBay pages as well as all my website pages, which has allowed me to maximise my subscription rate.

New vs used mobility scooters

Many people who consider buying a mobility scooter to restore their mobility and independence often consider purchasing a used one mobility scooter to save money. Auctions sites, such as Ebay, offer what seems to be good deals on power wheel chairs and scooters. The rule for buying merchandise off of Ebay and similar web sites is caveat emptor. Caveat Emptor is a Latin phrase that means let the buyer beware.

Even the new mobility scooters that are sold on Ebay can suffer from poor quality, especially if the product is not made by a reliable manufacturer. Many new discount scooters sold on online auction sites are mass produced in China, where the labor costs are low. The concern of discount scooter manufacturers is quantity rather than quantity. The best strategy for buying a reliable new mobility scooter is to purchase only brand names that you recognize that are known to be of consistent quality.

Buying any used product involves certain inherent risks. Anyone who has bought a used car knows this rule, as dealers are known to not tell a buyer about mechanical faults t in the vehicles they sell. The private deals under which used mobility scooters are purchased may not suffer from this sort of dishonest behavior, but the scooters former owner who does not need the product or never needed the mobility scooter in the first place are not professional mechanics in most cases. The batteries of used mobility scooters may be worn down, and brake problems often develop after prolonged use. Buying a new battery or having someone available to fix the brakes of a used scooter may be a solution, but it is often more trouble than it is worth. The seat likely has also conformed to the body contours of the scooter's previous owner.

Buying a new mobility scooter made by a recognized manufacturer ensures that mechanical faults are not present, and if faults are present, a manufacturer's warranty covers the cost or repairs or replacement parts. In extreme cases where the vehicle is beyond repair, provision may be made for a new scooter to be sent to the buyer.

You can save money buying a used mobility scooter if you shop around carefully. Considering that it is often a medical necessity for the user to buy one, it is better to buy a brand new scooter to avoid many of the pitfalls and frustrations that come with buying a used product. Manufacturer warranties change the buyer's guideline from caveat emptor to caveat vendor. The latter Latin phrase simply means let the seller beware. Which is just a fancy way of saying sellers make mechanical faults in the scooter the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Business christmas cards

There are many changes in America and the right to practice the freedom of religion is under scrutiny nearly everywhere you turn today. Schools are not allowed to have prayer in school, mention the God or the Bible or offer a moment of silence for prayer during any type of emergency situations. In the general population, there are arguments that “God” should be taken out of the “Pledge of Allegiance”, off of the dollar bill and removed from other historical documents. A new question is whether a business Christmas card is a violation or intrusion upon the religion of another. If so must the professional holiday greeting by businesses now become simple “best wishes” and watered down version of winter greetings in order to please the majority of the crowd at least part of the time? The pro and con opinions of this matter are strongly felt and supported on both sides. So the question remains, should a business send out Christmas cards and risk appearing inappropriate by one side or the other.

Let’s face it; it isn’t safe to offend customers, as they will find another retail outlet to fill their needs and your business will suffer the loss. But where does the retail office draw the line, support their personal belief structures, and support the concepts of the company while still being true to their personal values. This is an important issue that continues to grow in its controversial status as many different ideas; beliefs and arguments grow around this issue.

For The Business Owner, Playing It Safe Is Sometimes The Best Angle

Not only are Christmas cards a tradition, but sending a business Christmas card lets your clients and/or customers know that they are important to you. And that’s important in terms of furthering a relationship.

- However, as furthering a relationship is the goal, you don’t want to endanger that relationship by offending the recipient of your business Christmas card. Here are the ins and outs of choosing and sending business Christmas cards to help you avoid embarrassing Christmas card gaffes.

- Send only business Christmas cards of high quality. Quality shows and the quality of the Christmas card reflects on the sender. Sending cheap Christmas cards will make you look cheap.

- You should only send handmade Christmas cards if you are an artist. For the rest , sending handmade business Christmas cards only makes us look inept or too cheap to buy Christmas cards.

- Be aware of your clients’ religious beliefs. Not everyone celebrates Christmas. If you know that a client or customer has different religious beliefs, choose and send a holiday card appropriate to the client’s beliefs.

For many business owners, the idea of playing it safe with their customers is a much better idea than taking an unnecessary risk in exposing personal values. While it isn’t always easy to ignore the personal values, it is often best to remember that personal and professional lives do not have to be in alignment 100% of the time, while it is ideal if they can be, it isn’t always possible. For the business owner that wants to send Christmas cards but isn’t comfortable sending religious based Christmas greetings to each customer, there are now delicately worded holiday greeting cards that serve the same function as a business Christmas card but leave all reference to a religious belief out of the greeting.

This is quite possibly the best solution available to the business owner that wants to please as many of the individual customers as possible while not offending any as well. It is not always easy to make the correct choice but in a situation such as whether or not to send business Christmas cards, it is generally a better idea to send a holiday greeting rather than recognize one religion over another.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Practical tips when getting into a home-based business opportunity

Modern entrepreneurs would quickly assert that home-based businesses are the modern and quick way to generate additional income. Some people even quit regular jobs to attend to their home-based ventures. To these people, doing so would be the practical thing to do because it would lead them to higher revenues.

Almost all households need to get into or startup home-based businesses nowadays. That is because basic expenses are rapidly rising against the usually sluggish growth in salaries and traditional income generation. If you would not initiate to find other means to earn extra dollars, for sure, you would be heading to a very rough travel along the way.

But there are many home-based business opportunities that you could consider. Mostly, these opportunities are Internet-based. Most modern home-based ventures are directly involved or linked to online transactions. For example, you are starting up a candle-making business at home.

For sure, you have to personally make the candle you would be selling. So where does online transactions come in here? The answer: in marketing. You could market your candles online. You could also receive orders and transact purchases and trades through email or through other online portals suited for such activities.

Here are some useful tips that would surely get your home-based venture going. It would be important to follow such simple guidelines to help you ensure the success of your business.

-Think of a very catchy and attention-seeking business name. Popular trademarks and brands make up successful products because of market recall. A good name can facilitate a good start.

-Learn about the modern and effective marketing schemes. You should understand that online marketing is very much different from traditional marketing because of the technology involved. Modern online marketing would make use of several online tools like the email, the forums, the online advertising, search engine optimization and so much more. Knowing the basics about these would not hurt you.

-Be organized. Being home-based does not mean that your business should run without directions. You should still be organized enough to manage your finances well. Make organized schedules for your activities so you would not procrastinate. Remember, since you would be working from home, there are many temptations to just sit around and relax, making you ignore several tasks to be done for your business.

-Use viral marketing. Gossips spread faster than contagious diseases. If you are exposed to it, you can make use of that understanding by applying the concepts to the marketing of your home-made products.

-Invest in new technologies. Specifically, invest in broadband or high-speed Internet connection so you could easily get hold of several online marketing opportunities. There are also many online marketing venues that you could make use of.

-Invest in knowledge. You should enroll in several crash courses and study sessions regarding the nature of your home-based venture. For example, you could get into a crash course for creative candle making if your home-based business is candle-making. Doing so would help you derive modern knowledge and ideas to improve your business.

Overall, you should have motivation and determination above all. No business, no matter formal or home-based, could ever succeed if the one managing it is not focused and patient enough to keep going.